Adapted From- The Ghost Queen Morlocks -Pathfinder #163: Ruins of Gauntlight
Recall Knowledge - (Society ) DC 25; Unspecific Lore DC 23; Specific Lore DC 20
Cult of the Fanged Queen Territory 4
A tribe of Morlocks found their way into the mostly abandoned Undercitadel of Szitrag. The Spirit of Sythevex terrorized the lost tribe until they pledged loyalty to her. Dretha empowered their chieftain with a cursed familiar in exchange for their fealty. This Familiar became the fetish of a tribal cult that worships at an altar built in the image of the Fanged Queen.
The Fanged Queen is a cult that players can ally with or make their mortal enemies. The Gamemastery Guide's optional Reputation system helps to power a living organization for West Marches campaigns. This cult is an extrapolation of a society based on a Morlock Witch. The Founder of the Cult of the Fanged Queen, Daarkh Ghust, is a charge of a powerful spiritual entity known to the Morlocks as Goebikeintrem.
Cult Goebikeintrem. is a Curse Patron fueled by her anger and unforgiving nature.
Reputation is built by accumulating Favor or Disfavor with organizations. Religious organizations tend to wear a measure of their desires on their leaves. The edicts of a religious group strongly imply what kind of actions would be considered favors by the order, while Anathema's Identify behavior will draw the order's ire.
Edicts create undead (particularly incorporeal undead), feast upon carnivores that have recently feasted upon others.
Devotee Benefits
These are benefits reserved for Bards, Clerics, Champions, and Witches that have joined the order.
Bardic Muse Enigma
Divine Ability Wisdom or Constitution
Divine Domain Goebikeintrem is a blessed spirit of Empty Death and can offer devotees access to the domain of Undead
Divine Font Harm
Favored Weapon Flail
Patron Skill Occultism
Witch Spell List Occult
Hex Cantrip Evil Eye
Cleric Spells 1st: grim tendrils, 2nd: entangle, 5th: cloudkill
Organization Benefits
Organization benefits are companions, equipment, and feats that become available by building your reputation with the Cult of the Fanged Queen.
Uncommon Fanged Queen Items
These Uncommon Items are available to the Fanged Queen Cultists.
Uncommon Fanged Queen Spells
The following uncommon spells are available to be taught to Fanged Queen spellcasters
Allies of the Cult of the Fanged Queen may request hired hands from the clergy. Cultists will commission hirelings to individuals with an Admired reputation. These Companions are expected to be provided a weekly stipend depicted on the table and generally expect a share of the spoils from a successful mission.
Allies of the Cult of the Fanged Queen may request Experts from the clergy. Priests will commission hirelings to individuals with an Admired reputation. These Companions are expected to be provided a weekly stipend depicted on the table and generally expect a share of the spoils from a successful mission.
Boons of the Fanged Queen
These Boons represent feats and equipment characters can spend favor on as they build reputation with the Cult of the Fanged Queen
Enemies of the Fanged Queen Morlocks
The Cult of the Fanged Queen will expend greater resources to go after enemies based on how much venom those adversaries have earned. Disliked characters can expect up to Moderate encounters with Fanged Queen Patrols when they travel in Order territory. Hated characters can expect up to Severe encounters with Fanged Queen Patrols when they travel in Order territory. The Cult of the Fanged Queen will pursue Hunted foes across the frontier with up to Extreme encounters with Order soldiers or bounty hunters.
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