Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Marching From the Fallen Star; Villum


Villum is situated at the mouth of the Vellum River, which flows into the sea just south of the city. The city's harbor is one of the busiest and most important in the region, serving as a hub for trade and commerce between Rorum and other nearby nations. The city is also home to a large fishing fleet, which supplies fresh seafood to regional markets.

The architecture of Villum is a mix of classical Roman styles and more modern designs, reflecting the city's long and storied history. The streets are lined with elegant buildings and imposing monuments, many of which date back to the city's founding in the early days of the Rorum Dominion. The city is also home to several magnificent temples and churches, which are popular destinations for pilgrims and tourists alike.

Despite its wealth and prosperity, Villum is not without its challenges. The city has a diverse and sometimes fractious population, and social unrest and political intrigue are common. Nevertheless, the people of Villum are proud of their city and its heritage and are determined to maintain its status as one of the region's most important and influential cities.

Villum    Metropolis 20




Villum is a bustling harbor metropolis located on the west coast of the Duchy of Ridania, and it is the capital city of the Rorum Dominion. The city is renowned for its beauty, wealth, and cultural richness and is considered one of the region's most important and influential cities.

Government Civic Council of Electors.

Population 35K

Consumption 6

Max Structure Bonus 1 Influence +3 Hexes Government Theocracy

Languages Azarketti, Common, Iruxi

Threats Pirates and bandits, Political unrest, Natural disasters, Disease outbreaks, Invasion or attack: 

Other Characteristics 

Busy Harbor: Villum is located on the coast and has a large and busy harbor. The harbor is the lifeblood of the city's economy, as it is the center of trade and commerce with other cities and nations. with a successful request action. PCs may purchase any Uncommon Item found on Gedan.

A Diverse Population: Villum is a melting pot of different cultures and peoples, with residents hailing from all over the Rorum Dominion and beyond. This diversity gives the city a unique character and flavor.

Ancient Architecture: Villum has a rich history dating back centuries, and many of its buildings and structures are of ancient design. These buildings add to the city's charm and give it a sense of history and tradition.

Thriving Arts Scene: Villum is home to many artists, musicians, and performers and has a thriving arts scene. The city is renowned for its theaters, galleries, and museums. Payments for Earn Income actions using the performance skill are treated as one level higher. 

Beautiful Parks and Gardens: Despite its urban setting, Villum has many beautiful parks and gardens where residents can escape the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy nature. These green spaces are a source of pride for the city and provide a welcome respite for its residents.

Settlement Bonus

  • +3 item bonus to Creative Solution

  • +1 bonus to Quell Unrest using Magic

  • +1 item bonus to Establish Trade Agreement

  • +1 item bonus to Tap Treasury

  • Villum has access to arcane magic Items one level higher than its level (21). This effect stacks up to three times. While in Villum, you gain a +1 structure bonus to checks made to Borrow an Arcane Spell or Learn a Spell.

  • While in Villum you gain a +3 item bonus to Lore checks made to Recall Knowledge while Investigating, to Research checks (Gamemastery Guide 154), and to Decipher Writing.

Prominent Citizens

  • Domina Sulla Reb  Domina of the Rorum Dominion

  • City Quarters 

    8/20/80 Lots

    • Nort Port- (3 Lots), situated southwest of the Umbral Veil Quarter and north of Fisher's Port in the city of Villum, is a lively and vibrant city quarter, brimming with maritime activity, bustling markets, and a strong sense of community. Its waterfront charm, bustling commercial center, and maritime culture make it a captivating and essential part of Villum's diverse landscape.

    • Umbral Veil- (5 Lots) Umbral Veil is a mystical and enigmatic quarter nestled within the bustling city of Villum. It is a place where ancient knowledge, clandestine gatherings, and elusive individuals converge.



70% Dulandir (human), 15% Khazadur (Dwarven), 8% Quenian (Elven) 3% Rake (Iruxi), 2% Arago (Azarketti)

City Government

The government of Villum is based on a system of representative democracy, with a city council and mayor serving as the city's chief governing body. The council is made up of representatives from each of the city's districts, who the people elect to serve for a term of several years.

The mayor is the head of the city government and serves as the city's chief executive officer. The people elect the mayor in a citywide election and serves for a term of several years. The mayor is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the city government, including managing the city's finances, overseeing city departments, and setting policy.

The city council is responsible for making laws and regulations that govern the city, and it has the power to pass ordinances and resolutions with the force of law. The council is also responsible for approving the city's budget and for overseeing the activities of city departments and agencies.

In addition to the city government, Villum is also subject to the rule of the Domina of Rorum, who is the head of the Rorum Dominion. The Domina has ultimate authority over the city and can intervene in its affairs if necessary. However, the city government is generally left to manage its own affairs and is given a great deal of autonomy in its day-to-day operations.

Civic Benefits

Organization benefits are companions, equipment, and feats that become available by building your reputation in the city of Villum; Building your reputation with Villum also accumulates reputation with the Dominion of Rorum; for every 2 Favor you accumulate for Villum grants you 1 favor with Rorum.


The Bleeding South

The Bleeding South is a shadowy network of cutthroats and smugglers that operate in the shadows of Villum's bustling port. The guild's members are a motley crew of humans, dwarves, half-elves, and even some of Garvfian descent, who live by their wits and blades. They specialize in piracy, smuggling, and other illicit activities, using the wealth and power they accumulate to further the interests of their Garvfian overlords.

The Conclave of the Seed

Publicly, the Conclave serves as an advocate for environmental stewardship and sustainability. They raise awareness about the importance of preserving natural resources, and promoting responsible practices among the city's inhabitants. Through education and outreach programs, they aim to foster a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness between humanity and the natural environment.

The Concordance

As a public institution, the Concordance acts as a platform for dialogue and discussion between the various religious communities. Based out of the Sanctum of Harmonious Faiths, It facilitates interfaith gatherings, conferences, and events where representatives from different faiths come together to exchange ideas, share their beliefs, and seek common ground. These initiatives aim to promote tolerance, respect, and peaceful coexistence among the diverse religious groups in Villum.

The Cyrillian Academy

As a symbol of knowledge and wisdom, the Academy actively engages with the community by hosting public lectures, seminars, and exhibitions out of the Astral Archive. It encourages the exchange of ideas, promotes magical discourse, and serves as a resource for those seeking guidance or expertise in matters of magic. The Cyrillian Academy strives to maintain a harmonious relationship with the city, offering its expertise and magical services to support the development and well-being of Villum and its inhabitants.

The Free Guild

From their Public House, the Wanderer’s Rest, The Free Guild embodies the values of camaraderie, exploration, and the pursuit of adventure. Their primary goal is to provide support, resources, and a sense of community for adventurers and travelers who pass through the city. As a civic entity, the Free Guild actively engages with the local community and authorities to foster a positive and cooperative relationship. They organize events, gatherings, and festivals celebrating the spirit of adventure, drawing people from all walks of life. Through these initiatives, they aim to create a vibrant and inclusive atmosphere where adventurers, townsfolk, and visitors can come together to share their experiences, forge connections, and exchange knowledge.

The Merchant Princes

Based out of their fortified bank, The Admiral’s Vault, the Merchant Princes actively engage in trade and commerce, driving the economic growth of Villum and contributing to its status as a bustling port city. They establish and oversee various businesses, including markets, warehouses, and trade networks, which create employment opportunities and generate revenue for both themselves and the local populace.

The Shoremen

The Shoremen are notorious bandits that have long plagued the Culndire Shore. These loosely affiliated bands of thieves in the streets of Villum have attempted to establish sets of the Shoremen in Rorum’s capital city.



Friends of the City may request hired hands from the citizenry. Patrons will commission hirelings via public post; candidates will respond to individuals with a liked reputation. These Companions are expected to be provided a weekly stipend depicted on the table and generally expect a share of the spoils from a successful mission.








12 GP




12 GP




12 GP


Allies of the City may request Experts from Prominent citizens. These captains of the industry will commission experts to individuals with an Admired reputation. These Companions are expected to be provided a weekly stipend depicted on the table and generally expect a share of the spoils from a successful mission.




Wage per Week




660 GP

Villum - Port of the World 

The city of Villum - the “Jewel of the Western Sea” - is the largest and most important city in the Island nation of Rorum. This metropolis sits on the largest natural port in the realm and is Gedan’s largest trade hub. Protected by the well-defended gray stone walls of the city, trade has flourished here for centuries. While the Domina nominally governs the city, much of the day-to-day life of the average citizen is influenced by the five largest factions in the city. While merchants, nobles, and other important residents fill up most of the city’s districts, the Waterfront District is truly Villum’s beating heart - ceaselessly bustling docks that stretch nearly the full length of the city. Ships sail in and out of the port of Villum year-round, filling the air with the flapping of sailcloth, the cries of sailors, the scent of exotic goods, and the thrill of adventure. 

Rumors about the Fallen Star 

The word that the Fallen Star has been found sweeps through the streets. Rumor has it that it’s being displayed this very day. Characters who investigate find a charlatan charging 1 Sp each to enter a mystical-looking tent, where they are shown an ordinary rock enchanted with the light spell. 

Downpours & Dragons 

A peel of thunder cracks the sky as a tremendous rainstorm sweeps in from the ocean and douses the city streets for half an hour. Townsfolk hastily run for cover, fleeing the rain. A bronze dragon flies in the distant thunderheads, dancing through the lightning bolts as the storm passes overhead. 

Failed Expedition 

A crowd of townsfolk gather as an enormous three-masted galleon limps back into port - its sails in tatters and sides scarred. Once docked, sailors limp down the gangplank or are brought out on stretchers. If questioned, the sailors reveal that their ship, the Argent Dove, had been part of a Dominion expedition to discover the Fallen Star, though they found nothing but disaster and bad luck

Forum Frigorum 

Chilled by winds from the sea, vendors from across the realm gather in Villum’s North Port to peddle their wares. Characters interested in shopping can find what they need in the Forum Frigorum. 

Use the following table to determine any special conditions in the Forum on a given day.  





Merchant prejudiced

requires a successful DC 16 Diplomacy or Intimidation check to make a sale


Stock running low

prices 50% higher



attempts to swap out purchase for a cheap knockoff during hand-off (DC 18 secret Perception check to notice. Item is functionally broken)



Attention is temporarily elsewhere. An invisibility potion can be shoplifted with a successful DC 18 Thievery check


Special Deal

Merchant offers buy two, get 1 free deal on a purchase


Art Patron

Will reduce a price by 50% in exchange for good show. Characters can attempt a DC 21 Performance check. On a success they receive a 50% on an item

Carousing and Competing 

Taverns, gambling dens, jousting pitches, and fighting rings can all be found in the more disreputable regions of Villum - particularly near Fisher’s Port. Fisher's Port is a place where the allure of the sea meets the vibrant energy of a bustling city. It is a district that captures the essence of Villum's maritime culture. It serves as a welcoming haven for sailors, a lively marketplace for maritime commerce, and a reminder of the city's deep connection to the sea.

Characters may spend time drinking, socializing, or generally carousing, which can result in collecting information or rumors about people and organizations. In addition, a character can choose to get involved with gambling or tournament fighting. Use the tables below to determine the result of downtime spent in either of these activities. Contacts earned by carousing are likely to be fellow adventurers undertaking the quest for the Fallen Star on their own. 


There are many possible games of chance - from cards to darts to betting on trained racing rats. 

To gamble, a character must first put up an ante of at least 1 GP. 

A character must make three skill checks to win a competitive game of chance. The difficulty of each check is determined randomly, reflecting the uncertainty and risk inherent in the game. The DC for each of the three checks is equal to 2d10+5. 

Each check requires a different ability check. The first two checks are always Society and Deception. The third check depends on the game in question and is left up to GM discretion. A game of cards or dragon chess may require a Perception check to analyze the best move, while a game of darts may require a ranged Strike. 

Characters can choose to roll a Games Lore check with a +2 circumstance bonus instead of the listed skill check. In addition, a character who wishes to cheat can swap any one of these ability checks for a Thievery check. However, if this check fails, the character is exposed as a cheat, earns 0 success, and suffers appropriate repercussions. 

Consult the Gambling Results table to determine how successful the character’s efforts were. Characters gambling in Villum who succeed on three successes can also choose to learn the secret that a faction knows about the Fallen Star instead of a monetary reward (this result can only be chosen once.




Lose ante and gain additional debt equal to that amount


Lose half the money anted


Earn back the money anted, plus 50%


Earn back double the money anted

Tournament Fighting 

While a tournament fight can be played out in the same way as any ordinary combat, for the purposes of a downtime activity, it’s quicker and easier to resolve it with a series of ability checks. 

To enter a tournament, the combatant must pay the entry fee or be sponsored by someone else. Typical entry fees range between 1 gp, for low-class tournaments like pit fighting or arm wrestling, to 100 gp, for fancy tournaments like jousting. The entry fee also determines how much the combatant will win on a victory. 

The results of a tournament fight are determined as a series of three skill checks. As in gambling, the difficulty of each check is determined randomly, reflecting the risk of facing unknown opponents. The DC for each of the three checks is equal to 2d10+5. 

In most tournament fights, one of these checks will be a standard attack roll made with an appropriate weapon. The other two skill checks are determined by the GM, depending on the tournament type. A pit fight or wrestling match may require an Athletics or Acrobatics check, an archery competition may require a Perception check, and a joust may require a Nature check to control the horse. 

If there’s a risk of harm - such as in a pit fight or joust - the GM may allow the player to replace one of these skill checks with a Constitution ability check. This Constitution check can be modified by rolling one of the character’s hit dice and adding the result to the roll. 




Lose entry fee


Earn back half of entry fee


Earn 150% of entry fee


Earn 200% of entry fee

Researching Mysteries & Selling Relics.

If a character is interested in learning more about the history or magic lore surrounding their discoveries in the Monastery of the Arched Sky, they will find them among the sages and scholars who live in the city. While crackpots and charlatans abound, the most reliable and acclaimed source of knowledge in the entire realm maintains a research college in Villum - the wizards of the Cyrillian Academy. 

In addition, the Cyrillian Academy is always interested in acquiring rarities and historical relics. If the party recovered relics from the temple, it’s possible they can find interested collectors among the members of the Astrological Symposium, who will purchase them for a higher value than the merchants in the Market Square. 

Characters can attempt to sell any finds they recovered on the society’s auction block while in the city. Doing so can reap great rewards, although there’s always the chance an item sells for below market value. Members of the faction are sometimes given inside information on artifacts, and may choose to re-roll their auction check - however, they must keep the new roll.

 Succeeding at an auction requires manipulating the audience's expectations and building buzz. To determine how well a character offers their item at the auction, they must succeed on either a Performance or Make an Impression (Diplomacy) check. Alternatively, members of the Astrological Symposium may roll their Intelligence (Arcana) check. Result Auction Outcome

Critical Failure Sells for 50% off market value 

Failure Sells for market value 

Success Sells for 50% above market value 

Critical Success Sells for double market value

Healing and Divine Aid 

Characters interested in purchasing potions of healing, or receiving other magical aid, can do so in the major houses of worship found in Villum. Gods of Ambition, Cities, Creation, Duty, Healing, and the Sun are worshiped in the city. Their temples, some of the largest and most splendid in the realm, can be found in the Alta Città quarter under the Dominion Citadel. 

Monster Hunting 

Characters interested in earning extra coin while in town can make themselves available as sellswords (or sellspells) for hire. The sewers of Villum are a vast, tangled network of old tunnels, forgotten streets, and stone ruins older than most of the city. Many foul creatures lurk in the dark, occasionally seeping up to the surface to wreak havoc. 

Members of the Conclave of the Seed can receive inside information about these jobs from their network of contacts. As a result, they receive a +2 circumstance bonus on their initiative checks at the start of combat.

Boons of Villum

These Boons represent feats and equipment characters can spend favor on as they build reputation with the Duchy of Ridania







Order Hirelings




1 Favor

Uncommon Order Items




1 Favor

Uncommon Order Formulae




2 Favor

Uncommon Order Spells


Spell Access


2 Favor

Expert Companions




3 Favor

Enemies of the City

The Council will expend greater resources to go after enemies based on how much venom those adversaries have earned. Hated characters can expect up to Moderate encounters with City Patrols when they travel in the city walls.  Hunted characters can expect up to Extreme encounters with City Patrols when they travel in the council's domains. The Dynasty will pursue Hunted foes across the Rorum with up to Severe encounters with Dominion soldiers or bounty hunters.

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