Saturday, June 8, 2024

Feeling Frogy ; Savage Lands Tribbits

 Adapted From- Tribbitites- Marvel Database


love alternate reality stories. I love them as their own stories more than when they are used as additional settings to put main continuity characters in. What If Elseworlds and the Exiles had such fun stories. All thriller and no filler. The setting premise, characters, and plot were most often compressed to a single issue, with any other getting only a few issues at the most. Marvel Multiverse allows narrators to deviate from established continuity and set their games within their own Marvel reality. Using any of the one-off alternate realities from these publications would be a fun springboard into game night.  

This submission is not derived from a published alternate Marvel Earth but is inspired by this iteration process. I wanted to build primitive frog people, so I went digging for a close approximation of an amphibious species already in publication and thought of ways to twist it into what I wanted to make.

Savage Land Tribbits Nation M518

The surviving descendants of a species nearly eradicated by the Kree Empire, the Tribbits settled in the warm, humid conditions of the Savage Lands. Within a generation, most of their technology had fallen into disrepair; the few surviving pieces are cherished relics used by Tribbit shamans.


Alien: Tribbit




The Slaying of Tribbit

About 400 years ago, The Tribbit were a refugee people building a new home from the remains of an abandoned Kree outpost; they were discovered by an accuser retinue that summarily destroyed the outpost. The remnant of the Tribbit were scattered to the stars.

Several dozen survivors had loaded onto a ramshackle transport that was hurtled toward Earth’s South Pole. Navigational controls were largely disabled, preventing the refugees from landing the craft safely. Instead, the craft plowed into a clearing in the Savage Lands. 

Becoming Part of The (Savage) Land

The Tribbits quickly established a territorial holding in the Savage Land.  forming hunting parties to forage food for a new Tribbit community at the crash site. Initially wielding a technological advantage over the ecosystem, the refugees were unable to maintain their equipment, and after 25 years had passed, they found themselves at the same relative technology level as the rest of the inhabitants of the savage lands (Stone to Bronze Age)

Soothing Goodberry

In their exploration of their new home, the Savage Land Tribbits have discovered a previously unknown fruit with remarkable medicinal properties. This fruit has proven to be incredibly effective at treating radiation exposure, even completely suppressing the effects of Gamma radiation. 


A Rare Find

A handful of clandestine organizations are aware of the existence of Goodberry. Each likely only possesses 1-3 berries they have acquired through Savage Land Contacts that have no idea where the berries came from. 

Medical Advancement

Medical researchers have been fascinated by the unusual efficacy of goodberry. The implications of being able to more aggressively incorporate radiation safely into treatments would make goodberry an essential component in some experimental treatments.

Gamma Suppression

Goodberry’s potency against radiation extends to an ability to suppress the effects of gamma exposure. This includes power suppression in Gamma mutates. Goodbrerry temporarily removes Gamma Mutate powers appropriate to the dose applied. 

Savage Land Tribbits

Tribbit Hunter Character 4





The Savage Lands' lush ecosystem allows most inhabitants to survive and thrive independently of agriculture; they tend to be well-fed through hunting and foraging. Tribbit communities are economically driven by their hunting parties.

Abilities- 28pts

Strength -3 (1); Stamina 1; Agility 2; Dexterity 3; Fighting 2; Intellect 2; Awareness 3; Presence 1

Saves- 5pts

Dodge 6 (2), Fortitude 2 (1), Parry 4 (0), Toughness 2 (1), Will 4 (1)

Advantages- 2 pt

Equipment 2, Evasion

Skills- 10 pts

Acrobatics 4 (2); Athletics 1 (4), Close Combat 2 (0), Deception 1 (0); Expertise (Hunting) 5 (4); Insight 5 (2); Intimidation -1 (0); Investigation 5 (2); Perception 3 (0); Persuasion 1 (0); Ranged Combat 7 (4); Slight of Hand 3 (0); Stealth 8 (2); Technology 1 (0); Treatment 1 (0); Vehicles 3(0)


Primitive Bow

Tribbit hunters build ther own bow and fletch their own arrows as their principal hunting tools.  Ranged Damage 3

Small Goodberry

Tribbit hunters travel with a just underripe goodberry to serve as medical treatment while they range the Savage Lands. Healing 1 with a Nullify Gamma Powers 1 alternate effect

Powers- 14 pts

Tribbit Physiology

Tribbits look like humanoid frogs. They are natural swimmers and won’t suffocate underwater. They possess a smaller stature than humans and have powerful jumping legs. Pads on their fingers and toes let them climb sheer surfaces. Leaping 3, Wallcrawling 1, Swimming 1, Amphibious, Permanent shrinking 4


Since the Tribbits are part of the Savage Land ecosystem. Players may encounter Tribbit hunting parties while exploring and could trade with them for goods or information. They may also be able to assist the Tribbits with tasks or quests, or simply learn more about their culture and way of life. 

Since the Tribbits are territorial, players might have to negotiate access to Tribbit lands or could find themselves in conflict with Tribbit hunters if they appear to be a threat. The Tribbits' unique knowledge of the Savage Land, including their discovery of the Goodberry, could also make them valuable allies or sources of information for players.

Plot Hooks

The Goodberry Hunt

A powerful organization has learned of Goodberry and its properties and wants to secure a large supply. They hire the player characters to venture into the Savage Land, locate the Tribbits, and negotiate or steal a cache of the valuable fruit. This could lead to conflict with the Tribbits, other interested parties, or the dangers of the Savage Land itself.

Tribal Conflict

Two or more Tribbit clans are at war, either over territory, resources, or cultural differences. The players could be drawn into the conflict, forced to choose sides or mediate a peace. This could involve navigating Tribbit politics, understanding their motivations, and potentially engaging in combat or other challenges.

Lost Technology

The Tribbits possess remnants of their advanced technology, now revered as sacred artifacts. One or more of these artifacts could be lost, stolen, or malfunctioning, and the players are asked to help recover or repair them. This could involve exploring ancient Tribbit ruins, deciphering their technology, and overcoming environmental hazards or hostile creatures.

Cultural Exchange

A group of outsiders, such as explorers, scientists, or missionaries, seeks to make contact with the Tribbits and learn about their culture. The players could act as guides, intermediaries, or protectors, helping to bridge the gap between the two groups and navigate the complexities of cross-cultural communication. This could lead to opportunities for trade, diplomacy, or conflict, depending on the goals and attitudes of the parties involved.

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