Gather your Senses; Radio Frequency Detection

  Adapted from Radio Frequency Detection- Superpower Wiki

Lately, I have been exploring various realms of genre fiction and wondering if there was a way to crash them together in a tabletop experience. This means figuring out a way to balance unrelated effects against each other. I love Mutants and Masterminds for its ability do describe almost any character ability you can think of, so I am experimenting with M&M’s tools to work on ways to fold multiple genres together.

Radio Frequency Detection

The ability to sense and patch into radio/transmission frequencies. Sub-power to Radio Manipulation. Variation of Detection.

Also Called



User can sense and patch into radio frequencies exponentially to extensive proportions. This power grants user the ability to sense radio waves that accessible anywhere from the internet, patch into varying signals leading to detect radar anywhere. Furthermore users can listen to calls happening through either telecommunications or cellular devices simply eavesdropping on conversations, as well as making them capable of following exact frequency on locations where they can get a hit on targets.


Radar senses are one expression of the Sense effect


Armory Sensor Suite- Radar Array +1 Device


The Armory suit’s radar pod feeds radar detections to the pilot interface.  (Accurate Radio Extended 3 [radar],)
