Sunday, May 19, 2024

Gamma Powered Villainy; Emil Blonsky

Adapted From- The Abomination- Jab's Builds; Emil Blonsky- The Marvel Database

Desiring Bruce Banner, AKA the Hulk’s immense physical power, Emil Blonsky transformed himself with gamma radiation, however he used more than Banner and transformed into an amphibious creature, unable to return to his human form. He constantly tries to prove his superiority by going up against the green monster as the Abomination.


Amphibious, Black Market Access, Extreme Appearance, Green Door, Immunity: Gamma Radiation, Linguist: English, Russian, Radioactive


Abrasive, Berzerker, Big, Bloodthirsty, Connections: Espionage, Enduring Constitution, Leverage, Wierd



Brawling, Combat Trickery, Healing Factor, Mighty 3, Sturdy 3


Banging Heads, Clobber, Crushing GripGround-shaking Stomp, Immovable, Jump 3, Quick Toss, Smash, Unrelenting Smash



Emil Blonsky was a communist Croatian Yugoslavian spy who infiltrated the U.S. Air Force base in New Mexico that was commanded by General "Thunderbolt" Ross and where Dr. Bruce Banner, the nuclear physicist who became the Hulk, conducted many of his experiments with gamma radiation. Blonsky made three attempts to sabotage missiles at the base that were vital to the defense of the United States. Although each attempt was narrowly thwarted, the Air Force still did not know who the saboteur was until Blonsky's transformation.

The enigmatic alien known as the Stranger decided that the people of Earth were not responsible enough to use their nuclear weaponry wisely. He therefore presented a threat of the other civilizations of the universe. The Stranger put the Hulk under his control and intended to use him to destroy humanity. However, the Stranger's control did not extend to Bruce Banner's persona. When the Hulk next changed back into Banner, the scientist decided to commit suicide in order to save the world from a Stranger-controlled Hulk. Banner made his way into his laboratory on the Air Force base and prepared to activate a machine that would bombard him with enough gamma radiation to kill him.

Unknown to Banner, Blonsky was hiding in the laboratory, where he had been photographing Banner's gamma radiation equipment. Security officers burst in and carried Banner off. Unaware of the nature of the machine that Banner was about to use on himself, Blonsky stood in front of the machine and activated it. It bombarded him with a more concentrated and intense dosage of gamma radiation than Banner himself had received from the nuclear explosion that had first turned him into the Hulk. Like Banner, Blonsky had some unknown genetic factor in his body that saved him from being killed by such a great dose of gamma radiation. Instead, the radiation had an immediate mutagenic effect upon Blonsky, transforming him into the green-skinned, Hulk-like monster whom General Ross's daughter dubbed the Abomination.

The Abomination gained greater strength than the Hulk at the latter's "normal" level of strength, and, unlike the Hulk, Abomination retained his full human intelligence. However, Abomination could not transform back into a normal human form. Abomination’s strength may had been greater than Hulks normal levels, but which the Hulk could exceed upon becoming sufficiently enraged. The angry Hulk attacked and defeated the Abomination. The Stranger, watching from afar, was so impressed by the heroism of Banner/Hulk that he decided that there might indeed be hope for humanity.

The Abomination would continue to clash with the Hulk and Other super-powered beings, most often at the behest of more powerful beings. He would find himself pressed into the service of spacefaring conqorers and would be masterminds


Blonsky was kidnapped by the robotic Sentinels. The Sentinels hoped to use the Abomination (and gamma-powered scientist Doc Samson) in a test to see if they could sterilize human beings and thus end a perceived mutant menace. The Abomination helped the similarly-kidnapped mutant heroes X-Men defeat the Sentinels but was confronted by their creator, Doctor Cynthia Chalmers. Promising Blonsky the Sentinels after she has used them to destroy the mutants, Abomination helped Chalmers rebuild the Sentinels but was ultimately betrayed by her and both he and the robots were defeated by the X-Men.

Homeless Community

Blonsky remained in New York's sewers and began attracting followers of misfits, outcasts, and humans and mutants. One of these mutants included at one point the one called Threnody, who was a victim of her own recently-emerged mutant powers. The misfits called themselves the Forgotten (later, the Abominations) and created their community underneath New York. Blonsky served as their protector more than once. For example, when the New York sewers became a focal point between the police and drug traffickers, with the Abomination's homeless community caught in the middle. The Hulk arrived to help the police and battled Blonsky. The Hulk was unable to defeat the Abomination and Blonsky killed most of the police and news reporters before escaping.

Threnody returned to Blonsky's sewers when escaping Mister Sinister. She was followed by her boyfriend at the time, the X-Man, and Blonsky fought him, seeing this as a betrayal of his community. X-Man used his psychic powers to allow him and Threnody to leave.

The Murder of Betty Banner

Blonsky had come to regard his relationship with the Hulk as one of equal status-- they were both ugly and psychologically scarred and alone. However, when Blonsky learned of Banner's marriage to his life-long love, Betty, Blonsky felt that now he was worse off than the Hulk. Blonsky learned that Betty was hospitalized, and he killed her by injecting his gamma-irradiated blood into Betty's dialysis machine, although the world thought that the Hulk was responsible. Betty's father, General Ross, discovered this fact by tracking the Hulk and instead, found Blonsky. Blonsky, apparently abandoning his homeless community, had gone on a rampage, destroying a town before being confronted by Ross. The Hulk had somehow tracked the Abomination as well, and Blonsky revealed that Nadia is "gone" to him as well. The Hulk walked away from a confrontation with Blonsky, knowing that his forgiveness would be the one form of retaliation his enemy could not endure. The Abomination could not comprehend and endure his enemy's absolution, and his moment of triumph was twisted into crushing defeat. Blonsky realized he had become what he abhorred the most - it was he who was the rampaging, inhuman monster; not the Hulk as he had religiously believed all these years.


Months later, Blonsky was working as creative writing teacher, although he soon quit the job. After revealing to Banner his late wife's cryogenically preserved corpse, the still-grieving General Ross manipulated the Hulk into attacking and almost killing Blonsky. He convinced his son-in-law it was time to bring Blonsky to justice. The no-holds-barred battle between the Abomination and the Hulk destroyed a town and ravaged the surrounding countryside, finally placing the Abomination in military custody. As punishment, Blonsky was forced to watch a film loop of himself and his wife prior to his transformation, making his incarceration a constant reminder of what he has lost.

Home Base & a Wife's Vengeance

When Bruce Banner was on the run from the mysterious underground organization known only as Home Base, he unexpectedly encountered Blonsky's wife Nadia living in an isolated desert home. Nadia offered Banner shelter and the two struck up an intimate friendship. At the same time, agents of Home Base infiltrated Blonsky's prison and made with him a deadly bargain -- the promise of release and reunion with his wife Nadia in exchange for the defeat and capture of the Hulk. Despite the apparent betrayal of Agent S-3, Blonsky was inadvertently set free and he soon confronted Banner and Nadia. Nadia then revealed her true purpose for coming to the United States, to find her husband and to wreak her vengeance for the years suffered in a physically abusive marriage to him. In the confrontation, Banner transformed into the Hulk and the two beasts battled, with Hulk emerging victorious.

Facing She-Hulk

Sometime later, the Hulk was launched into space, and it didn't take long for Blonsky to realize his nemesis was missing. Feeling no one on Earth could stop him now, he figured he was free to do whatever he pleased, starting by taking over a small establishment and forcing all the waitresses to serve him enormous amounts of food. S.H.I.E.L.D. quickly got to the scene and She-Hulk was tasked with facing Abomination. She was more agile and the better martial artist of the two, but that wasn't enough to overcome the Abomination's strength and endurance. It wasn't until Abomination momentarily let his guard down that She-Hulk managed to throw a decisive punch and knock him out.

He was then placed under S.H.I.E.L.D.'s custody and experimented on alongside other villains so that S.H.I.E.L.D. could develop nanotechnology capable of controlling them.

Abomination eventually ran afoul of the Red Hulk (actually a mutated Thunderbolt Ross) in Russia who, after savagely beating the Abomination within an inch of his life, subsequently shot him dead in retaliation for his hand in Betty Ross' "death." During the Chaos War, Blonsky was resurrected by the Chaos King and sent alongside Zom to locate and revive Death and defeat the Hulk Family. After combating the group who were unprepared to his new power-set and severely injuring Rick Jones, he found Death's host, Marlo Jones. After being beaten by the Hulks and their resurrected allies, Emil summoned Brian Banner. After Brian Banner's defeat, Blonsky was killed by Marlo when she became empowered by Death.

Project Green Spring

As part of their efforts to capture the Hulk, the covert Shadow Base recovered gamma-activated tissue from Blonsky's corpse. While initially bonded to Rick Jones, Shadow Base's leader, General Fortean, ultimately co-opted the tissue, turning him into a creature similar to the Abomination. Following Fortean's death at the hands of the Hulk, Blonsky resurrected into Fortean's mutated body, presumably through the Green Door, gaining Fortean's memories as well as the ability to switch back and forth between his original look and Fortean's Abomination form. Posing as Fortean, Blonsky established the insurrectionist Project Green Spring. He allied himself with gamma expert Dr. Alba, who used slivers of Blonsky's skin to make grafts that turned test subjects into gamma monsters. Green Spring's efforts also included the distribution of low-level gamma grafts to the population of Thomasville, Texas, which were marketed as a supplement called Fortify.

Two of Green Spring's test subjects were the Hulk's son Skaar and Fortean's daughter Dionne. She ran away when she learned of Green Spring's experimentation with the townspeople, and crossed paths with the gamma-focused task force Gamma Flight. Blonsky sent Skaar after her, but she escaped with Gamma Flight. Joining the team, Dionne helped raid Thomasville, where Gamma Flight hijacked Green Spring's Cathexis Ray to reverse the effects of Fortify on the townspeople. The Abomination confronted Gamma Flight and Skaar, who Dionne turned against Blonsky, but he was driven away following Dr. Alba's defeat.


The Abomination would join New York mayor Wilson Fisk's Thunderbolts during Fisk's campaign against New York's superheroes. Blonsky would participate in the capture of the Purple Man's children, but his whereabouts after this event are as yet unknown.


Gamma Mutate

The gamma radiation that mutated the Abomination's body fortified his cellular structure and added, from some as yet unknown source, over 800 pounds of bone marrow and tissue to his body. Unlike Hulk, the transformation of Abomination has proved stable; he cannot change between his human and superhuman states.

Tags: Extreme Appearance, Green Door, Immunity: Gamma Radiation, Radioactive

Superhuman Strength

The Abomination possesses vast superhuman strength enabling him to lift approximately 100 tons. Although the Abomination's strength surpasses that of certain classic incarnations of the Hulk, such as Mr. Fixit (Class 70) or the Green Savage Hulk (Class 90), the Abomination's strength does not fluctuate like the Hulk's. Hence, while the Abomination may be stronger than a "calm" Hulk, when enraged Hulk's strength level rapidly reaches and exceeds the Class 100 level possessed by Blonsky. Blonsky incredible strength has allowed him to battle and defeat powerful foes and has once knocked out Doc Sasquatch with a single blow and broke one of Skaar's arms without much effort.

Powers: Banger Heads, Clobber, Crushing Grip, Ground-shaking Stomp, Mighty 3, Quick Toss, Smash, Unrelenting Smash
Superhuman Leaping

The Abomination's great strength also extends into the highly developed and powerful muscles of his legs, enabling him to leap over two miles.

Powers: Jump 3,

Superhuman Stamina

The Abomination's highly advanced musculature produces vastly less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human. He is capable of physically exerting himself at peak capacity for several days before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him.
Traits: Enduring Constitution

Superhuman Durability

In addition to great strength, the Abomination's bodily tissues are substantially harder and more resistant to injury than the tissues of an ordinary human. The Abomination's skin can withstand great heat without blistering, great cold without freezing, and great impacts without injury. His body can also withstand tremendous impact forces, such as artillery shells and powerful energy blasts, without sustaining injury.
Powers: Brawling,  Immovable, Sturdy 3 

Superhuman Speed (Inactive)

Aside from his immense strength and durability, the Abomination can also move at superhuman speed.
Regenerative Healing Factor

Despite his great physical resilience, it is possible to injure him. However, he possesses an accelerated healing factor similar to that possessed by the Hulk. As a result, he is capable of regenerating great amounts of damaged or destroyed tissue with much greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. While the full extent of his healing powers are unknown they are inferior to those of the Hulk since the Hulk's healing powers, much like his strength, increases as he becomes angrier. The Abomination is also immune to all known Earthly diseases and infections.
Powers: Healing Factor,


Underwater Breathing

The Abomination's lung capacity is higher than the Hulk's, allowing him to breathe underwater for longer periods of time.
Tags: Amphibious, 

Suspended Animation: 

Extreme pain, cold, or extended lack of oxygen can cause the Abomination to enter a coma-like state of suspended animation, in which he can survive, perhaps indefinitely.
Hulk Tracking (inactive)

According to the Order of the Shield, they added a feature that enables Abomination to track down the Hulk.

Plot Hooks

The Hunt for the Abomination

Blonsky escapes from custody, and the heroes are tasked with tracking him down. This could involve investigating his past connections, dealing with the consequences of his destructive rampages, and ultimately confronting him in a climactic battle.
The Redemption of Emil Blonsky

A shadowy organization offers the heroes a chance to cure Blonsky's condition and restore his human form. However, the process is risky and requires rare ingredients or technology. The heroes must decide whether to help Blonsky and potentially create a powerful ally, or focus on other threats.
The Abomination Conspiracy

Blonsky is framed for a series of attacks, and the heroes must uncover the real culprit. This could lead them to a hidden enemy manipulating Blonsky for their own agenda, or a deeper conspiracy involving gamma experimentation and superhuman warfare.
The Monster's Bargain

Blonsky offers the heroes information or assistance in exchange for their help with a personal matter. This could range from rescuing a loved one to avenging a former associate. The heroes must weigh the potential benefits against the risks of trusting a known villain.
Green Midnight

Blonsky resurfaces with enhanced powers, posing a greater threat than ever before. The heroes must rally other superpowered allies or develop new strategies to confront this formidable foe. This could escalate into a large-scale conflict with lasting consequences for the superhuman community.


Tragic Figure

The Abomination's backstory as a spy transformed into a monster against his will could be used to portray him as a tragic figure. Players could have the opportunity to reason with him or even help him find a cure for his condition.
Antagonist/Boss Battle 

As a classic Hulk villain, the Abomination could serve as a formidable opponent for a party of heroes. His motivations could range from simple destruction and mayhem to a more complex desire to prove his superiority over the Hulk or other heroes.
Recurring Villain

The Abomination could serve as a recurring antagonist, escaping captivity or being manipulated by other villains to repeatedly challenge the heroes. This could create a sense of escalating danger and provide opportunities for the players to develop their strategies and teamwork.

Reluctant Ally

When a common enemy presents a greater threat, the Abomination could be convinced to temporarily team up with the heroes. This could create interesting dynamics as the heroes grapple with trusting a known villain.
Source of Information

Due to his espionage background and extensive interactions with the superhuman community, the Abomination could be a valuable source of information for the players. They might need to negotiate or earn his trust to gain access to his knowledge.

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