Adapted From- Jab's Quill; Echos of the Multiverse; Maxwell Jordan- Marvel Database
This submission is derived from my home game. One of my players said simply I want Porcupine powers. Quill, Maxwell Jordan, was the closest analog i could think of. This character would be underpowered for our power level, so I borrowed a few traits from Wolverine to round out his animalistic characteristics. The Populace of Earth L26 are unaware of the existence of superpowered individuals nor is there a general awareness of mutants. The precise nature of Quill’s condition is unknown.
Quill was found in a national park as a child. He had no hair until around he was 11. At 14, Sharp quills began to grow from what would have otherwise been his hair follicles. He was adopted into a loving family; he grew into an optimistic outlook on life and a general respect for established institutions and the rule of law. He believes it's the responsibility of the strong to protect the weak. He wanted to join the military, but his condition prevented him from enlisting. The covert agency DOMAIN was aware of Quill’s efforts and recruited him onto the D-List
Quill Character 10
Young DOMAIN operative raised by an adoptive family after he was discovered in the Adirondacks. He uses his unique physical characteristics to protect his team and maintain their awareness of their surroundings.
All-Out Attack, Defensive Roll, Die-Hard, Evaison, Fast Grab, Fearless, Improved Critical (Quills), Improved Grab, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Precise Attack (Ranged/Cover), Seize Initiative, Startle, Takedown, Tracking, Ultimate Skill (Perception), Uncanny Dodge
Animal Senses
Quill's Eyes, Ears, and Nose are more sensitive to stimuli than most humans, and he tends to notice things others would miss. Enhanced Senses 9 (Acute, Extended & Accurate Scent, Extended Vision & Hearing, Low-Light Vision, Tracking 2- Scent)
Quill Blast
The quills covering Quill's body can be ejected to about 60 ft away. Most commonly, Quill directs this attack by projecting his forearm quills at a target. Piercing Blast 6 With Multiattack and Alternate Effects
Alternate Effect- Precise Quill
Quill carefully aims a projectile quill so that it interferes with the target's normal bodily function. Instead of causing raw damage, quills interrupt nerve transmission and block the function of their limbs. Ranged Cumulative Fortitude Affliction 6 (Hindered, Disabled, Paralyzed)
Alternate Effect- Quill Burst
Quill flexes follicles all over his body, ejecting quills in all directions. 30ft Burst Fire Damage 10
Quill Covered
Quill is covered in 3-9 inch Sharp quills that grow from his hair follicles. These quills act as a deterrent to unwanted physical contact. Piercing Aura 2
Spiked Fist
4-6 four-inch quills on Quill's knuckles make his unarmed strikes more dangerous. Strength-Based Piercing Damage 2 (4)
Domain Armor (Protection 5), Multi-Tool, Smart Phone
Motivation (Duty to Help Others)- he believes it's the responsibility of the strong to protect the weak. This desire to help and defend led him to join DOMAIN.
Drawback (Extreme Appearance)- Quill possesses unusual physical features that make it very difficult to blend in.
Drawback (Self-Consious ) -Quill is insecure about his appearance.
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