Sunday, May 26, 2024

You Wouldn't Like Me if I Were Angry; Berserker


Adapted From- Berserker Archetype- Superpower Wiki; Berserker Combat- Superpower Wiki

An unbelievably powerful individual who desires battle regardless of their physical condition. a being that can empty oneself of all rational restraints in battle and completely immerse oneself in combat becoming a dangerous warrior for both friend and foe. The ability allows the user to ignore fatal physical damage as if it never affected them and continue fighting with a frightening level of stamina while also being unpredictable and erratic in combat, making it hard to counter them. The rareness of this power makes up for one's opponent being super strong by boosting the user's adrenaline and stamina to the point where they are able to wear out their opponent through sheer tenacity and ferocity alone.

In some cases, the user can become berserk through sheer rage or when they are in imminent danger.

Berserker Trait

You often lose control of your temper. Any time you take physical damage, you must make an ego check with TN equal to the damage done. If you fail, you go berserk and must charge at full speed into combat with the enemy who hurt them.

Being berserk gives the character an edge to all attacks and adds +2 to their Melee, Resilience, and Ego defenses. However, it takes -2 from their Agility defense, and they cannot use ranged weapons. 

If the character defeats the enemy who hurt them, they must then charge to attack the next closest foe. At the end of the character’s turn, they lose 5 Focus. When thier focus is reduced to the point that the character could not voluntarily spend any more Focus- or if there are no enemies in sight- the berserk state ends.


The user can infuse berserker rage with physical combat, allowing them to fight with the ferocity of a beast while taking and inflicting damage that they couldn't or wouldn't in their normal state.


Emil Blonsky Rank 5







As the Abomination, Blonsky is brilliant and coherent, Much like the Hulk often is. He’s also a self-assured egomaniac who is abusive even to those closest to him. He desires the death of the Hulk so that he can prove his mental and physical superiority. Blonsky is rarely reasonable, except on the rare occasion when he has to deal with someone clearly more powerful than himself.

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