A pair of tengu sneaks from the Shoremen have been using trained unkindnesses of ravens to lift valuables from wealthy citizens in the streets of Alta Città, making out with a bundle of pilfered valuables. A handsome reward is offered to anyone who can recover the stolen property. Characters can easily follow their trail to the top floor of an empty tenement. The Shoremen unleash their two captive unkindnesses of ravens on the party when they enter, attempt to flee to the rooftops and lose the characters in the city.
As the Raven Flies Severe Chase
The Shoremen have the stolen jewels on them - if they escape, they disappear into the labyrinthine sewers that stretch under the city.
This triggers a short chase determine six of the following obstacles for this encounter by rolling 2D6.
Chase Resolution
Trailing the sneaks’ darting Shadows. The party arrives at a spillway that opens into the Villum sewers; there is no obvious trace of the thief.
The Party can attempt to Track (DC20) the thieves through the sewers; Success will lead the party to a Shoremen hideout where they can negotiate the return of their stolen item. A Failure will guide them into an encounter with creatures in the sewer.
The Party can attempt to locate their lost inventory (if the stolen item was significant enough) with an investigation (DC15); On Success, the party will discover a Shoreman Fence where they can negotiate the return of their stolen item. A Failure will guide them instead to a Bleeding South Fence, and the annoyance of the added attention is treated as a minor Disservice to the guild.
You sprint forward and manage to grab the thief's arm, causing them to drop a sack containing the stolen items and 45 GP. If a sneak is captured, they may reveal their boss Jasper owes a cut of 50 GP weekly to the Commodore.
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