D23: Room 1-8 The Temple of the Leaping Oracle; Watch Den

Does a dungeon impact its surrounding area? Once sentient creatures enter into the dungeon do they still interact with those outside the dungeon?
The cultists of the Green-Eyed Prophecy are recruited from among the Upach Gripilli in the forests and swamps around the Temple. When a Upach joins the Prophecy they live among other cult members on the second level and avoid any outside contact.  The defenders on this level are forbidden from speaking to any outsiders; they will attack any non-gripilli on sight. The Herald, Dulöltü Rarch's representative to the outside, meets visitors and prospective members in this room.

Watch Den        Low 1

This is where Gripilli visitors to the cult are brought and interviewed by the herald of the Green-Eyed prophecy. If they wish to join the prophecy they are led south where they can join the community on the floor below. Otherwise, they are assured of the well-being of community members below by the Herald and escorted back out the front door.


This room, shaped into the Coral of the temple, has stone tiles on the floor, and it is furnished with a large round wooden table with Chairs; two cushioned chairs sit in opposite corners of the room. Three stuffed boar heads are hung on the Eastern Wall 


North Entry

Unlocked Iron Door (Hardness 18  72 hp) to the Watch Officer’s Mess.

South Entry

Locked Iron Door (DC 25 to open; Hardness 18  72 hp) to the Temple Procession

West Entry

Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 15,  Hardness 5, 20 hp)) to the Musterhall.


A Green-Eyed Cultist Is Lounging in one of the cushioned chairs in this room


The cultist possesses a Fulu of Fire Suppression in a pouch on his belt.
