Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Noble Black; Khali Selik

 Adapted From- Tio Klarus- Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Wiki

I really enjoy worldbuilding. It tides me over when I’m between games. I also include character building in my worldbuilding experience. I’m never satisfied simply Statting out a character; I need to place them in their setting. 

Khali grew out of a character I found on the Superpower Wiki. Tio Klarus is a woman who transforms into a Black Dragon; the Wiki listed her as a character who also possesses Enhance Beauty. She is a character in the Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest web manga. 

I’m not really equipped to make a faithful adaptation of Tio Klarus. Instead, I was inspired to hide a fearsome dragon with the maiden fair. In this case, Khali Selik’s natural form is that of a Black Dragon. 

Khali Selik PL 18





Khali is the princess of an exiled clan of Black Dragons. Mithras betrayed her clan on his accent to apotheosis. She knows if her true nature were known, she would be hunted by trappers seeking to harvest her body parts for their potent essence or even the followers of Mithras looking to earn his favor. 

Born Khalout’Ser, Khali has not been called by her given name in 400 years. Where the dragon has disappeared, the dark princess is an underworld legend. In her diaspora, Khali has cultivated a reputation in underworld circles for being an absolutely unflappable fixer. 

Khali is strong-willed and wise. She is sharp and gives useful advice when needed. She is extremely loyal to her word. However, she is also blunt and prefers to get straight to the point whenever speaking with others. 

Khali is very strict with herself. She never makes excuses or denies failures and accepts any punishment for her wrongdoings.  Her mental resilience allowed her to thrive in Heiligh. Khali has a strong hatred for Mithras and the Holy Church. Despite her people's noble intentions to protect all the races of Tortus and maintain themselves as noble beings, it was all ruined when the Holy Church declared dragons anathema. This led to the destruction of her clan by the very people they swore to protect. While Khali does her best to keep these feelings in check.

After the Khalout Clan's destruction and her parents' deaths, Khali inherited her father's will and mission of defeating the pseudo-gods. She trained herself to surpass her grandfather, who was known as the most potent Black ever seen on Tortus


Khali's appearance is that of a beautiful woman in her 20s. She possesses long jet-black hair and golden eyes. Her dragon form is 7 meters long, with golden eyes and jet-black scales.

She wears a traditional black kimono with unique floral designs along the bottom and a pink hadajuban. She also wears a red hairpin, piercings on the top of her hair, and Orian sandals.

Abilities- 64pts

Strength 1; Stamina 1; Agility 6 (1); Dexterity 7 (1); Fighting 11; Intellect 10; Awareness 5; Presence 18 (2)

Saves- 7pts

Dodge 8 (2), Fortitude 1 (0), Parry 11 (0), Toughness 2 (1), Will 9 (4)

Advantages- 31 pts

Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Assessment, Benefit 4 (Status- Underworld Legend), Daze (Intimidation), Fascinate (Persuasion), Fast Grab, Fearless, Great Endurance, Improved Critical (Natural Weapons) 2, Improved Critical (Draconic Weapon), Improved Grab, Improved Initiative, Improved Hold, Jack-of-All-Trades, Languages 2 (Many), Last Stand, Move-By Action, Power Attack, Startle, Takedown 2, Trance, Ultimate Toughness Save, Well-Informed, Withstand Damage

Skills- 39 pts

Acrobatics 6 (0); Athletics 1 (0), Close Combat 11 (0), Deception 25 (7); Expertise (Arcana) 16 (6); Expertise (Underworld) 15 (5); Expertise (Dragons) 18 (8); Insight 13 (8); Intimidation 23 (5); Investigation 8 (3); Perception 15 (10); Persuasion 22 (4); Ranged Combat 17 (10); Slight of Hand 7 (0); Stealth 18 (12); Technology 10 (0); Treatment 10 (0); Vehicles 7(0)



Khali does not commit to a particular equipment load-out, given the wide variety of jobs she takes on. Using her underworld connections, she leverages the benefit of her reputation to acquire equipment suitable to the task at hand.  

Powers- 130 pts

Draconic Physiology

In her human form, Khali still possesses features of her true form


As one of the first species to emerge from the chaos of creation, dragons have developed incorruptible bodies. They continue to grow throughout their lives and are unaffected by the effects of poison and disease. Immunity (Aging, Poison, Disease) 3

Black Dragon Immunities

Black Dragons can breathe underwater and are immune to the effects of acid. Immunity (Acid Damage, Drowning) 6

Draconic Healing



Khali possesses extraordinary regenerative capabilities due to her draconic physiology. Her body can mend wounds, regrow lost limbs, and recover from near-fatal injuries. This healing factor is a testament to the resilience and power inherent in her draconic lineage. Regeneration, Regrowth, Die Hard 4

Draconic Senses


Khali's vision pierces through darkness, and she can see clearly at great distances. Her sense of smell is acute, allowing her to detect scents that would be imperceptible to others. She can also sense magical auras and hear sounds from far away. Senses (Low-Light & Extended Vision, Acute, Extended & Accurate Scent, Magical Awareness- Ranged, Extended Hearing) 9

Draconic Sorcery Magic Power Array



Khali’s Draconic nature grants her the ability to manifest several sorcerous effects. Expertise (Arcana) supported Alternate Effects 5

Acid Spray Acid Conjuration




Tapping into her Dragon form’s caustic spray, Khali can vomit out a five-foot-wide column of acid to 90 feet. This caustic fluid erodes away metal, wood, stone, and flesh. Line Area Acid Damage 16 linked to Line Area Weaken Toughness 16

Poison Cloud Poison Conjuration




Khali can manifest a cone of poisonous gas that weakens and incapacitates those caught within it. The gas can overwhelm their senses and leave them unable to act. Cone Area Weaken Stamina 16 Linked to Cone Area Affliction (Fort; Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated) 16

Dragon Claw Strike Magic Transmutation




Khali Manifest fearsome and incredibly sharp dragon claws; slashing at her target. STR-Based Penetrating Slashing Damage 18

Shield Spell Magic Abjuration




Khali manifests a matrix of black scales to block an incoming attack. Reactive Impervious Protection 18

Detect Magic Magic Attack




Tapping into her inherent connection to magic, Khali achieves an awareness of magic effects nearby. Extended Range Magic Detection Sense 2

Slashing Gust Magic Attack






Shaping wind into a monofilament of cycling air, Khali directs this cutting-edge of wind at her target. Ranged Penetrating Wind Damage 18

Wings of the Black Dragon Magic Transmutation





Khali manifests black leathery wings on her back that enable her to fly and cut through the water at great speed. Winged Flight and Swiming 8

Dragon Form Alternate Form





Khali’s true form is bonded to a dragon tattoo that winds from her calf to her shoulder. Khali can shed her disguise to assume her natural form as the black dragon Khalout’ser. Metamorph 1

Visage of the Dark Queen Magical Aura





Beyond disguising her black dragon ancestry, Khali’s transmutation brings additional benefits. Her compact form allows her to move with greater precision and grace. The ritual that hid her from her clan’s enemies granted her a stunningly beautiful human form, perfectly smooth and without blemish. Enhanced Agility 5,  Enhance Dexterity 6, Enhanced Presence 8, 



Khalout’ser’s family was betrayed by a clerical enclave that lived under their protection and butchered by dragon hunters. Khali has witnessed how dragons have been harried across the ages by those seeking to harvest the inherent power of their body parts. She knows if her existence were public knowledge, she would be pursued to her death. She only rarely assumes her dragon form. She would unlikely allow anyone who witnesses such a transformation to survive with that secret.

Uncanny Beauty

Khali’s beauty is unnatural in a way that most often goes unnoticed. Those who have resisted her attractiveness notice its disturbing perfection and can not forget its uncanny nature.

Unstable Form

Khali’s sorcery is derived from her true form. As she manifests her spells, flashes of her nature can escape her disguise; she can cast a draconic shadow; black scales ripple across her skin; and her eyes flash with dragon’s pupils. If she is too aggressive in her spellcasting, she may even completely cast off her human form.

Khalout’ser (Dragon Form) Alternate Form



Khali’s dragon form retains her personality, knowledge, skills, and techniques. Metamorph 1

Abilities- 64pts

Strength 14 (1); Stamina 14 (1); Agility 1; Dexterity 1; Fighting 11; Intellect 10; Awareness 5; Presence 2

Saves- 7pts

Dodge -3 (2), Fortitude 14 (0), Parry 4 (0), Toughness 15 (1), Will 9 (4)


Same as in Dark Queen Form


Acrobatics 1 (0); Athletics 14 (0), Close Combat 11 (0), Deception 9 (7); Expertise (Arcana) 16 (6); Expertise (Underworld) 15 (5); Expertise (Dragons) 18 (8); Insight 13 (8); Intimidation 13 (5); Investigation 8 (3); Perception 15 (10); Persuasion 6 (4); Ranged Combat 11 (10); Slight of Hand 1 (0); Stealth 0 (12); Technology 10 (0); Treatment 10 (0); Vehicles 1 (0) 

Black Dragon Physiology

The significant trade-offs are expressed in her inherent dragon abilities and her massive size. 22 feet tall/long and weighing over 200 tons, Khalout’ser is quite formidable.


Immunity (Aging, Poison, Disease) 3

Black Dragon Immunities

Immunity (Acid Damage, Drowning) 6

Draconic Attacks



Power Array

Acid Spray Breath Weapon

Line Area Acid Damage 17 linked to Line Area Weaken Toughness 11

Dragon Bite and Claws Natural Weapons

STR-Based Penetrating Slashing Damage 18

Poison Cloud Breath Weapon

Cone Area Weaken Stamina 14 Linked to Cone Area Affliction (Fort; Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated) 14

Tailswipe Natural Weapon

STR Based, Area Damage 14

Draconic Healing

Regeneration, Regrowth, Die Hard 4

Draconic Senses

Senses (Low-Light & Extended Vision, Acute, Extended & Accurate Scent, Magical Awareness- Ranged, Extended Hearing) 9

Draconic Size

Innate Permanent Growth 13

Dragon Scales Natural Armor

Impervious Toughness 13

Dragon Tail Natural Trait

Extra Limb 1 Granting Improved Trip

Dragon Wings Natural Trait

Winged Flight and Swiming 8

Draconic Sorcery Magic Power Array



As all dragons, Khalout has an inherent connection to magic. Using her knowledge of sorcery she manifests this power in spells. Expertise (Arcana) supported Alternate Effects 2

Shield Spell Magic Abjuration




Khalout’ser manifests a dark energy shell to block an incoming attack. Reactive Impervious Protection 15

Detect Magic Magic Attack




Tapping into her inherent connection to magic, Khalout achieves an awareness of magic effects nearby. Extended Range Magic Detection Sense 2

Slashing Gust Magic Attack






Shaping wind into a monofilament of cycling air, Khali directs this cutting-edge of wind at her target. Ranged Penetrating Wind Damage 16

Visage of the Dark Queen Alternate Form





Khalout’ser’s human form is sealed to a gold scale on her underside. She can don her disguise to resume her role Khali Selik. Metamorph 1

Interacting with the Dark Queen

Quest-Giver: Khali's reputation as an underworld fixer makes her an ideal quest-giver. Players could approach her for assistance with tasks requiring discretion, negotiation, or a touch of magic. Her quests could involve retrieving rare artifacts, resolving disputes between underworld factions, or even assassinating high-profile targets.

Informant: Khali's extensive knowledge of the underworld and draconic lore makes her a valuable source of information. Players could consult her for clues, rumors, or insights into the game world's secrets. Her cryptic advice and enigmatic demeanor could add intrigue and mystery to the players' investigations.

Ally or Enemy: Khali's complex motivations and hidden loyalties make her an unpredictable ally or a formidable enemy. Depending on the players' choices and interactions with her, she could become a trusted confidante, a reluctant collaborator, or a dangerous adversary. Her shifting allegiances could create dynamic plot twists and moral dilemmas for the players.

Romantic Interest: Khali's stunning beauty and enigmatic personality could make her a compelling romantic interest for one or more player characters. Her tragic past and hidden vulnerabilities could add depth and emotional complexity to the relationship, leading to personal growth and transformation for the involved characters.

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