Wednesday, June 12, 2024

From Beyond; Alien Heritage

 Adapted From- Alien Physiology- Superpower Wiki

The power to use the traits and abilities of an extraterrestrial. Technique of Alien Manipulation. Variation of Cryptid Physiology and Animal Morphing.

Alien Heritage Tag

You or at least one of your ancestors are not from Earth.

Pick an alien species that you belong to. If you were not raised on Earth consider taking the Outsider occupation.


User with this ability either is or can transform into an extraterrestrial/alien: life forms that are of extraterrestrial origin or originate from beyond Earth. Given the near-infinite variety of possible extraterrestrials, even only the ones in fiction, a user can conceivably use nearly any power.

Alien Variations


An amphibious extraterrestrial species that has invaded M616 Earth and been repelled by Bruce Banner/ Hulk several times. Tribbits prefer warm, humid conditions and look like humanoid frogs. They possess a more diminutive stature than humans and have powerful jumping legs.

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