Adapted from Concussive Force- Superpower Wiki
Lately, I have been exploring various realms of genre fiction and wondering if there was a way to crash them together in a tabletop experience. This means figuring out a way to balance unrelated effects against each other. I love Mutants and Masterminds for its ability do describe almost any character ability you can think of, so I am experimenting with M&M’s tools to work on ways to fold multiple genres together.
Concussive Force
The ability to deliver concussive force.
Also Called
Concussive Force/Solid Energy Deliverance/Generation/Projection
Kinetic Force
Solid Energy
User can release concentrated beams and blasts of pure solidified energy that causes concussive damage, with effects ranging from a slight push, a hard hit, a knock-out, paralysis, discomfort, minor to major damage, shattering, explosions, and up to total annihilation of the target.
Concussive Force is expressed as a damage effect with the Force Descriptor.
Concussive Beam Emission- The power to discharge beams of pure solidified energy
May be involuntary as the beams may erupt whenever the user’s eyes are open.
User may not be immune to impact effects.
User may need to know the location of a target.
User may need to be conscious of action/movement.
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