The Essence of Power; Status Manipulation

 Adapted from Status Manipulation- Superpower Wiki

Lately, I have been exploring various realms of genre fiction and wondering if there was a way to crash them together in a tabletop experience. This means figuring out a way to balance unrelated effects against each other. I love Mutants and Masterminds for its ability do describe almost any character ability you can think of, so I am experimenting with M&M’s tools to work on ways to fold multiple genres together.

Status Manipulation

The power to manipulate status/state of being. Sub-power of Absolute Change and Meta Power Manipulation. Ultimate variation of Attribute Manipulation and Boundary Manipulation. 

Also Called

Status Control


User can manipulate the state/status of anything/everything. Status can include things like alive or dead, active or sedentary, awake or asleep, human/god or mortal/immortal, weak or strong, healthy or injured, intelligent or not, quantity, quality, mobile or immobile, whether one heals from injuries or not, change or stagnation, whether something/anything or someone/anyone exists or not, what boundary anyone/anything is etc.

Since one's status is a broad-ranging power, virtually anything can be changed. Users of this power shares a boundary with Omnipotence users.


Ability Imprinting

Absolute Manipulation

Absolute Life Manipulation & Absolute Death Manipulation

Advantage Manipulation

Age Manipulation

Appearance Manipulation


Aspect Manipulation

Attribute Manipulation

Authority Manipulation


Body Manipulation

Boundary Manipulation

Center Manipulation

Change Inducement

Change Reversal

Condition Manipulation

Consciousness Grounding

Control Manipulation

Creation-Destruction Manipulation

Damage Manipulation

Deification-Users too

Difference Manipulation

Directional Manipulation

Efficacy Manipulation

Event Manipulation

Existence Manipulation

Experience Manipulation

Guise Manipulation

Growth Manipulation

Health Manipulation

Hierarchy Manipulation

Identity Manipulation

Immortality Manipulation

Immunity Manipulation

Infinity Manipulation

Invulnerability Bestowal

Leadership Manipulation

Lethality Manipulation

Level Manipulation

Life and Death Transcendence

Lifespan Manipulation

Liminality Manipulation

Limit Manipulation

Location Manipulation

Magnitude Manipulation

Memory Manipulation

Meta Variable Manipulation

Meta Power Manipulation





Origin Manipulation

Ownership Manipulation

Otherness Removal

Personal Status

Precondition Manipulation

Precondition Inducement

Pressure Manipulation

Primordial Nothingness Manipulation

Phenomenon Manipulation

Physical Change Manipulation

Potential Manipulation

Power Anchoring

Process Speed Manipulation

Progress Manipulation

Property Manipulation

Purpose Manipulation

Quality Manipulation

Quantity Manipulation

Regeneration Manipulation

Reincarnation Manipulation

Resurrection Manipulation

Sense Manipulation

Soul Manipulation

Stability Manipulation


State Bypassing

State Teleportation

Status Buff Removal

Status Effect Inducement

Status Elimination

Status Lock

Status Replication

Strength Manipulation

Superpower Manipulation

Talent Manipulation

Transcendence Manipulation


Truth/Lie Manipulation

Unfreedom Manipulation


Universal Irreversibility/Restoration

Vulnerability Inducement

Weakness Manipulation


Cosmic Order Manipulation
Phantom Condition
Status Reading
Status Theft


Ephemerality Manipulation
Transition Manipulation


Change Embodiment

Kingdom Manipulation



Solipsistic Manipulation

State of Mind


Cannot induce changes like Absolute Change.

May only be able to induce certain changes.

May be limited to making some changes at a time.

Does not work on Meta Power Immunity/Omnilock users or Omnipotence.

Weak against Change Reversal and Immutability.
