Adapted from Enhanced Charisma Superpower Wiki
Ability score increases cost two power points for one degree of increase. Peak-level abilities represent the natural limit of these abilities. Peak-level abilities apply only to scores of one to three. These scores do not typically require power descriptors and are typically not removed with power removal traits.
Enhanced Presence
The power to possess high charisma. Sub-power of Enhanced Mind.
Also Called
Advanced/Augmented/Exceptional/Heightened/Increased/Inhuman Charisma
Enhanced Charm
Near/Nigh/Semi-Supernatural Charisma
Users have unnaturally high charisma, or charm, enabling them to gain the trust and loyalty of others and win them over to their cause.
Charisma is a trait found in certain personalities usually including extreme charm and 'magnetic' quality of personality along with innate and powerfully sophisticated personal communicability and persuasiveness. Though very difficult or even impossible to define accurately, charisma is often used to describe one’s ability to lead, charm, persuade, inspire, and/or influence people.
The user is special compared to other commonly charismatic figures as their charisma is innately formed and effective for even the most disagreeable entities and allows them to bring the whole groups of individuals to their aid.
Users of Indomitable Will/Psychic Shield (highly resistant) and Psychic Immunity (impervious).
Users may have a hard time earning others' trust at times if they are already familiar with the user's ability.
Does not grant direct control over others.
Loneliness Embodiment users may be too encapsulated in solitude to want a leader.
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