Marching From Mwangi; Poisonhide Grippli

 During the Cult of Cinders adventure of the Age of Ashes adventure path, players will encounter a humanoid species of small froglike beings that call themselves the grippli. The grippli are a hunter-gatherer society that lives in harmony with nature. In Cult of Cinders, these people are potential allies. On Golarion, the grippli live in the Mwangi Expanse, and it would make sense for parties doing a west marches campaign on Garund to encounter them. For any world, you decide to run, these creatures make an interesting choice to populate your rain forests or swamps with.

Poisonhide Grippli are a Heritage group of Grippli that emerge from most Grippli peoples. They typically adapt to become standoffish loners who have learned to avoid incidental physical contact. These poison glands are usually found on the back, shoulders, back of the neck, and back of arms. Poisonhides can typically avoid poisoning creatures they want to touch; additionally, Grippli tend to be immune to the poison of family members. 

Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16

Unspecific Lore: DC 14

Specific Lore: DC 11

Poisonhide Grippli Heritage

Source The Mwangi Expanse pg. 119 2.0

You may be small, but the poison glands concealed across your body hide a deadly defense. You gain the Toxic Skin reaction.

Toxic Skin

Frequency once per hour

Trigger A creature touches you, such as by Grappling you, successfully hitting you with an unarmed attack, or using a touch-range spell against you.

You exude a deadly toxin. The triggering creature takes 1d4 poison damage (basic Fortitude save using your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher). At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, the damage increases by 1d4.

Poisonhide Player Characters

A Player that selects the Poisonhide Heritage adds a reaction to their encounter actions. This can punish creatures using natural weapons against them. Remember, enemies will probably be unaware of the Grippli’s poison skin until they encounter it firsthand, so fight the urge to have adversaries avoid contact with the poisonhide before they earn this discovery.

Basic Poisonhide Grippli





Green-Eyed Cultist


