Thursday, October 24, 2024

A Life More Synthetic; Nightvision Adaption

 Adapted from Starfinder 2e Playtest, and Android- Archives of Nethys

Nightvision Adaptation allows characters to see in the dark, providing them with a significant advantage in combat, exploration, and stealth situations. They can spot enemies, traps, or hazards that others might miss. The ability to see in the dark can be a valuable asset for characters who specialize in stealth or deception. They can move through dark areas without being detected and ambush enemies unaware of their presence. The feat allows characters to discover hidden passages, secret rooms, or valuable resources that others might miss.

While Night Vision Adaptation is a powerful ability, it can be affected by certain environmental factors, such as thick smoke or dense fog. In these conditions, the character's vision may be obscured. The feat aligns well with Android characters who are designed for combat, exploration, or stealth roles. However, it might not be as useful for characters who primarily focus on social interactions or other non-combat activities.

Nightvision Adaption Feat 1

The nanites in your ocular processors have adapted to darkness, enhancing your ability to see in the dark. You gain darkvision.

Adventuring With Nightvision

  • Stealth and Infiltration: The characters must infiltrate a heavily guarded facility at night, relying on their darkvision to navigate the shadows and avoid detection.

  • Rescue Mission: A group of hostages is being held in a dark, underground complex. The characters with darkvision are the only ones who can navigate the labyrinthine tunnels and rescue the captives.

  • Exploration of a Dark and Dangerous Place: The characters must explore a dark and dangerous place, such as a deep cave, a haunted forest, or a forgotten ruin. Their darkvision allows them to see in the darkness, but it also makes them more vulnerable to ambushes and traps.

  • Investigation in a Dimly Lit Environment: The characters are investigating a crime that took place in a dimly lit environment, such as a warehouse or an alleyway. Their darkvision allows them to spot clues that others might miss.

  • Nighttime Ambush: The characters are planning a nighttime ambush on a group of enemies. Their darkvision gives them a significant advantage in the darkness, allowing them to surprise their foes and gain the upper hand.

Deep Synth Recruits Officer 1







Deep Synth Recruits are androids specifically engineered for combat and reconnaissance roles in dimly lit or dark environments. They are often sought after by mercenary companies and other organizations that operate in the shadows, valuing their superior night vision and combat capabilities. These androids are typically equipped with advanced optical sensors and tactical gear, allowing them to excel in stealth, infiltration, and ambush tactics. Their synthetic nature grants them enhanced resilience and a stoic demeanor, making them ideal for dangerous missions that require unwavering focus and efficiency.

Deep Synth Recruits are known for their:

  • Enhanced Night Vision: Their advanced ocular implants grant them exceptional darkvision, allowing them to see clearly in low-light conditions and navigate treacherous terrain with ease.

  • Tactical Proficiency: They are rigorously trained in combat and tactical maneuvers, making them formidable opponents in close-quarters combat and ranged engagements.

  • Resilient Construction: Their synthetic bodies are built to withstand harsh environments and heavy damage, ensuring their survival in dangerous missions.

  • Stoic Demeanor: Their lack of emotional responses and unwavering focus make them reliable and efficient soldiers, unburdened by fear or hesitation.

While they may lack the creativity and adaptability of organic soldiers, their specialized skillset and unwavering loyalty make them valuable assets to any organization that can afford their services.

Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15

Unspecific Lore: DC 13

Specific Lore: DC 10


Perception +4 (darkvision)

Skills Athletics +6, Intimidation +6, Society +4, Local Lore +4

Str +4, Dex +1, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -1

Items Knife, Laser Rifle. Microcord Armor, Soldiers Pack

AC 13; Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +7

HP 25

Speed 25 feet

Ranged  laser rifle +9 (100 ft Range), Damage 1d8+4 Fire

Melee  knife +9, Damage 1d6+3 slashing

Deep Synth Recruits in the Alcyon Sector

  • Potential Allies or Adversaries: Deep Synth Recruits could be hired by the PCs as temporary allies for missions requiring their unique skills, or they could be encountered as adversaries working for opposing factions.

  • Information Sources: PCs might seek out Deep Synth Recruits for information on their employers, their missions, or the locations they operate in.

  • Rescue or Recovery Missions: PCs could be tasked with rescuing or recovering captured or malfunctioning Deep Synth Recruits.

  • Moral Dilemmas: The synthetic nature of Deep Synth Recruits could lead to ethical debates and moral dilemmas for the PCs, especially if they are mistreated or exploited.

  • Negotiations and Diplomacy: PCs might need to negotiate with Deep Synth Recruits or their employers to achieve their objectives.

The interactions between PCs and Deep Synth Recruits could be influenced by factors such as:

  • The PCs' reputation and alignment: PCs with a reputation for fairness and respect might find it easier to gain the trust and cooperation of Deep Synth Recruits.

  • The PCs' knowledge and understanding of androids: PCs who are knowledgeable about androids and their capabilities might be able to better communicate and interact with Deep Synth Recruits.

  • The specific goals and motivations of both the PCs and the Deep Synth Recruits: The alignment or conflict of their goals will significantly impact the nature of their interactions.

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A Life More Synthetic; Quickened Processor

  Adapted from Starfinder 2e Playtest , and Android- Archives of Nethys Some androids possess a quickened processor, which speeds up their ...