Wednesday, October 9, 2024

A Life More Synthetic; Mod Fanatic Androids

 Adapted from Starfinder 2e Playtest, and Android- Archives of Nethys

Paizo has released their playtest for Starfinder 2e. I will use the new setting to convert elements into my
derivative setting for a West Marches campaign.

Many androids' constructed bodies still bear the scars of modifications perpetrated by previous consciousnesses that had occupied them. These androids easily acclimate to body modifications.

Mod Fanatic Android Android Heritage

You or your previous iterations have modified your body to be compatible with armor upgrades, enabling you to personally customize your body and its capabilities. Your body has one armor upgrade slot that you can use to modify your body. You can install and uninstall armor upgrades into your upgrade slot using the Install Upgrade activity. Choose one common armor upgrade with an item level of 1 or less. You begin with this armor upgrade already installed in your upgrade slot (you don’t need to pay the credits to purchase this starting upgrade).


  • Technological Advancements: Their constant pursuit of self-improvement could drive technological advancements in prosthetics, cybernetics, and other body-enhancing technologies.

  • Social Acceptance and Integration: As these androids become more common, they could challenge societal norms and push for greater acceptance and integration of individuals with augmented bodies.

  • Military and Security: Their enhanced physical capabilities and adaptability could make them valuable assets in military and security roles.

  • Fashion and Self-Expression: The ability to customize their appearance could lead to new trends in fashion and self-expression, blurring the lines between technology and art.

  • Ethical Concerns: The potential for extreme modifications and the possibility of creating a divide between those with and without enhancements could raise ethical concerns and societal debates.

Mod Fanatic Androids in Adventuring

  • The Upgrade Heist: A rare and powerful armor upgrade, rumored to grant incredible abilities, has surfaced on the black market. The PCs are hired to steal it from a heavily guarded facility, but they soon discover that other factions, including rival androids, are also after the upgrade.

  • The Body Snatchers: A string of mysterious disappearances has plagued the city, with androids being the primary targets. The PCs investigate and uncover a sinister plot involving the harvesting of android bodies for their valuable modifications and components. They must race against time to stop the perpetrators and save their fellow androids.

  • The Fashion Wars: A prestigious fashion competition exclusively for androids is announced, with the winner receiving a life-changing prize. The PCs decide to participate, but they soon find themselves caught in a cutthroat world of sabotage, espionage, and high-stakes fashion battles.

  • The Identity Crisis: A Mod Fanatic android begins to experience strange glitches and memory fragments that don't belong to them. They embark on a quest to uncover the truth about their past and the origins of their modifications, leading them to a hidden laboratory and a dangerous secret.

  • The Underground Modding Ring: The PCs stumble upon a secret underground network of androids who push the boundaries of modifications, experimenting with dangerous and illegal enhancements. They must decide whether to join this underground movement or expose it to the authorities, facing the consequences of their choice.

Conclave Ruffian Downtrodden 2







Conclave Ruffians, the foot soldiers of the Ascendant and Heritor's Conclaves, are a volatile and easily manipulated group. Their understanding of the Conclaves' beliefs is often superficial, driven more by fervent loyalty and a desire for belonging than by deep spiritual conviction. This makes them susceptible to the fiery rhetoric of charismatic leaders and prone to mob mentality.

Despite their shortcomings, Conclave Ruffians are a vital part of the Conclaves' power structure. They provide the muscle and the numbers needed to maintain order and enforce the Conclaves' will. However, their volatility and lack of critical thinking also make them a potential liability, as they can be easily manipulated into acts of violence and extremism.

Perception: +8; Low-Light Vision

Languages Common

Skills Athletics +7, Intimidation +6, Stealth +6

Str +3, Dex +2, Con +3, Int -1, Wis +2, Cha +0

Items Crowbar, scattergun (10 rounds), Tempweave Armor

Augment Comercial Dermal Plating

Items: crowbar, disguise kit, Needler Pistol, quilted armor, smartphone, thieves' tools

AC 18; Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +6

HP 32 (Physical Damage Resistance 1)

Attack of Opportunity [reaction]

Speed 25 feet

Melee [one-action] crowbar +9 [+4/-1], Damage 1d6+5 bludgeoning

Ranged [one-action] Scattergun DC 14 (Analog, Area (Cone 15ft), Concussive,  reload 1), Damage 1d6+5 P

Brutal Beating The ruffian's brutality shakes foes' confidence. When the ruffian deals damage on a critical hit, the target is frightened 1, and the ruffian can knock the target up to 10 feet away (this is forced movement).

Snagging Strike [one-action] Trigger The ruffian has one hand free, and its target is within reach of that hand; Effect The ruffian makes a melee Strike while keeping one hand free. If this Strike hits, the target is flat-footed until the start of the ruffian's next turn or until it leaves the ruffian's reach, whichever comes first.

  • Zealous but Uneducated: They are passionate about their Conclave's cause but lack a nuanced understanding of its doctrines.

  • Easily Swayed: Their emotions can be easily inflamed, leading them to act impulsively and violently.

  • Loyal to their Conclave: They are fiercely protective of their Conclave and its members, viewing outsiders with suspicion and hostility.

  • Quick to Anger: They have a short fuse and are easily provoked into violence.

  • Physically Imposing: They are often physically strong and intimidating, making them effective enforcers.

Conclave Ruffians in the Alcyon Sector

  • As Adversaries: Ruffians could serve as low-level muscle or enforcers for the Conclaves, guarding locations, patrolling territory, or shaking down locals. PCs might need to fight them, sneak past them, or negotiate with them.

  • As Information Sources: Ruffians, while not the sharpest tools in the shed, might have valuable information about Conclave activities, locations, or key figures. PCs could interrogate them, bribe them, or earn their trust to gain this information.

  • As Temporary Allies: In certain situations, PCs and Ruffians might share a common enemy or goal. This could lead to temporary alliances of convenience, where they work together to achieve a specific objective. However, trust would likely be fragile, and their differing motivations could lead to conflict later on.

  • As Subjects of Manipulation: PCs could use their skills to manipulate Ruffians, exploiting their emotional volatility and lack of critical thinking. They could incite them to violence, distract them, or turn them against their leaders.

  • As Objects of Pity or Redemption: PCs with a more compassionate nature might see Ruffians as victims of the Conclaves' manipulation and indoctrination. They could try to reason with them, show them the error of their ways, or even help them defect from the Conclaves.

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A Life More Synthetic; Renewed Androids

  Adapted from Starfinder 2e Playtest , and Android- Archives of Nethys Paizo has released their playtest for Starfinder 2e. I will use the...