Pushing the Bounds of Normal; Enhanced Strength

Adapted from Enhanced Strength Superpower Wiki

Super Strength is a fairly common kind of power among superheroes which is why the Mighty powers- which represent raw strength- aren’t part of this power set but are instead Basic Powers. The Super Strength power set is more about the kinds of things that characters can pull off when they have amazing strength, so if you want your character to be able to manage these things, be sure to line up some of those Mighty Powers, too.

Super Strength         Power Set

The power to possess strength above and beyond what's naturally and physically possible. Sub-power of Enhanced Body.

Banging Heads Power

You take two nearby enemies and slam their heads together

Clobber Power

You pummel your foe with enough force to knock them flat

Crushing Grip Power 2

You seize an enemy and squeeze them hard

Ground-Shaking Stomp     Power 3

You smash the ground so hard the earth trembles

Immovable Power

The power to be impossible to be moved by an external physical force.

Jump 1-3 Power 2+

The ability to jump longer and higher distances than most humans.

Quick Toss Power 3

You toss a person like a toy.

Smash Power 2


Unrelenting Smash Power 4

You smash everything within reach.


Users can raise thousands of pounds to tens of thousands of pounds. Being able to carry out any offensive action with the force of a massive vehicle. Users can lift cars, trucks, buses, moderate to large sized rocks, tall trees and are often beyond the physical limits of humans at their maximum. The user can perform extremely powerful attacks and cause a lot of collateral damage such as destroying large bridges, buildings, heavy vehicles, large trees, and killing huge creatures that require military grade weapons, such as moderate explosives, with only their physical strength.

Associated Powers

Mighty 1-4 Power

You are superhumanly strong


Armory Power Core- Force Servos +1 Device


The suit’s power core empowers the suit to feats of strength. Converting the power of the core into raw force, the force servos use that force as lifting and punching power.  (Enhanced Strength 12)
