Friday, December 15, 2023

Beyond the Threshold; Space-Time Manipulation

 Adapted from Space-Time Manipulation- Superpower Wiki

Space-Time Manipulation

The ability to manipulate the space-time continuum. Sub-power of Reality Warping

Also Called


Space-Time Continuum Manipulation

Space-Time/Time-Space Manipulation

Spatial-Temporal Manipulation

Space-Time Control

Spatial-Temporal Control


Users are able to manipulate, bend, distort, control and fold the space-time continuum, the fabrics of reality & existence itself in which all and everything exist in. This ability also Manipulates and Controls all aspects of Space-Time such as Space-Time Energy, Space-Time Fabric and many more and also some users may be able to manipulate/control the entirety of concept of Space-Time. Space-time serves as the boundary of existence, separating different realities and timelines and keeping them flowing and functioning properly; distorting this boundary can cause devastating effects, causing timelines to become fluid, even destroying all the world.

Based on the general relativity, "manipulation of space" is synonymous with "manipulation of time", due to space and time existing as a single continuum.

Universal Difference

Although this ability is usually considered to simply combine the manipulation of space (the dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move) and time (the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole) together, it is fundamentally more powerful and complex, as space-time is the very existence itself, separating different realities and timelines.

To control space-time is to alter the fabrics of reality & the very existence itself, allowing one to erase existences and not just the flow of time and the fabric of space, but also reorganize, alter and erase historical events/timelines/time streams and locations/realities/spatial locations.

To move through space-time is more than simply teleportation and time-travel, as it allows one to connect to alternate realities, even metaphysical realms.


Spatial Manipulation 

The power to manipulate space. 


May be very hard to control.

May be equal or lesser to Reality Warping.

Users of Space-Time Restoration can simply undo everything.

Users of Space-Time Destruction can leave users powerless.

May not be able to create any space-time, only being capable of manipulating existing space-time.

It cannot affect users of Spatial-Temporal Lock, Spatial-Temporal Transcendence and Omnilock.

Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user and their power's natural limits.

A given time, space, location, individual, object, dimension, etc. may have a limited number of times and/or ways in which it can be manipulated before "breaking", "tearing", or ceasing to exist.

May have limited ability in the length of time/area they can affect.

if the String theory turns out to be true, then Quantum Foam Manipulation may be able to "unravel" space-time. to prevent this ability from manipulating it or at the very least undo what the user has done and or effect Space-Time in a certain way maybe.

Astral cannot overpower but Time Manipulation and Space-Time Manipulations Time side of things may not affect astral to an extent due to timelessness so will have to use Spatial Manipulation instead.

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