Adapted from Transition Manipulation- Superpower Wiki
Lately, I have been exploring various realms of genre fiction and wondering if there was a way to crash them together in a tabletop experience. This means figuring out a way to balance unrelated effects against each other. I love Mutants and Masterminds for its ability do describe almost any character ability you can think of, so I am experimenting with M&M’s tools to work on ways to fold multiple genres together.
Transition Manipulation
The power to manipulate passings/transitions. Sub-power of Absolute Change and Meta Power Manipulation. Variation of Status Manipulation.
Also Called
Alteration Control/Manipulation
Change Control/Manipulation
Passing Control/Manipulation
Transition Control
User can create, shape and manipulate transitions, the passing from/of one state into another either permanently or temporarily. They can control any form of transition, including life into death, consciousness into unconsciousness, order into chaos, peace into war, uncertainty into certainty, etc.
Beginning Dominance
Boundary Manipulation
Causality Manipulation
Certainty Inducement
Change Inducement
Absolute Change
Change Reversal
Change Sense
Chaos Manipulation
Conclusion Dominance
Constant Manipulation
Destructive Dominion
Difference Manipulation
Distinction Manipulation
Era Manipulation
Etherius Warping
Existence Declaration
Fantasy Connecting
Life and Death Manipulation
Life Sequence Manipulation
Omni-Cycle Manipulation
Order Manipulation
Path Killer
Personal Transition
Physical Change Manipulation
Possibility Manipulation
Purpose Manipulation
Quest Manipulation
Rarity Manipulation
Reality Shifting
Reality Selection
Reversal Manipulation
Season Manipulation
Sleep Manipulation
Hypnagogia Inducement
Sleep Inducement
Stability Manipulation
Time Manipulation
Time Destruction
Uncertainty Manipulation
Variable Collapse
War & Peace Manipulation
Zeitgeist Manipulation
Crossover Manipulation
Absolute Change
Change Embodiment
Flux Manipulation
Liminality Manipulation
Meta Power Manipulation
Meta Variable Manipulation
Process Manipulation
Status Manipulation
Superpower Manipulation
Cannot induce changes like Absolute Change.
May only be able to induce certain changes.
May be limited to making some changes at a time.
Does not work on Meta Power Immunity/Omnilock users or Omnipotence.
Weak against Change Reversal and Immutability.
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