Led by a cunning and charismatic leader known as "The Commodore," the Shoremen are highly organized and disciplined for a band of bandits. They operate with ruthless efficiency, striking quickly and disappearing into the rugged coastline before the authorities can respond. They are skilled sailors and navigators, using their knowledge of the coastline and the sea to evade capture and strike at vulnerable targets.
The Shoremen are a diverse group comprised of men and women from all walks of life. Some are former sailors or fishermen who turned to banditry after falling on hard times. Others are veterans of mercenary companies or criminal organizations. Despite their differences, they are bound together by their loyalty to The Commodore and their shared desire for wealth and power.
The Shoremen are a feared and reviled presence in Ridania, but they are also a necessary evil in a region where law and order are often in short supply. Some locals secretly admire them for their bravery and resourcefulness, and even some merchants are known to pay them for protection against rival bandit gangs. But for most, the Shoremen are a constant threat that must be dealt with, one way or another.
Shoremen Thieves Guild 12
The Shoremen are notorious bandits that have long plagued the Culndire Shore. These ruthless outlaws make their living by preying on travelers and merchants, raiding ships and coastal settlements, and extorting protection money from local businesses.
Ruler The Commodore (Invested)
Guild Resources
The Soremen are a Thieves Band players can ally with or make their mortal enemies. The Gamemastery Guide's optional Reputation system helps to power a living organization for West Marches campaigns.
Guild Benefits
Organization benefits are companions, equipment, and feats that become available by building your reputation with the Shoremen;
Friends of the Shoremen may request hired hands from captains of the Guild. They will commission hirelings to individuals with a liked reputation. These Companions are expected to be provided a weekly stipend depicted on the table and generally expect a share of the spoils from a successful mission.
Allies of the Shoremen may request Experts from the captains of the Guild. They will commission hirelings to individuals with an Admired reputation. These Companions are expected to be provided a weekly stipend depicted on the table and generally expect a share of the spoils from a successful mission.
Boons of the Shoremen
These Boons represent feats and equipment characters can spend favor on as they build reputation with the Guild.
Enemies of the Guild
The Guild will expend greater resources to go after enemies based on how much venom those adversaries have earned. Hated characters can expect up to Moderate encounters with Guild Patrols when they travel in thier territory. Hunted characters can expect up to Extreme encounters with Guild bands when they travel in the Culndire Shore. The Shoremen will pursue Hunted foes across the Rorum with up to Severe encounters with Shoremen Assassins.
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