Friday, December 15, 2023

Beyond the Threshold; Spatial Manipulation

 Adapted from Spatial Manipulation- Superpower Wiki

Spatial Manipulation

The power to manipulate space. Sub-power of Space-Time Manipulation. Variation of Universal Force Manipulation.

Also Called

Area Manipulation


Space/Spatial Arts/Bending

Space Manipulation

Third Dimension Manipulation


Users can manipulate, control, distort, and bend space, the dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move. Most commonly, users can use this ability to teleport by depleting the space from point A to point B, simply choosing to occupy a different space, creating portals, or by teleporting by creating a loophole made in space. At a higher level, users can 'pull' space together apart, effectively generating a magnetic pull which causes anything of the user's choosing to diverge upon or to rip apart any object by tearing away the space that it occupies. They can also do the opposite: 'pushing' space, which is essentially the expansion of space in a certain area to push away objects. Depending on how strong the 'push force', it can act as an unstoppable cannon that launches space and anything that occupied it.

Users can utilize this ability offensively by erasing or rupturing space, obliterating anything that occupied that space as well. If the user's control of space is precise enough, they can selectively tear off limbs or vital organs from their opponents by manipulating and separating the space that they occupy. By pulling and folding space around an object, users can also prevent it from moving or crush it. Users can use this ability defensively as well by erasing space in front or around themselves to create a vacuum for which nothing can enter, effectively creating an impenetrable shield around the user. Otherwise, the user can achieve the same effective by infinitely dividing the space between themselves and the opponent, making it impossible for the aggressor to reach the space manipulator.

Advanced users can move objects as if they were telekinetic by controlling the gravity through space, which also can be used to enhance their own physical abilities, such as strength and speed. Users would also be capable of creating subspaces that can trap objects or be used as powerful projectiles. They can also use this ability to levitate in the air. At an ultimate level, users would be able to manipulate space in a very complex way such as (i.e. a room appearing bigger on the inside than it is on the outside, a never-ending corridor), phenomena, and other distortions that affect things at a universal level with some high level users being able to effect the Space-Time Continuum. some very high level user are able to manipulate space beyond universal level and manipulate other forms/types of space that has properties completely different from space in the real world, allowing them to achieve a plethora of effects, some even on nigh-omnipotent levels.


Distance Manipulation 

The ability to manipulate distance. 


Users of Spatial lock, Omnilock, Spatial-Temporal Lock, Spatial-Temporal Transcendence are immune to this power.

Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.

Distorting space can also distort the fabric of time since they both are interconnected. Therefore, if the user doesn't use this power wisely, they can damage the space-time continuum.

May be unable to create space, being limited to manipulating only the already existing one.

May require to be honed or amplified by specific objects.

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