Mastering the Economy; Billionaires in the Sentry Core

 Adapted From Superpower Wiki- Immense Wealth Archetype

Working through a collision of genre fiction interests, I have sorted my Campaign setting ideas into three settings: The Sundered Cosmos, a Fantasy setting mixing Golarion with Magic the Gathering’s Multiverse; The Stellar Marches, a Starfinder 2e setting forming alongside the playtest currently running; and The Sentry Core a Hero Builder setting using a modified set of Mutants and Masterminds rules. 

Today, I am Attempting to transform the Pathfinder 2e Wizard into a Hero build ready to stand toe to toe against mad scientists, giant robots, or irradiated rage monsters. A narrative combination of Magician and Sage, the wizard often starts out as a plucky know-it-all and grows into a powerful and wisened mentor.

Billionaire Archetype

The user is immensely wealthy, having gained a fortune to various degrees in a variety of ways and able to use their money to fund a wide variety of things, such as scientific research or gadget building.

You have greater than average wealth or material resources

Associated Powers

Absolute Buying

with their wealth, the user can buy virtually anything they want/need.

Absolute Contract

create binding agreements in exchange for goods and services.

Absolute Thievery

 by stealing the money.

Business Intuition

by making the money through business and stock exchange

Trading Intuition

Golden Luck/Luck

by simply being fated to a life of riches.

Monetary Manipulation

by creating and controlling the money out of thin air.

Overwhelming Influence

possess incredible, overwhelming influence.

Rarity Manipulation

understand and modulate the value of goods.

Supreme Monopoly

the user's wealth allows them to hold a monopoly over virtually anything they desire.



Treasure Hunter

When the user has made their fortune by hunting and collecting rare, priceless treasures.

Bounty Hunter


Individuals with an expediently long life can accumulate vast wealth in the generations they occupy the world.

Piracy Intuition

A lifetime of brigandry across the seven seas plundering and looting sailors & royalty can be very lucrative.


Robbing the wealthy to feed one's own finances is a pastime as old as human history.

Billionaire NPCs

Simon Black- Armory 2 Exp 10 PL





