The Essence of Power; Physical Manipulation

 Adapted from Enhanced Body- Superpower Wiki

Ability score increases cost two power points for one degree of increase. Peak-level abilities represent the natural limit of these abilities. Peak-level abilities apply only to scores of one to three. These scores do not typically require power descriptors and are typically not removed with power removal traits.

Physical Manipulation

The power to manipulate the physical conditions of oneself and/or others. Sub-power of Condition Manipulation and Biological Manipulation. Variation of Superpower Manipulation.

Also Called


Physical Aptitude/Capability/Condition/Parameter/Prowess Control/Manipulation


The user has complete control over the physical condition (speed, strength, stamina, etc.) of themselves and/or others, allowing them to freely alter and manipulate them.



Enhanced Body

The power to possess a superhuman physique. 


May be limited to oneself or others, not both.

Limited to physical capabilities.
