Marching From The Vault; Morlocks

 The Second level of the vaults is occupied by a Morlock cult that has taken to worshiping the mistress of the dungeon. In pulling these adversaries into the marches, I intend to build options that would allow for Morlock PCs. 

The Morlocks of Memory are descended from enclaves of Halflings that became trapped in subterranean caverns during the Titanfall. Morlock’s typically do not forge weapons and armor, nor do they tailor clothing. Their bare pallid skin, oversized eyes, and stooping posture evoke the image of Gollem. These Halfling communities only survived in the hostile environment of these subterranean caverns by remaining undetected. Much of the degeneration of Halfling culture is the compounded impact of several millennia spent deprived of the safety and comforts of their surface brethren.

Darklands Halfling





Your ancestors survived the calamities of the past by adapting to life under the world's surface. Darklands Halflings gain the Morlock trait and can choose either smal or medium as thier size trait. You gain Darkvision and Light Blindness; their adaptation to subsist on the fungi of the caves also grants you +2 status to all saves vs. disease and poison.

Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16

Unspecific Lore: DC 14

Specific Lore: DC 11

 Originating from halflings long lost from the world of light, Morlocks are brutal Halflings that dwell in the tangled tunnels of the upper reaches of the Subterra. Their wiry frames mask the strength of their limbs and their swift reactions, and their arms are long enough that they can drop into an uncanny, four-limbed shuffle for speed or stealth. They no longer remember the lives their ancestors led on the surface, although many Morlocks still dwell in the shattered ruins of their ancient homes. 

Due to Morlocks’ stooped, animal-like posture, they often appear much smaller than their brethren on the surface. This is further accentuated by their habit of running on all fours. Morlock faces are very different from halfling faces: their eyes are huge, white and bulge from their heads, their mouths are wide and filled with flesh-tearing teeth, and their ears protrude from their skull like those of a cave bat. A morlock's body looks emaciated when compared to the average halfling's and their skin is the pale white of a creature that has not been exposed to the sun in millennia.

Morlocks are expert climbers, having adapted to the terrain of their subterranean home in a way few other creatures have. Due to the large numbers and cramped conditions, morlocks normally fight in incredibly close quarters with one another. They are adept at leaping from craggy perches onto their victims and use this skill to make lightning-fast attacks. However, as they have adapted to their underground environment, Morlocks have traded their ability to see well in bright light for the ability to see in total darkness. While able to see well in typical underground conditions, bright light is abhorrent to Morlocks, and they are unable to function properly while such radiance shines upon them.

A typical morlock stands just over 4 feet tall and weighs roughly 100 pounds.

Morlock young are insatiable and clamor for even the slightest morsel of food, even consuming their siblings if no other meal presents itself. Most morlocks encourage the practice to ensure their ancestral group as a whole grows stronger.

Habitat and ecology

Morlocks dwell in every level of Subterra. Morlocks, unlike other subterranean races, do not build huge cities to protect themselves. Instead, they tend to lair in the less frequented and smaller, winding tunnels that make up much of Subterra. These lairs are normally positioned within a few hours travel of the larger thoroughfares, allowing the Morlocks easy access to good hunting grounds.

The ecology of the Morlocks is similar to Halfling ecology but has been debased by the millennia spent underground. Their regression was the result of several factors. First was inbreeding, which was forced by their dire situation. They were also unaware of the dangers of their new home and consumed vast amounts of toxic and hallucinogenic mushrooms, slowly eroding their mental stability. While neither the inbreeding nor diet would explain the morlock's fall from grace, when combined with the radiation given off by blightburn and lazurite, these factors served to create a new and terrifying people.


Morlocks possess a very primitive, tribal form of society based solely upon the ability to survive. Any Morlock capable of contributing is valued by the pack; those ailing or wounded Morlocks are ritualistically killed and eaten by their tribe. Morlock young are insatiable and clamor for even the slightest morsel of food, even consuming their siblings when their hunger overtakes them. Morlock packs have no moral objections to consuming their fallen. This is interpreted as a final gift when the dead return their nutrients to the tribe. The consumption of the dead is integrated into the mourning rituals of Morlock societies. Morlocks of particular renown have the accounts of their deeds carved into their bones that are then kept in ossuary libraries. These tribes are normally led by the pack's strongest, most violent member, often a powerful barbarian.

With their cultural focus on stealth and survival, cooked food is a rare treat for Morlocks; chieftains only permit the use of cooking fires in times of exceptional prosperity and security. A leader who is cooked after their passing is considered especially auspicious and is typically collected into the tribal library.

A rare few Morlocks have a knack for engineering. Though talented at figuring out ancient machines, they do not keep books or paper documents, which means that Morlock enclaves are usually defended by constructs or traps, even though no Morlock knows who built them.

Many Morlock cults worship a revered and feared ancestor, or the machines left behind by a previous civilization, instead of a deity, due to their insular nature; their 'priests' usually dabble in occult instead of divine magic. Individuals who choose to follow a religion almost always serve the Mother of Monsters, and though rare, some Morlocks establish enough of a connection with her to become clerics of her foul religion. Otherwise, Morlocks are highly suspicious of most magic.

Morlock Downtrodden 2 






Source Bestiary 2 pg. 174 2.0

Morlocks are degenerate descendants of small, isolated halfling communities where inbreeding is common for prolonged periods.  On Memory, most morlocks are descended from ancient Bodish who escaped death on the surface by fleeing underground into Subterra. There they slowly transformed into something foreign to Halflings but far better adapted to survival in the savage depths.

Perception +7; Darkvision

Light Blindness

Languages Undercommon

Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +8 (+11 Climbing), Crafting +8, Stealth +9

Str +4, Dex +3, Con +1, Int -2, Wis +3, Cha +1

Items club

AC 17; Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +9; +2 status to all saves vs. disease and poison

HP 38

Speed  30 feet, climb 20 feet

Melee club +9 [+4/-1], Damage 1d6+4 bludgeoning

Melee jaws +9 [+5/+1] (agile), Damage 1d4+4 piercing

Ranged club +8 [+3/-2] (range increment 10 feet), Damage 1d6+4 bludgeoning

Instinctual Tinker (Double Action) The morlock tinkers with an adjacent construct or mechanical hazard. They attempt a Crafting check against the construct's or hazard's Fortitude DC. The morlock can't succeed if the target's level is more than double the morlock's.

  • Critical Success The target gains 4d6 HP and a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls for 1 minute.

  • Success The target gains 2d6 HP.

  • Critical Failure The morlock injures itself, taking 2d6 damage (typically bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing, but potentially a different type at the GM's discretion).

Leap Attack  (Double Action) The Morlock Strides up to twice its Speed, during which it attempts a High Jump or a Long Jump. At any point during its movement, the Morlock can make a melee Strike against an enemy in its reach. The Morlock then can't use Leap Attack for 1 round.

Sneak Attack A morlock's Strikes deal an extra 1d6 precision damage to flat-footed creatures.

Swarming Stance A Morlock can share the same space as another Morlock, but no more than two Morlocks can occupy the same space. When Morlocks share the same space, they gain a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls.

Morlock NPCs

An ambush from the dark is a Morlock’s preferred engagement. The Morlock’s ability to climb allows them to fight on a multi-dimensional battleground as they camber along the walls and ceiling. 
