Tuesday, October 22, 2024

A Life More Synthetic; Nanite Surge

 Adapted from Starfinder 2e Playtest, and Android- Archives of Nethys

Overclocked nanites that circulate in an android’s body significantly boost its efficiency and adaptability. By surging their nanites, an android can rapidly cycle either mental or physical processes to improve their efficacy. This can be a significant advantage in situations where success depends on a specific skill. It can be particularly useful for tasks such as hacking, repairing, or using scientific equipment.

The dim light emitted by Nanite Surge can improve situational awareness and help characters spot potential threats or hazards.

 The feat can be used in conjunction with other abilities or actions to create powerful combos. For example, a character might use Nanite Surge to improve their chances of hacking a security system and then use another ability to disable it.

Androids must carefully consider when to use their ability and prioritize the most impactful opportunities. The feat has a cooldown of 1 hour; this limits its effectiveness in situations where multiple skill checks are required in quick succession.

Nanite Surge (Reaction) Feat 1

Frequency once per hour

Trigger You attempt a skill check requiring 3 actions or fewer.

You stimulate your nanites, forcing your body to temporarily increase its efficiency. You gain a +2 status bonus to the triggering skill check. In addition, your circuitry glows, lighting a 10-foot emanation with dim light for 1 round.

Adventuring With Nanites

  • Mysterious Malfunction: The Android's nanites start acting erratically, causing glitches and strange behavior. The Android must investigate the cause and find a way to fix it before it's too late. This could lead them to uncover a conspiracy, a hidden enemy, or a flaw in their own design.

  • Skill Challenge Extravaganza: The Android is recruited for a mission that requires a wide range of skills, from hacking and repairing to diplomacy and social engineering. The Android's Nanite Surge feat will be essential for overcoming these challenges and achieving success.

  • Race Against Time: The Android is tasked with a time-sensitive mission, such as disarming a bomb, rescuing hostages, or stopping a catastrophic event. The Android's Nanite Surge feat will allow them to act quickly and efficiently under pressure.

  • High-Stakes Infiltration: The Android must infiltrate a secure facility or organization, relying on their stealth, social skills, and technical expertise. The Android's Nanite Surge feat will be invaluable for bypassing security measures and gathering intelligence.

  • The Ultimate Test: The Android is faced with a seemingly impossible challenge, such as defeating a powerful enemy, solving a complex puzzle, or surviving a deadly environment. The Android's Nanite Surge feat will give them the edge they need to overcome the odds.

Multi-Service Android Tradesperson 1







Originally designed for maintenance and repair tasks, MSAs can typically found  as freelance troubleshooters across the sector. Their programming and nanite functions have been modified, granting them access to their bios to surge their nanites, which boosts thier already impressive technical skills. 

Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15

Unspecific Lore: DC 13

Specific Lore: DC 10


Perception +4

Languages Common

Skills Athletics +4, Crafting +6, Geography Lore +6

Str +1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +4, Wis +1, Cha +0

Nanite Surge (Android, Tech); Frequency once per hour; Effect The MSA overclocks their nanites as they attempt a skill They gain a +2 status bonus to that skill; Afterwards their circuits emit a glow in a 10 ft radius.

Items Knife, Smartphone

AC 15; Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +4

HP 20

Speed 25 feet

Melee  knife +7 (agile, versatile S), Damage 1d4+2 piercing

Multi-Service Androids in the Alcyon Sector

  • Hiring them for Repairs or Maintenance: As they are designed for such tasks, PCs might seek out an MSA for help with fixing their gear, ship, or other equipment.

  • Seeking Technical Expertise: MSAs have a high Crafting skill and could be consulted for advice on technical matters, or even to craft specific items.

  • Social Interactions: Though not their strong suit, MSAs can still interact and converse, potentially offering information or insights based on their experiences.

  • Conflict: While not inherently combative, MSAs can defend themselves if necessary. PCs might find themselves in conflict with an MSA if their goals are opposed, or if the MSA is being controlled or manipulated.

  • Team Member: Given their skills and adaptability, an MSA could potentially become a valuable member of a PC party, offering technical support and assistance in various situations.

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A Life More Synthetic; Quickened Processor

  Adapted from Starfinder 2e Playtest , and Android- Archives of Nethys Some androids possess a quickened processor, which speeds up their ...