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A polytheistic society worshipping the Seven Brass Gods. The Arians believed that a human soul was too myriad to be judged by a single god, but that instead, a being has seven souls throughout the course of their life, and each of them was afforded their own judgment by one of the seven brass gods. The Principality is a monarchy, whose leader took the title of River Prince.
Aria Nation 20
Plane: Memory
Domain: Ravia
Government: Enlightened Monarchy
Capital: Mendio
Population: 1.6 Million
Key Features
Emerging from the ancient capital of a mighty Abel Empire, the Principality of Aria occupies the most fertile and desirable lands of Ravia’s Eastern Coast.
The Counties of Aria
Bezo Barony
Formed from the most fertile lands of the ancient Abel People, The Bezo Barony commands Ravia’s most valuable coast.
Taking advantage of ancient Aber technology salvaged from the ruins of their inherited lands. Owing to their access to these lost technologies, Aria is renowned for her expert artificers. Dipping into lost stockpiles of Aber Mana Cores, the principality has integrated Mechanical soldiers and Ornithopters into their military forces.
The Principality is governed by a dynastic monarch holding the title of River Prince. A legislative body of lesser lords acts as a representative council to the River Prince; they typically draft acts the monarch ratifies into law.
These lords are the leading representatives of dyanasitc houses each appointed by River Princes throughout Aria’s history.
Aria's most popular religion is worshiping the Seven Brass Gods; Lyrunne, Shadd, Kirri, Shunddar, Sklar, Oan, and Tamir
Civic Benefits
Organization benefits are companions, equipment, and feats that become available by building your reputation in Aria.
Uncommon Civic Items
These Uncommon Items are available to the citizenry of Khiz.
Uncommon Civic Spells
The following uncommon spells are available to be taught to the citizenry of Khiz
Basic Tier Constructs
Expert Tier Constructs
Master Tier Constructs
Friends of the principality may request hired hands from the citizenry. Patrons will commission hirelings via public post; candidates will respond to individuals with a liked reputation. These Companions are expected to be provided a weekly stipend depicted on the table and generally expect a share of the spoils from a successful mission.
Allies of the Principality may request Experts from Prominent citizens. These captains of the industry will commission experts to individuals with an Admired reputation. These Companions are expected to be provided a weekly stipend depicted on the table and generally expect a share of the spoils from a successful mission.
Master Citizens
Allies of the Principality may request Exceptionally competent citizens to assist them. These captains of the industry may assist individuals with a revered reputation. These Companions are expected to be provided a weekly stipend depicted on the table and generally expect a share of the spoils from a successful mission.
Boons of Aria
These Boons represent feats and equipment characters can spend favor on as they build reputation with Aria.
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