Tuesday, October 8, 2024

A Life More Synthetic; Artifical Scion Androids

 Adapted from Starfinder 2e Playtest, and Android- Archives of Nethys

Paizo has released their playtest for Starfinder 2e. I will use the new setting to convert elements into my
derivative setting for a West Marches campaign.

Designed specifically to interact with other machines, Artificial scions represent the ascension of constructed beings. 

Artificial Scion Android Android Heritage

Your body wasn’t created in the image of a biological creature; a powerful artificial intelligence created you to interface with other machines. Your physiology is nearly identical to other androids, but uncanny details give away your non-standard origins (for example, you might have impossibly symmetrical features, extra fingers, or double pupils). You become trained in Computers, and you gain the Phreaker skill feat.


Artificial scions, designed to interact with machines, have integrated into society in roles that require strength, strategy, and authority. However, their artificial nature and potential power raise concerns about their control and ethical use, necessitating careful regulation. 

Artificial Scion Androids in Adventuring

  • The Reawakening Echo: The character experiences strange glitches and fragments of unfamiliar memories, suggesting a hidden past or purpose. They must delve into their own programming and history to uncover the truth, potentially leading them to ancient ruins, forgotten labs, or encounters with other artificial scions.

  • The Ghost in the Machine: A distress signal from a long-lost AI network or a cryptic message embedded in their own code triggers a dormant protocol. The character feels compelled to investigate, leading them on a quest to a remote system or a hidden digital realm.

  • Legacy of the Makers: The character learns of a hidden cache of advanced technology or a lost archive of knowledge left behind by their creators. They must race against rival factions or sinister forces to find this legacy, potentially unlocking new abilities or uncovering secrets about their origins.

  • The Hunter and the Hunted: The character's unique nature and advanced capabilities attract the attention of a ruthless bounty hunter or a shadowy organization. They must evade capture while trying to uncover the reasons behind the pursuit, leading to a thrilling chase across the galaxy.

  • The Glitching Reality: A strange anomaly or a powerful AI entity disrupts the fabric of reality, causing glitches, malfunctions, and unpredictable phenomena. The character, with their unique ability to interface with machines and systems, becomes a key player in understanding and resolving the crisis.

Phreak Cracker Villain 2







In the shadowy underbelly of the Alcyon Sector, Phreak Crackers are the digital locksmiths and technological saboteurs, specializing in infiltrating secure facilities by exploiting their intricate systems. These individuals possess a deep understanding of computer networks, security protocols, and the vulnerabilities inherent in any interconnected system.

Driven by a mix of profit, ideology, or a simple thrill of the challenge, Phreak Crackers offer their services to a range of clientele, from criminal syndicates seeking access to restricted data or high-value assets, to corporations engaging in corporate espionage, to rebellious factions fighting against oppressive regimes.

Their methods are as diverse as their motivations, ranging from social engineering and network infiltration to hardware manipulation and the deployment of custom-designed viruses and malware. Phreak Crackers are often equipped with an array of specialized tools and software, allowing them to bypass firewalls, disable alarms, and manipulate security systems with alarming efficiency.

Despite their technical prowess, Phreak Crackers are not invincible. They must constantly stay ahead of evolving security measures and remain vigilant against counter-intrusion systems. Their activities often place them in legal and ethical gray areas, and they must carefully weigh the risks and rewards of each operation.

In the ever-evolving landscape of the Alcyon Sector, where technology reigns supreme and information is power, Phreak Crackers play a crucial, albeit often clandestine, role. They are the unseen architects of digital heists, the silent disrupters of the established order, and the shadowy figures who navigate the intricate labyrinth of cyberspace.

Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15

Unspecific Lore: DC 13

Specific Lore: DC 10

Perception: +8; (10 to detect alarm triggers and security systems) Low-Light Vision

Languages Common

Skills Athletics +5, Computers +7, Crafting +6 , Deception +7, Diplomacy +5, Engineering Lore +8, Intimidation +5, Society +6, Stealth +9, Survival +6, Thievery +9, Underworld Lore +6

Str +1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +1

Analog Hack The Phreak Cracker can access and hack systems, tools and creatures without the use of a hacker’s tool kit; with access to a computer, Comm link or terminal the cracker can disable securty protocols, overload systems or alter data.

Items: crowbar, disguise kit, Needler Pistol, quilted armor, smartphone, thieves' tools

AC 18; Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +8

HP 27

Speed 25 feet

Melee [one-action] Crowbar +7 [+3/-1] (agile, nonlethal), Damage 1d6+3 bludgeoning

Ranged [one-action] Needle Pistol +9 [+4/-1] (Analog, Injection, range increment 30 feet, reload 1, 3 Rounds), Damage 1d6+2 poison

Sneak Attack: The Cracker deals an extra 1d6 precision damage to flat-footed creatures.

Phreak Crackers in the Alcyon Sector

  • Hiring their services: PCs could hire a Phreak Cracker to infiltrate a secure facility, bypass security measures, or retrieve valuable data.

  • Encountering them as an adversary: PCs could encounter a Phreak Cracker working for a rival faction or corporation, leading to a conflict or a chase.

  • Seeking their expertise: PCs could seek out a Phreak Cracker for their knowledge of technology, security systems, or the underworld.

  • Forming an alliance: PCs could form an alliance with a Phreak Cracker who shares their goals or interests, working together to achieve a common objective.

Stopping their criminal activities: If the Phreak Cracker is using their skills for illegal or harmful purposes, the PCs might need to stop them.

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A Life More Synthetic; Renewed Androids

  Adapted from Starfinder 2e Playtest , and Android- Archives of Nethys Paizo has released their playtest for Starfinder 2e. I will use the...