With Benefits

 Adapted From Benefit Advantage- D20Hero SRD

Working through a collision of genre fiction interests, I have sorted my Campaign setting ideas into three settings: The Sundered Cosmos, a Fantasy setting mixing Golarion with Magic the Gathering’s Multiverse; The Stellar Marches, a Starfinder 2e setting forming alongside the playtest currently running; and The Sentry Core a Hero Builder setting using a modified set of Mutants and Masterminds rules. 

Benefit Advantage

You have some significant perquisite or fringe benefit. The exact nature of the benefit is for you and the Gamemaster to determine. As a rule of thumb it should not exceed the benefits of any other advantage, or a power effect costing 1 point (see Feature in Powers). It should also be significant enough to cost at least 1 Character point. An example is Diplomatic Immunity (see Sample Benefits). A license to practice law or medicine, on the other hand, should not be considered a Benefit; it’s simply a part of having training in the appropriate Expertise skill and has no significant game effect.

Benefits may come in ranks for improved levels of the same benefit. The GM is the final arbiter as to what does and does not constitute a Benefit in the setting. Keep in mind some qualities may constitute Benefits in some series, but not in others, depending on whether or not they have any real impact on the game.

You have greater than average wealth or material resources



 You have greater than average wealth or material resources, such as well-off (rank 1), independently wealthy (rank 2), a millionaire (rank 3), multi-millionaire (rank 4), or billionaire (rank 5).
