Monday, May 29, 2023

High Seas Tomb Raiders

 Four would-be adventurers descended a rope into the long-abandoned ruins of Neskusic Temple. Soicfath the Stargazer collected these miscreants from the streets of Villum, where he promised them each a hearty payday if they could recover a magical compass from this collapsed temple. 

The Crew

Drogon- Soicfath found Drogon after hearing rumors of a grounded juvenile Red being sighted in the wild surrounding Villum. Dorgon had been hiding away from overzealous citizens who wanted to convert his skin into armor. Soicfath fed the starving Red Dragon and assured him he could find a pack to take him in.

Garrick- Twenty years ago, the heavens tore open, releasing fragments of a falling star across Gedan. In a smoldering crater, Concordant priests found young Garrick sleeping soundly. His Eyes sparkled with Nix, evoking the vast night sky. Gerrick’s appearance was considered a mighty portent by the Concordance, who took custody of the elven boy. He grew into a sequestered life where he was taught he was meant for greatness, a greatness that festered into ennui. Gerrick climbed the walls of the Concordant cloister where he was kept. He was discovered by a mad sorcerer who ran the shop where Gerrick was hiding; The sorcerer promised Gerrick an adventure worthy of his promise.

Mellwell- She awoke from a nightmare in the town square this morning. In her dream, she was running away from ghoulish persuaders in a darkened corridor. She jerked awake to find a wild-eyed old man standing over her. “Come, Melwell, it's off for the temple as we agreed.”

Tibur- Raised on the evening coast of Borum, Tibur would hunt dolphins from his raft beyond the breakers. Longing to wander, he left his fishing village for the urban sprawl of Villum. He finds himself on this temple floor after responding to a posting promising fame and fortune for those willing to venture beyond the horizon.

Uigi- He first became aware of himself as was falling a few hundred feet to the paved streets of Villum. His burlap-cased body bounced harmlessly on the city’s paving stones He has a blazing amber eye and an onyx eye fixed into his head, The Poppet has lettering cross-stitched across his body, his back has two arching rows of letters and a row of numbers underneath them. Uigi’s knuckles have “GOODBYE” stitched into them. The Poppet has always been obsessed with artifacts and clockwork contraptions and has even fashioned a clockwork companion he has named Gizmo and has taken to calling his son. Browsing trinkets in an odd sorcerer’s shop, Uigi was offered a lead to a truly unique artifact hidden in the wilds near Villum.


Magnus Barellblock-  The spirit of a long-dead explorer that has bonded to Uigi 





First Fetch Quest

Major Favor

Soicfath the Stargazer gathered a crew of explorers to investigate a lead to discover the location of the Fallen Star, a powerful artifact believed to grant the desires of whoever possesses it. Discovering the Astral compass in the Neskusic Temple, the party is returning to Villum in order to discover the artifact’s purpose.

XP Gained- 616

Sponsors- TBD 

Reward- The Astral Compass

Sessions- So We Were In This Abandoned Temple...


An Escort Mission Along the Way

Minor Favor

The crew discovered a commoner family that a gang of bandits had waylaid. Shaken by their encounter, the family begged the adventurers to escort them back to Villum. After fighting through a would-be Shoreman Ambush, they delivered the family safely back to the gates of Villum. The family had offered to pay for the party’s Protection, but the adventurers gave the family a few gold pieces to compensate them for their losses instead.

XP Gained- 100

Sponsors- The Duchy of Ridania

Reward- The Friendships Along the Way

Session- So We Were In This Abandoned Temple...

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