Adapted from Absolute Change- Superpower Wiki
Lately, I have been exploring various realms of genre fiction and wondering if there was a way to crash them together in a tabletop experience. This means figuring out a way to balance unrelated effects against each other. I love Mutants and Masterminds for its ability do describe almost any character ability you can think of, so I am experimenting with M&M’s tools to work on ways to fold multiple genres together.
Absolute Change
The power to induce change without limit. Sub-power of Omnipotence. Absolute form of Change Inducement and Transition Manipulation. Opposite to Stagnation.
Also Called
Boundless/Limitless/Unrestricted/Unlimited/Ultimate Change
Complete/Omnipotent Change
Perfect Immutability Bypassing/Defiance/Negation
The user can change absolutely anything and everything, either completely or partially, permanently or temporarily, from physical things like humans and objects to metaphysical things like concepts and logic, etc. regardless of the target's immunities.
They can choose what they want to change, and how they want to change it. For example, they can change an insect into a transcendent being or an immortal god into a normal human. They can also change themselves without limits.
Absolute Change specializes on the concepts/principles of change beyond its own boundaries achieving anything from invincibility to virtual Omnipotence simply by changing themselves to become so.
Almighty Ascension
By changing oneself into an omnipotent being.
Changing the user's own existence without any limits.
Absolute Fusion
Changing anything by fusing it with something and someone else.
Absolute Recreation
Recreate anything the user wants.
Absolute Restoration
Changing anything back to its original state.
Absolute Separation
Separate anything no matter what it is.
Absolute Storage
store anything and manipulate anything that stores things.
Absolute Will
Changing all of the creation at the user's will.
Absolute Wish
Changing any wish into reality.
Access Manipulation
Access everything there is.
Alpha Reality
Changing the Alpha Reality.
Axiom Manipulation
Changing all Axioms
Boundary Manipulation
Changing all boundaries.
Causality Manipulation
Changing Causality.
Concept Manipulation
Changing all concepts.
Customization Manipulation
Changing customization.
Definition Manipulation
Changing definitions.
Difference Manipulation
Changing Differences.
Dual Warping
Changing reality rationally and irrationally.
Entity Lordship
Absolute change over any entity.
Etherius Warping
warp the ethereal on a unlimited level.
Existence Manipulation
Changing Existence.
Immunity Manipulation
Changing immunity to any/all powers.
Logic Manipulation
Changing the rules of logic.
Meta-Concept Manipulation
Changing any and every incomprehensible concepts.
Meta Immunity Bypassing
Ignore/bypass absolutely any/all immunities to change.
Meta Perspective Manipulation
Changing all perspectives.
Meta Power Manipulation
Changing every power without limits.
Meta Variable Manipulation
Changing all forms of variables to the metaphysical level.
Omni Distortion
Distorting everything.
Changing anything into any species.
Changing the properties of anything.
Changing literally everything and anything.
Omnificence/Absolute Destruction
Changing nothing into anything and anything into nothing without any limits.
Origin Manipulation
Changing the origin of everything.
Potentiality Lordship
Changing the potential of everything.
Principle Manipulation
Changing all principles.
Reality Energy Manipulation
Change reality with the energies of creation.
Reality Level Manipulation
Change is level of reality.
Status Manipulation
Changing the status/state of being of everything.
Supreme Voice
Changing absolutely anything/everything via one's voice.
Changing the 4 universal aspects.
Total Conversion
Change matter, energy, elements, objects, beings, etc. into anything else.
Transcendence Manipulation
Change and manipulate forms/levels of transcendence.
Transition Manipulation
Changing all transitions.
Universal Irreversibility
Making changes irreversible.
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