Your Basic Fantasy Robot Army; Arian Courier


I’ve been spending the last year trying to inject a bit of Magic flavor into my game. I have proposed the color-pie as an alternate alignment system, and this time around, I want to propose a signature Magic: The Gathering creature, the Thopter. 

Arial Constructs powered by a Manacore; Thopters were among the first devices developed by the brothers Zaru and Shiram. They started as Aber devices salvaged by Cotisa's team, then the brothers worked on them to make them more efficient and deadly.  These whirring airborne machines are used by their controllers as couriers and scouts.

With a recent boom in mechanical constructs in Aria; More adventurous citizens have adopted Manacore technologies to make their lives easier.

Thopter-mounted couriers are able to ferry messages and packages across the Principality quickly.

Arian Courier   Explorer 3





Perception +11

Languages Common

Skills Crafting +12, Nature +8, Society +10, Stealth +12, Survival +10, Aria Lore +10

Str +2, Dex +5, Con +2, Int +5, Wis +3, Cha +3

Thopter Mount The Arian Courier maintains a Thopter as their mount. These Aerial mounts allow couriers to rise above the throng on city streets, allowing them to quickly transit parcels and messages for wealthy patrons. Thopter mounts not only fly, but they do so without the need for food or rest. They allow these couriers to traverse between settlements in the principality rapidly.

Thopters are telepathically bound to their controllers spending an action allows them to command the Mount either verbally or telepathically.

Experienced Smuggler

Magical Crafting

Quick Repair 1 minute Arian Couriers are able to conduct repairs. In one minute. While this doesn't mean the repairs are completed, only the effects of repair will begin to apply.

AC 18; Fort +8, Ref +14, Will +11

HP 60

Speed 30 feet

Melee  lance +14 (Deadly d8, Jousting d6, Reach), Damage 2d6+5 piercing

Ranged  shortbow +16 (Deadly d10), Damage 1d6 piercing
