Friday, April 7, 2023

Marching From the Fallen Star; Gedan

 Adapted from Greenwold - Dungeon in a Box

A variety of powerful factions shapes life on Gedan. Five of these factions in particular seek out the Fallen Star for their own purposes. As cunning and resourceful individuals, the party may be working as trusted agents of one of these factions. In exchange the party receives the material support of the powerful faction and gains access to certain secret information regarding the Fallen Star.

The Modern history of Gedan, as the sages of the Cyrillian Academy discuss it, began over a thousand years ago with the end of the War of the Dragons. For centuries the dragons battled each other for dominance,locking the world in a long dark age astheir violent struggles devastated the cities of the lesser mortal Ancestries. The war finally came to an end when a party of heroes forged the legendary Orb of Dragon Souls, and forced the dragons to concede to a peace agreement. The dragons agreed to divide the world into 10 great domains - one for each color of dragon. Henceforth, the dragons would limit themselves to their domain, and never impose on the domain of another. Some dragons ruled their realms like despots,some became shepherds of their people.Others simply retired to their hordes toslumber until disturbed.When the Orb was rediscovered not long ago, a second dragon war threatened to engulf Gedan. However, a newband of heroes arose to master the artifact's power and save the realm. In the aftermath, the dragons met again and agreed that Gedan should be free from draconic rule.In response to the dragons' withdrawal, the demigod Empyrean moved intothe power vacuum. Attempting to expand upon her domain to the south, Gedan fought for its existence in the face of overwhelming divine magic. Ultimately, the Empyrean was defeated, and Gedan entered a new age of prosperity. Free to pursue their own goals without outside meddling, the rulers of Gedan returned to bicker with each other and go to war about petty matters.

The seas of Gedan are no longer under the domain of any dragon lord and are considered neutral territory by all dragons. Monsters still overrun much of the wastes, but ancient ruins and great treasures are rumored to be concealed within the rugged hills and fallen cities. A few small forts and frontier towns have been established by brave and hardy adventurers who seek a profit or hope to carve out their own kingdoms.

The Five Factions Gedan

  • Merchant Princes of Zhaz- This faction is driven by the acquisition of wealth, and the power that wealth can provide. They view the pursuit and acquisition of wealth as its own end. Gold, political influence, secrets... all of these are valuable and worth seeking out.

  • Conclave of the Seed- Rangers, druids, and worshipers of nature make up the loose affiliation known as the Conclave of the Seed. These wanderers are more at home in the wilds than in crowded streets, and are known to care as much for the well-being of a forest as they are for a city.

  •  Cyrillian Academy The Cyrillian Academy is the foremost center for magical learning in the realm. Nearly all arcane spellcasters have either studied in its famed Blue towers or under the tutelage of one of its ordained wizards.

  • Free Guild Wherever adventurers congregate to swap stories, share drinks, or embark on quests, the Free Guild is there. A world-wide network that provides lodging and support for adventurers wherever they may roam, most Free “guilds” are taverns, inns, provisioners, or the like, run by exadventurers. Other guilds exist in distant frontier forts, or far-flung cities that serve as the last stop before perilous destinations. Regardless, they act as a place to catch up on new rumors, get a good meal and a good night’s sleep, or simply unwind in the company of peers.

  • The Concordance- The people of Gedan worship a pantheon of gods - from the glorious god of the sun, to the ferocious god of war - each with their own clergy and churches. Just as the gods will collaborate to influence the universe, so do their priests sometimes assemble to work in common cause.

Ancestries of Gedan 

Khazadur, The Dwarves of Gedan

It’s not an uncommon sight to pass a dwarven merchant or stonemason on a busy city street. Nearly all dwarves on Gedan trace their ancestry back to the city of Nulgath, where humans and dwarves have intermingled since the city’s founding. These dwarves might have lived their entire lives in the mountain city, delving the unending mine tunnels that stretch far beneath its streets, or working as an accomplished smith or mason in a city renowned for its excellent craftsmanship. 


Elves on Gedan are synonymous with the Tanglebrier - the largest forest in the known world. In ages past, they ruled a vast empire from the magic citadel in its heart. The green dragon, Mouyld, caused that empire's downfall many centuries ago, cursing the forest and shattering their lands. The elves never recovered, and now live in the shadow of their former glory - clinging to the edges of the forest they once ruled. While many elves have since formed new communities elsewhere, some stalwarts stay within the forest, battling its evils while maintaining a tense co-existence with the civilized nations that encroach at the edges. 

Eldar Elves

The river-running elves of the Tanglebriar; The Eldar Elves of Gedan are a mystical and ancient race, deeply connected to the natural world and steeped in timeless wisdom. Dwelling primarily within the ancient forests that adorn the realm, they are renowned for their ethereal beauty and grace. With their slender forms and luminous, almond-shaped eyes, they embody an otherworldly elegance

Lothian Elves

The Lothians chose a life of self-exile to the Blazing Isles in ages past, following a violent schism with the other elves. Driven from the mainland, they dwell in the inaccessible volcanic islands just visible off the coast of the mainland. The Lothians have established a convoluted series of enclaves in the vast volcanic caverns beneath the isles of the archipelago. They continue to pursue their own way of life below the surface, including the practice of necromancy, while an underclass of servitors labor on the surface above. Xenophobes with delusions of racial superiority, there is still some trade between them and the mainland - in illicit black markets in Villium, and openly in the bazaars of Zhaz. 


The most common halflings in the Greenwold come from the island city-state of Thile. As comfortable on the water as on land, these bucolic river folk spend their time catching fish, racing their skiffs, and relaxing in the current. Not to be underestimated, these halflings have a long tradition of producing surprisingly fierce mercenaries - fearless sailors who can be found bolstering navies across the Great Sea, or providing swift aid to Gedan’s forts. 

Given their proclivity for the water, Thile halflings are casually referred to as “Guppies,” “Minnows,” “Tadpoles,” and other half-endearing nicknames by the larger folk - appellations that are variously despised or embraced by the riverfolk, depending on their temperament. 

Torvi Halflings

Curiosity and a thirst for discovery drive the Torvi Halflings to venture beyond their cozy villages and into the wider world. They possess an innate wanderlust that propels them to explore distant lands, seeking new experiences and forging connections with different cultures. With their nimble feet and agile minds, they excel as agile scouts, adept at navigating treacherous terrains and uncovering hidden secrets.

Despite their carefree nature, the Torvi Halflings are not to be underestimated. They possess an uncanny ability to evade danger and find solutions to seemingly insurmountable challenges. Their small stature grants them exceptional agility and stealth, making them skilled thieves and resourceful adventurers when needed. They rely on their quick wits, cleverness, and a network of tight-knit communities to overcome obstacles and outwit adversaries.

Alaw Halfling 

The Alaw are river-born halflings; They are inspired by Celtic culture and work hard most of the day, but rest hard at least two to three times between tasks. Though easily prone to distraction, the hard-working and unflappable nature of Alaw halflings has earned them respect across Gedan. Alaw have a swim speed of 25 ft. 


While humans can be found across the Gesan, they tend to congregate in large cities - in particular Villium, Nulgath, and Zhaz. Each of these cities has their own distinct cultures and flavors. 

Dulandir Humans

As stern and freedom-loving humans, the Dulandir are known for their disciplined nature and a strong sense of order.The Dulandir hold  great influence in the maritime affairs of Gedan and strives for prosperity and harmony within its borders.,

Anor Humans

Known for their chivalry, honor, and military prowess, the Anor uphold a code of conduct that emphasizes bravery, loyalty, and a sense of justice. Their people excel in various martial disciplines, making them formidable warriors on the battlefield. Residing in a kingdom rich in history and tradition, the Anor are deeply connected to their land and take great pride in their ancestral lineage. As skilled diplomats and tacticians, the Anor strive for stability and harmony within their borders while maintaining a vigilant defense against external threats.

Garvfang Humans

A nomadic people of fierce and resilient warriors hail from the harsh lands of Volskar. With their origins shrouded in myth and legend, they are a mysterious and enigmatic people. Known for their exceptional combat skills and indomitable spirit, the Garvfang have honed their craft through generations of survival in the unforgiving wilderness. Their society revolves around a strong sense of kinship and a deep connection to nature, with the clan's survival depending on their ability to adapt and thrive in the rugged environment. The Garvfang are renowned for their mastery of various weapons and combat techniques, making them formidable adversaries on the battlefield. Despite their nomadic lifestyle, they possess a rich oral tradition, preserving their history and folklore through captivating storytelling. The Garvfang's unforgiving homeland has shaped them into resilient warriors who embrace a life of freedom and self-reliance, embodying the untamed spirit of the wilderness they call home.

Uruks the Orcs of Gedan

Nearly all orcs come from the rugged terrain of the Highland Reaches. As such, most orcs come can be found in north of the Great Sea. Orc hordes haven’t been a threat to the Great Sea in many generations. The highest concentrations of orcs can be found in Stonefast, where they work alongside their human compatriots. Dwarves are slow to forget a grudge, and tales of the brutal Dwarf-Orc Wars of old are still told. Tensions exist between the two Ancestries in the city, and Stonefast continues to reckon with its history. Beyond Stonefast, the highest number of half-orcs can be found in Gravfang, though they (along with hobgoblins) are widely marginalized. 

Other Ancestries 

Aj'Snaga, the Yuan’Ti of Gedan

an ancient and reclusive race, dwell deep within the uncharted realms of the Shadowlands. Shrouded in mystery and myth, they are beings of both ethereal beauty and enigmatic darkness. With their distinctive features and otherworldly presence, the Aj'Snaga command a sense of awe and reverence from those who encounter them. They possess an innate affinity for magic, wielding arcane energies with unparalleled mastery, and are known to possess rare and unique abilities that transcend mortal comprehension. The Aj'Snaga are deeply attuned to the natural balance of the cosmos, and their existence is intertwined with the delicate harmony of the universe. Despite their seclusion, they are said to possess profound wisdom and ancient knowledge, making them sought-after allies and enigmatic guides for those who venture into the realms of the unknown. Legends speak of their ability to traverse the realms of dreams and to perceive hidden truths beyond the veil of reality. The Aj'Snaga are a race steeped in enigma, embodying the dichotomy of light and shadow, and serving as guardians of arcane secrets that lie beyond the grasp of ordinary mortals.

Gagab, the Goblins of Gedan

Also known as the Goblins of Gedan, are a unique and often misunderstood ancestral group. Gagab society is deeply rooted in communal living and close-knit communities, where cooperation and interdependence are highly valued. The Gagab are renowned for their resourcefulness and adaptability, traits that have allowed them to thrive in various environments, from dense forests to sprawling underground caverns. They have a knack for engineering and invention, creating intricate mechanisms and contraptions that serve both practical and mischievous purposes. Their craftsmanship is highly sought after, especially their intricate clockwork creations.

Kovirur, the Amurrans of Gedan

The Amurrans on Gedan are a unique community of catfolk deeply connected to nature. They have adapted to the varied landscapes of their world and embrace their role as guardians of the planet's ecological balance. Their strong sense of community, reverence for nature, and natural abilities make them formidable adventurers and valuable allies in the ongoing struggle to protect their lands.

Rakes, the Dragonkin of Gedan

Dragonborn are rare on Gedan. While they can be found in any city in the realm, there are no dragonkin communities in the Great Sea, and news of one arriving in a town or village is quickly spread. The most common colors of dragonkin on Gedan are bronze, green, and black (owing to the realm’s location to dragon territories of these three types), though red-scaled dragonborn from Lux’s domain in the Great Sea sometimes arrive at the port cities as emissaries. 

Zuteko, the Gnomes of Gedan

There isn’t a large population of gnomes on Gedan, but those that do live there get around. Gnomes are commonly encountered as traveling sages, wandering explorers, bards, and other occupations that lead them to new experiences (or trouble). The ancestral homeland of the gnomes are the Trollfells on the eastern edge of the Great Sea. However, those forests and hills are now overrun by ogres, trolls and other giants - meaning only the hardiest and most reluctant remain. 

Igrocog, the Gnolls of Gedan

The Gnolls of Gedan are fierce and relentless predators, embodying the untamed wilderness and the primal instincts of survival. This culture is inspired by the Mongolians.

Kyohe, the Tengu of Gedan

the Tengu of Gedan are a fascinating and agile ancestry, embodying the freedom of flight and the pursuit of knowledge. Inspired by medieval rural Japan, Their avian features and intellectual prowess make them a captivating addition to the diverse ancestries of the campaign world, offering unique perspectives and opportunities for exploration and adventure. 


Tieflings are rare in Gedan, but significantly more common in the Old Empyrean for reasons not fully understood. No large communities of tieflings exist in the Great Sea, due to the rarity of the Ancestry and the intolerance of most communities. Those that do congregate together are found in Zhaz, where the city’s laissez-faire policies and live-and-let-live attitude make tieflings just another colorful addition to the melting pot.

Topan, the Yksoi of Gedan

Inquisitive, pint-sized furry folk resembling an oversized, bipedal rodent, tiny of stature and swift underfoot, mousekin are adept at not being seen. Due to their small numbers and recent origin most folk of Gedan have never seen nor heard of the Yksoi. Fortunately, yksoi make friends easily - striking most civilized Ancestries as endearingly cute. 

Rare Ancestries 


Very rarely, a common poppet spontaneously manifests a spark of life—a tiny bit of life essence— and becomes a thinking, independent creature. These events are exceedingly rare; fewer than one in a thousand gain this spark. A poppet might manifest this life essence through a magical fluke in its construction, a brush with ephemeral spirits, or even the fervent wish of a loving child. Whatever their origin, the poppets described here as an ancestry have their own life and free will. They might consider their creators or former owners to be friends, but they acknowledge no one as their master and often leave comfortable homes or workshops to seek their place in the world.

Nations of Gedan

The great nations of Gedan work together to cling to success in the face of untold beasts and monsters, even as they work against each to their own advantage. Together, with the wizards of the Cyrillian Academy, civilization maintains its toe hold in this rough and wild plane. 

  • Cyhmelsean Empire; Capital- Cyhmelse; Ruling Culture- Torvi; 18 Settlements; Area 46256 Square Miles; Total Population- 753413; 

  • Narion Empire; Capital- Lolthlin; Ruling Culture- Lothian; 9 Settlements; Area 39400 Square Miles; Total Population- 413428

  • Kingdom of Draugaust; Capital- Thyranghed; Ruling Culture- Eldar; 7 Settlements; Area 32444 Square Miles; Total Population- 389405

  • Kingdom of Lyvelora, Capital- Kamarmelu; Ruling Culture- Torvi; 11 Settlements; Area 31600 Square Miles; Total Population- 391304

  • Kingdom of Anari, Capital- Anari; Ruling Culture- Torvi; 8 Settlements; Area 506588 Square Miles; Total Population- 441000

  • Kingdom of Szeknur, Capital- Aicur; Ruling Culture- Kovirur; 10 Settlements; Area 28628 Square Miles; Total Population- 554203

  • Kingdom of Knighpasia, Capital- Knighpas; Ruling Culture- Anor; 6 Settlements; Area 28280 Square Miles; Total Population- 240989

  • League of Runi; Capital - Kudas; Ruling Culture - Torvi; 7 Settlements; Area 28220 Square Miles; Total Population - 485052

  • Hold of Tsedakh; Capital - Nulgath; Ruling Culture - Khazadur; 7 Settlements; Area 26908 Square Miles; Total Population - 302214

  • Shaumenan Empire; Capital - Alean; Ruling Culture - Torvi; 8 Settlements; Area 24572 Square Miles; Total Population - 402072

  • Roruman Dominion; Capital - Villum; Ruling Culture - Dulandir; 10 Settlements; Area 24248 Square Miles; Total Population - 382528 The Roruman Dominion is a powerful seafaring nation that seeks to perfect its communities through law and mastery over the elements.

  • Kingdom of Olalinlean; Capital - Filasenor; Ruling Culture - Torvi; 9 Settlements; Area 23532 Square Miles; Total Population - 259032

  • Kingdom of Saqs; Capital - Ret'erha; Ruling Culture - Kovirur; 8 Settlements; Area 22016 Square Miles; Total Population - 338306

  • Kingdom of Gurkoc; Capital - Harthug; Ruling Culture - Alaw; 8 Settlements; Area 20472 Square Miles; Total Population - 265948

  • Nelesegul Theocracy; Capital - Elelondhil; Ruling Culture - Torvi; 7 Settlements; Area 19828 Square Miles; Total Population - 439405

  • Hlurthalan Empire; Capital - Hauls; Ruling Culture - Torvi; 4 Settlements; Area 17684 Square Miles; Total Population - 313358

  • Kingdom of Ronefalsia; Capital - Laken; Ruling Culture - Anor; 7 Settlements; Area 17292 Square Miles; Total Population - 337199

  • Kingdom of Siquana; Capital - Siquana; Ruling Culture - Torvi; 5 Settlements; Area 17100 Square Miles; Total Population - 309861

  • Kingdom of Hagroth; Capital - Farion; Ruling Culture - Zuteko; 4 Settlements; Area 16344 Square Miles; Total Population - 252574

  • Kingdom of Bayfshiel; Capital - Dewgro; Ruling Culture - Anor; 6 Settlements; Area 15680 Square Miles; Total Population - 256149

  • Kingdom of Siezut; Capital - Lon'sish; Ruling Culture - Kovirur; 5 Settlements; Area 15500 Square Miles; Total Population - 259795

  • See of Kelfa; Capital - Sylerinde; Ruling Culture - Torvi; 3 Settlements; Area 15372 Square Miles; Total Population - 257911

  • Kingdom of Khaxistir; Capital - Parthagar; Ruling Culture - Rake; 3 Settlements; Area 15256 Square Miles; Total Population - 232767

  • Ninewean Theocracy; Capital - Lolth; Ruling Culture - Lothian; 5 Settlements; Area 14324 Square Miles; Total Population - 339688

  • Kingdom of Ty'ather; Capital - Ka-Did; Ruling Culture - Lothian; 3 Settlements; Area 14228 Square Miles; Total Population - 178159

  • Kingdom of Und-Sholon; Capital - Elnar; Ruling Culture - Lothian; 2 Settlements; Area 13888 Square Miles; Total Population - 195272

  • Kingdom of Nuzec; Capital - Adud; Ruling Culture - Kyohe; 4 Settlements; Area 13780 Square Miles; Total Population - 243693

  • Principality of Keath; Capital - Thelionse; Ruling Culture - Torvi; 2 Settlements; Area 13324 Square Miles; Total Population - 253066

  • Realm of Garvfang; Capital - Klakknes; Ruling Culture - Garvfang; 5 Settlements; Area 12592 Square Miles; Total Population - 178607

  • Kingdom of Olnemel; Capital - Dolanil; Ruling Culture - Torvi; 5 Settlements; Area 11864 Square Miles; Total Population - 268928

  • Dutgalian Khaganate; Capital - Dutgal; Ruling Culture - Dulandir; 3 Settlements; Area 11764 Square Miles; Total Population - 118510

  • Kingdom of Rinqash; Capital - Lekiqas; Ruling Culture - Kovirur; 2 Settlements; Area 11472 Square Miles; Total Population - 167534

  • Uthagaust Theocracy; Capital - Almamatalas; Ruling Culture - Zuteko; 3 Settlements; Area 11160 Square Miles; Total Population - 170415

  • Matheas Theocracy; Capital - Jalmo'urmok; Ruling Culture - Lothian; 4 Settlements; Area 10904 Square Miles; Total Population - 230895

  • Kingdom of Dawnpasia; Capital - Rosereden; Ruling Culture - Garvfang; 4 Settlements; Area 10616 Square Miles; Total Population - 174009

  • Principality of Esheire; Capital - Iunesath; Ruling Culture - Eldar; 4 Settlements; Area 10356 Square Miles; Total Population - 118890

  • Grand Duchy of Umemar; Capital: Undrase; Ruling Culture: Eldar; 2 Settlements; Area: 10180 Square Miles; Total Population: 153814

  • Kingdom of Darnan; Capital: Khun; Ruling Culture: Alaw; 1 Settlement; Area: 10020 Square Miles; Total Population: 130703

  • Hlurthan Theocracy; Capital: Hlurtha; Ruling Culture: Torvi; 3 Settlements; Area: 9676 Square Miles; Total Population: 204228

  • Protectorate of Metahethe; Capital: Seld'ruhn; Ruling Culture: Lothian; 3 Settlements; Area: 9508 Square Miles; Total Population: 171076

  • Kingdom of Neiera; Capital: Iumyerinde; Ruling Culture: Torvi; 3 Settlements; Area: 9148 Square Miles; Total Population: 112203

  • Falverian Theocracy; Capital: Falver; Ruling Culture: Anor; 4 Settlements; Area: 8760 Square Miles; Total Population: 120610

  • Shemnarenese League; Capital: Ysahethan; Ruling Culture: Torvi; 3 Settlements; Area: 8572 Square Miles; Total Population: 108672

  • Kingdom of Zha; Capital: Ashrash; Ruling Culture: Kovirur; 2 Settlements; Area: 8556 Square Miles; Total Population: 119574

  • Kingdom of Samdharland; Capital: Nagyrthaz; Ruling Culture: Rake; 2 Settlements; Area: 8280 Square Miles; Total Population: 131580

  • Char Theocracy; Capital: Lizex; Ruling Culture: Lothian; 3 Settlements; Area: 8120 Square Miles; Total Population: 110353

  • Principality of Sungulf; Capital: Silcairn; Ruling Culture: Anor; 2 Settlements; Area: 7988 Square Miles; Total Population: 56011

  • Kingdom of Dirtstal; Capital: Faywademe; Ruling Culture: Garvfang; 3 Settlements; Area: 7944 Square Miles; Total Population: 159887

  • Protectorate of Dyong'enfe; Capital: Harvhei; Ruling Culture: Lothian; 1 Settlement; Area: 7892 Square Miles; Total Population: 141753

  • Principality of Lithrhintur; Capital: Eld-Zedhet; Ruling Culture: Lothian; 3 Settlements; Area: 7772 Square Miles; Total Population: 243354

  • Grand Duchy of Alyari; Capital: Tlind; Ruling Culture: Torvi; 3 Settlements; Area: 7568 Square Miles; Total Population: 108845

  • Principality of Heth; Capital: Ialas; Ruling Culture: Torvi; 3 Settlements; Area: 7512 Square Miles; Total Population: 118879

  • Ulus of Bulgerkhan; Capital: Khovd; Ruling Culture: Dulandir; 2 Settlements; Area: 7480 Square Miles; Total Population: 106400

  • Principality of Thvethadar; Capital: Sysarith; Ruling Culture: Eldar; 3 Settlements; Area: 7420 Square Miles; Total Population: 158334

  • Council of Boladkar; Capital: Yerynd; Ruling Culture: Zuteko; 2 Settlements; Area: 7100 Square Miles; Total Population: 129463

  • Kingdom of Blackia; Capital: Shadehold; Ruling Culture: Anor; 2 Settlements; Area: 6972 Square Miles; Total Population: 123533

  • Principality of Henyase; Capital: Afdoriath; Ruling Culture: Torvi; 4 Settlements; Area: 6404 Square Miles; Total Population: 191235

  • Grand Duchy of Mathaset; Capital: Mathaset; Ruling Culture: Torvi; 3 Settlements; Area: 6372 Square Miles; Total Population: 82749

  • Principality of Raunan; Capital: Oshlon; Ruling Culture: Eldar; 2 Settlements; Area: 6024 Square Miles; Total Population: 155062

  • Brotherhood of Ecus; Capital: Rheqas; Ruling Culture: Kovirur; 3 Settlements; Area: 5792 Square Miles; Total Population: 127189

  • Grand Duchy of Ofeneadryn; Capital: T'rir; Ruling Culture: Zuteko; 1 Settlement; Area: 5676 Square Miles; Total Population: 99222

  • Principality of Tymerwin; Capital: Thyuethyr; Ruling Culture: Zuteko; 5 Settlements; Area: 5616 Square Miles; Total Population: 132810

  • Principality of Shimburnia; Capital: Dustmeate; Ruling Culture: Anor; 1 Settlement; Area: 5544 Square Miles; Total Population: 40017

  • Protectorate of Gugh; Capital: Chebun; Ruling Culture: Kyohe; 1 Settlement; Area: 5384 Square Miles; Total Population: 40835

  • Principality of Umkarilean; Capital: Tlind; Ruling Culture: Torvi; 1 Settlement; Area: 4444 Square Miles; Total Population: 112705

  • Grand Duchy of Ustoch; Capital: Ustoch; Ruling Culture: Alaw; 2 Settlements; Area: 4444 Square Miles; Total Population: 81183

  • Grand Duchy of Telmeri; Capital: Telwenida; Ruling Culture: Zuteko; 3 Settlements; Area: 4428 Square Miles; Total Population: 72044

  • Duchy of Onari; Capital: Sherion; Ruling Culture: Torvi; 1 Settlement; Area: 4276 Square Miles; Total Population: 127267

  • Principality of Lirianfe; Capital: Lirianfe; Ruling Culture: Torvi; 1 Settlement; Area: 4200 Square Miles; Total Population: 61721

  • Grand Duchy of Dedh; Capital: Fethugausthu; Ruling Culture: Lothian; 1 Settlement; Area: 4084 Square Miles; Total Population: 70762

  • Lefsenan Theocracy; Capital: Yethlas; Ruling Culture: Eldar; 1 Settlement; Area: 3720 Square Miles; Total Population: 67870

  • Protectorate of Kyath; Capital: Niquarion; Ruling Culture: Torvi; 1 Settlement; Area: 3660 Square Miles; Total Population: 70869

  • Rur Theocracy; Capital: Rur; Ruling Culture: Kyohe; 2 Settlements; Area: 3576 Square Miles; Total Population: 81527

  • Shemlar Theocracy; Capital: Insmel; Ruling Culture: Eldar; 1 Settlement; Area: 3488 Square Miles; Total Population: 99622

  • Grand Duchy of Oloma; Capital: Imnas; Ruling Culture: Eldar; 1 Settlement; Area: 3348 Square Miles; Total Population: 104285

  • Thyninhet Theocracy; Capital: Chagheida; Ruling Culture: Lothian; 2 Settlements; Area: 2808 Square Miles; Total Population: 144103

  • Duchy of Curhateria; Capital: Curde; Ruling Culture: Anor; 1 Settlement; Area: 2688 Square Miles; Total Population: 50211

  • Republic of Sahva; Capital: Umari; Ruling Culture: Torvi; 1 Settlement; Area: 2628 Square Miles; Total Population: 33963

  • Duchy of Olmka; Capital: Olmka; Ruling Culture: Torvi; 1 Settlement; Area: 2428 Square Miles; Total Population: 80383

  • Grand Duchy of Alosthas; Capital: Mathaseno; Ruling Culture: Torvi; 2 Settlements; Area: 2420 Square Miles; Total Population: 61380

  • Grand Duchy of Fladeholia; Capital: Steamburn; Ruling Culture: Anor; 1 Settlement; Area: 2332 Square Miles; Total Population: 31683

  • Duchy of Sheolana; Capital: Enemyma; Ruling Culture: Torvi; 1 Settlement; Area: 1968 Square Miles; Total Population: 46434

  • Protectorate of Goruinenatha; Capital: Bek'thil; Ruling Culture: Zuteko; 1 Settlement; Area: 1836 Square Miles; Total Population: 60049

  • Duchy of Lolth; Capital: Lolth; Ruling Culture: Zuteko; 1 Settlement; Area: 1644 Square Miles; Total Population: 55825

  • Duchy of Rylath; Capital: Thvethond; Ruling Culture: Eldar; 1 Settlement; Area: 1564 Square Miles; Total Population: 51614

  • Duchy of Freystal; Capital: Putumnrun; Ruling Culture: Anor; 1 Settlement; Area: 1544 Square Miles; Total Population: 32621

  • Protectorate of Dretheno; Capital: Ilne'a; Ruling Culture: Eldar; 1 Settlement; Area: 1504 Square Miles; Total Population: 32605

  • Duchy of Nyuer; Capital: Aethyr; Ruling Culture: Eldar; 1 Settlement; Area: 1464 Square Miles; Total Population: 27190

  • Protectorate of Aserin; Capital: Retheas; Ruling Culture: Eldar; 1 Settlement; Area: 1464 Square Miles; Total Population: 31601

  • United Provinces of Elosa; Capital: Mytheas; Ruling Culture: Torvi; 1 Settlement; Area: 1384 Square Miles; Total Population: 34529

  • Niosalolonese Marches; Capital: Ve'alas; Ruling Culture: Eldar; 1 Settlement; Area: 1380 Square Miles; Total Population: 145092

  • United Provinces of Drelathyrna; Capital: Seydanathoz; Ruling Culture: Zuteko; 1 Settlement; Area: 1380 Square Miles; Total Population: 52798

  • Duchy of Mentyr; Capital: Filran; Ruling Culture: Zuteko; 1 Settlement; Area: 1316 Square Miles; Total Population: 33468

  • Duchy of Matheipal; Capital: Edrith; Ruling Culture: Lothian; 1 Settlement; Area: 1032 Square Miles; Total Population: 69419

  • Duchy of Methyr; Capital: Himlar; Ruling Culture: Eldar; 1 Settlement; Area: 804 Square Miles; Total Population: 28274

  • Duchy of Khuld; Capital: Ghag; Ruling Culture: Uruk; 1 Settlement; Area: 804 Square Miles; Total Population: 18863

Trade and Commerce

Land is a limited resource on Gedan, maritime trade routes are crucial for transporting goods and resources between regions. Gedan’s naval powers have a distinct advantage in controlling these trade routes, influencing their economic prosperity and political influence.

Exploration and Colonization

Plurality among the nations on Gedan’s smaller land masses has stifled the drive to explore and colonize new territories across the seas. Only the strongest national powers have been able to Establish colonies and control strategic coastal regions. Gedan’s five factions have thus far surpassed the pull of nationalism by appealing to deeper core values and a unity of purpose.  They compete primarily against each other, designing networks of entangling alliances among Gedan’s nations and sponsoring transnational enterprise and academic efforts.

Naval Warfare

Naval battles and sieges are key military strategies on Gedan; ships serve as floating fortresses and weapons platforms in the naval domain. Nations with advanced naval technology and skilled sailors posess a significant advantage in Gedan’s conflicts.

Pirates and Smugglers

The importance of maritime trade and transportation would also attract pirates and smugglers who exploit the vulnerabilities of shipping routes. Dealing with piracy and smuggling would be a constant challenge for nations, requiring the presence of naval forces to maintain security and protect trade interests.

Cultural Exchange and Diplomacy

Through the sponsorship of  Gedan’s five factions, seafaring nations have taken advantage of cultural exchange with foreign lands. The many harbor cities across the Great Sea are hubs of foreign ideas, technologies, and cultural practices, shaping the development of societies and civilizations.

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A Life More Synthetic; Ancient Artisan Androids

  Adapted from Gamemastery Guide pg. 245, Starfinder 2e Playtest , and Android- Archives of Nethys Paizo has released their playtest for St...