Friday, October 25, 2024

A Life More Synthetic; Quickened Processor

 Adapted from Starfinder 2e Playtest, and Android- Archives of Nethys

Some androids possess a quickened processor, which speeds up their interpretation of sensory and spatial data. This feat provides a bonus to Perception and Piloting checks for initiative rolls, giving Android characters a significant advantage in combat and vehicle piloting situations. This allows them to act first, potentially gaining the upper hand over their opponents. The processor also improves the character's situational awareness, allowing them to identify potential threats or hazards more quickly. This can be crucial in combat situations or when navigating dangerous environments.

Quickened Processor Feat 1

You can quickly identify your surroundings, and you can use that information to your advantage while in the midst of danger or while in the process of piloting vehicles in hazardous situations. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Perception checks for initiative rolls and a +2 circumstance bonus to Piloting checks for initiative rolls.

Adventuring With Quickened Processor

  • The Chase: The PCs are pursuing or being pursued by a fast-moving target through a crowded city or dangerous environment. The android's enhanced initiative and piloting skills could help them gain the upper hand or escape a tricky situation.

  • The Ambush: The PCs are caught in a surprise attack. The android's quick reflexes and spatial awareness could allow them to react quickly and potentially save their allies.

  • The Race Against Time: The PCs need to disarm a bomb, disable a security system, or complete another time-sensitive task. The android's ability to process information quickly could be the key to success.

  • The High-Stakes Negotiation: The PCs are in a tense negotiation where every word and gesture matters. The android's heightened perception could help them read the other party's body language and intentions, giving them an edge in the discussion.

  • The Perilous Journey: The PCs are navigating a dangerous environment, such as a asteroid field or a labyrinthine dungeon. The android's enhanced piloting and spatial awareness could help them avoid hazards and reach their destination safely.-

Fine-tuned Pilot Tradesperson 1







Fine-tuned pilots are a common sight in the bustling starports of the Confederacy and beyond. These androids, renowned for their lightning-fast reflexes and an almost preternatural sense of spatial awareness, are sought-after additions to starship crews, especially those operating in high-risk environments or under tight deadlines.

Built with a focus on adaptability and precision, they often possess a lean, streamlined physique that allows them to navigate the cramped corridors and maintenance hatches of starships easily. Their synthetic eyes, often glowing with a soft blue or amber light, constantly scan their surroundings, taking in every detail and calculating potential trajectories with astonishing speed. Their hands, honed by countless hours of practice on simulators and real-world flights, move with a deftness that inspires confidence in even the most seasoned spacers.

Though their primary expertise lies in piloting, fine-tuned pilots are far from one-dimensional. Their quickened processors grant them a remarkable ability to process information rapidly, making them valuable assets in various situations. They can analyze sensor readings, plot complex navigational courses, and even assist in shipboard repairs with meticulous attention to detail.

Despite their synthetic nature, Finnies are not devoid of personality. Many develop unique quirks and mannerisms, often influenced by their experiences and the crews they serve with. Some are known for their dry wit and sardonic observations, while others exude a quiet confidence that reassures their shipmates in times of crisis.

While some may view them as mere tools, those who have flown alongside a Fine-Tuned Pilot know their true worth. They are not just skilled pilots but reliable companions and invaluable crew members, always ready to lend their talents to ensure the mission's success and their shipmates' safety.

Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15

Unspecific Lore: DC 13

Specific Lore: DC 10


Perception +10

Skills Nature +7, Stealth +6, Survival +6, Piloting +7, Navigation Lore +7

Str +1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +3, Wis +5, Cha +1

Items Laser Pistol

AC 15; Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +10

HP 20

Speed 5 feet

Ranged  laser pistol +7 (Range Increment 40 ft, Tech), Damage 1d6+2 Fire

Fine-Tuned Pilots in the Alcyon Sector

  • Hiring them for a Mission: PCs could hire a Fine-Tuned Pilot for their expertise in piloting and navigation, especially for dangerous or time-sensitive missions.

  • Social Interactions: PCs could interact with them in social settings, learning about their experiences, quirks, and personalities.

  • Seeking Information: PCs could rely on their knowledge and quick processing abilities for information or assistance with technical tasks.

  • Teamwork in Crisis: In high-pressure situations like ship combat or emergencies, PCs could coordinate with Fine-Tuned Pilots for their quick reflexes and piloting skills.

Conflict: While less likely, conflicts could arise due to differing opinions, misunderstandings, or the Fine-Tuned Pilot's loyalty to another party.

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A Life More Synthetic; Quickened Processor

  Adapted from Starfinder 2e Playtest , and Android- Archives of Nethys Some androids possess a quickened processor, which speeds up their ...