Saturday, October 19, 2024

A Life More Synthetic; Memory Recovery

 Adapted from Starfinder 2e Playtest, and Android- Archives of Nethys

Memory Recovery grants the ability to temporarily gain proficiency in a skill of a character’s choosing, it offers a wide range of tactical and practical opportunities.

The Memory Recovery feat allows Android characters to adapt to changing situations and challenges. They can quickly acquire new skills as needed, making them more versatile and effective in various roles.  Characters can use the feat to specialize in skills that are not normally associated with their class or background. For example, a combat-focused character might temporarily gain proficiency in a social skill to negotiate with an enemy, or a diplomatic character might acquire proficiency in a knowledge skill for insight. The feat can be used to solve puzzles, overcome obstacles, or explore new environments. By gaining proficiency in relevant skills, characters can find creative solutions to challenges that would otherwise be difficult or impossible. The Memory Recovery feat can provide interesting opportunities. Characters might discover hidden talents or abilities that they were unaware of, leading to unexpected twists and turns in their stories.

The proficiency gained through the Memory Recovery feat is temporary and lasts only until the character prepares again. This means that characters must still carefully plan their actions and prioritize the skills they want to acquire. The feat cannot be used to gain proficiency in skills that the character already has. This limits the feat's effectiveness for characters already invested heavily in specific skills.

Memory Recovery Feat 1

You retain instincts and fragmentary memories from the androids who previously occupied your body or from ancient programming embedded in your system. During your daily preparations, you can tap into these archived memories to become trained in one skill of your choice. This proficiency lasts until you prepare again. Since this proficiency is temporary, you can’t use it as a prerequisite for a skill increase or a permanent character option like a feat.

Adventuring With Hidden Memory

Forgotten Identity: The character has lost their memories and is struggling to piece together their past. The Memory Recovery feat can help them recover fragments of their identity and uncover the secrets of their origin.

Hidden Mission: The character discovers that they were programmed with a secret mission that has been dormant for years. The Memory Recovery feat can help them unlock the details of the mission and fulfill their purpose.

Ancient Artifact: The character is tasked with deciphering an ancient artifact that contains hidden knowledge. The Memory Recovery feat can help them recall forgotten languages, symbols, or historical events that are relevant to the artifact.

Missing Person: The character is investigating the disappearance of a friend or family member. The Memory Recovery feat can help them recall clues or memories that might lead to the missing person's whereabouts.

Overcoming Trauma: The character is struggling to cope with traumatic memories that have been repressed. The Memory Recovery feat can help them confront their past and heal from their emotional wounds.

Discovering Hidden Talents: The character discovers that they have hidden talents or abilities that they were unaware of. The Memory Recovery feat can help them unlock these abilities and reach their full potential.

Enemy Sabotage: The character's ship or base has been sabotaged, and they need to identify the culprit. The Memory Recovery feat can help them recall clues or evidence that might lead to the saboteur.

Time-Traveling Adventure: The character is sent on a time-traveling mission to prevent a catastrophic event. The Memory Recovery feat can help them recall historical details or future events that could be crucial to their success.

Tenured Troubleshooter Tradesperson 1







Tenured Troubleshooters are recently awakened androids; they possess a latent ability to tap into the fragmented memories and experiences of their body's previous occupants. This allows them to temporarily "borrow" skills and knowledge they haven't personally acquired, making them adaptable and resourceful problem-solvers.

Despite their synthetic nature, Tenured Troubleshooters often exhibit remnants of their past "lives," which can manifest as quirks in personality, specialized knowledge, or even fleeting emotions. This connection to the past adds depth and intrigue to their character, making them more than just mindless machines.

Tenured Troubleshooters can fulfill a variety of roles. They might serve as enigmatic allies, offering valuable insights or unexpected solutions to the player characters' problems. Alternatively, they could act as rivals or antagonists, and their borrowed skills and knowledge could make them formidable opponents.

Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15

Unspecific Lore: DC 13

Specific Lore: DC 10


Perception +4

Languages Common

Skills Athletics +4, Crafting +6, Geography Lore +6

Str +1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +4, Wis +1, Cha +0

Recovered proficiency (Android, Tech); Frequency once per day; Effect The Troubleshooter taps into a skill they possessed as a prior personality; They gain a +6 circumstance bonus to rolls, using a skill they are not already proficient in.

Items Knife, Smartphone

AC 15; Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +4

HP 20

Speed 25 feet

Melee  knife +7 (agile, versatile S), Damage 1d4+2 piercing

Tenured Troubleshooters in the Alcyon Sector

  • Enigmatic Allies: They can offer valuable insights or unexpected solutions to the player characters' problems, drawing on their fragmented memories and borrowed skills.

  • Rivals or Antagonists: Their unique abilities can make them formidable opponents, creating interesting conflicts and challenges for the player characters.

  • Sources of Information: Their knowledge of past events or forgotten lore could provide crucial clues or plot hooks for the player characters' adventures.

  • Quest Givers: They might task the player characters with missions that require their specific skills and expertise.

Temporary Companions: Under certain circumstances, they could join the player characters' party, offering their unique abilities and perspectives.

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A Life More Synthetic; Quickened Processor

  Adapted from Starfinder 2e Playtest , and Android- Archives of Nethys Some androids possess a quickened processor, which speeds up their ...