Adapted from Starfinderwiki- Castrovel
Asa Planet 20
Asa is a terrestrial planet in the Pact Worlds system and homeworld to lashuntas, and formians.
Maximum Item Level 20
Asa is a warm, verdant world with intense storms, powerful tides, and sprawling jungles and swamplands in which a tremendous variety of life roams freely. The wilderness is kept wild, and the planet's resources harvested sustainably, due to a lashunta desire to allow the same evolutionary processes that created them to develop and improve other life on the planet.
The lashunta-dominated continent of Olmaran is West of the formian continent known as the Colonies.
Castrovel's rocky moon is named Ragnhil. It has no atmosphere, but it hosts most of Asa's shipyards and heavy industries, where the pollution can have no effect on Asa's ecological balance.
Asan Benefits
Organization benefits are companions, equipment, and feats that become available by building your reputation with the citizens of Asa.
Uncommon Civic Items
These Uncommon Items are available to the citizens of Asa.
Uncommon Civic Spells
The following uncommon spells are available to be taught to the citizens of Asa.
Friends of Asa may request hired hands from the citizenry. Patrons will commission hirelings via public post; candidates will respond to individuals with a liked reputation. These Companions are expected to be provided a weekly stipend depicted on the table and generally expect a share of the spoils from a successful mission.
Allies of Asa may request Experts from Prominent citizens. These captains of the industry will commission experts to individuals with an Admired reputation. These Companions are expected to be provided a weekly stipend depicted on the table and generally expect a share of the spoils from a successful mission.
Boons of Marcia
These Boons represent feats and equipment characters can spend favor on as they build reputation with citizens of Asa.
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