D23: Room 1-11 The Temple of the Leaping Oracle; The Herald's Chamber

I like to put mini-bosses on each level of my dungeon, particularly in this one because I am trying to pace a level up on each floor. I'm putting 1000 XP in scripted encounters and an additional severe Encounter as a wandering guard squad. The Herald is the most complex encounter on this floor; he is the only foe on this level willing to treat with the party. 

Herald's Chamber        Extreme 1

South of the kitchen behind a locked stone door is the atypically comfortable personal quarters of Culttegsu, Herald of the Green-Eyed Prophesy


This room shaped into the Coral of the temple has stone tiles on the floor, lit through the fireplace the chamber shares with the kitchen. Culttegsu's room holds his bed, an exquisitely cushioned chair, a Dresser, a wardrobe, and a chest. A Stairwell centered in the room leads down to the next level


North Entry

A Locked Stone Door (DC 15 to open, Hardness 15 (BT 30) 60 hp) leads into the Kitchen.

Central Stairwell

Locked Brass Door (DC 25 to open; Hardness 18  72 hp) opens to a stair leading down to the Defender’s Acsent.


Culttegsu, Herald of the Green-Eyed Prophesy, spends most of his time here. He is the only Gripilli on this floor that speaks Tordic (Common); if the party is relatively unscathed when they encounter Culttegsu, he will negotiate with them in bad faith.


Culttegsu possesses a Bonze key that opens the stairwell in this room and the Brass slab in the Temple Procession. A Flask of Fellowship can be found in the chest in this room
