Wednesday, July 31, 2024

From The D-List; Donar

 Adapted From- Jab's Thor; Echos of the Multiverse; Thor Odinson- Marvel Database

This submission is derived from my home game. One of my players wanted to play Thor. This presented two issues i needed to address. First I needed to change up a familiar character, so this new player would be able to develop a new story with us as opposed to pilot Chris Hemsworth at our table. Also, I needed to tune a God of Thunder down to the game’s current power level.

I know most tables typically have players build their own characters, this group is my son and some of his friends, who are relatively inexperienced role-players. I initiated game prep by asking everyone, “What kind of hero do you want to play?”; asking this question, I had predetermined that I would build whatever they came up with.  I settled on PL 10 for the first few sessions as a good place to introduce players to this system; this makes the superhero feel just right, lower levels don’t quite hit hard enough, and higher ones easily get out of hand. I don’t like saying no once I have solicited player input; rather, I find ways to say yes. That is, work out some cognitive judo to work each player’s ideas into a cohesive party to work together in a setting that's fun for me to run.

The Thor in this game will be Donar, the High German Thor, a balance of uniqueness and familiarity. Donar is an Asgardian scion from the plane of Asgard. A cosmic invader ravaged his home plane while he was still a baby. Young Donar was placed in a stellar skiff with Mjolnir at the helm and jettisoned towards Earth to escape Ragnorrok, the destruction of Asgard. As a relatively young hero, Donar has yet to reach his full strength, and he will likely grow into formidable powers.

Character 10




Donar is the God of Thunder, a member of the race known as the Asgardians, a descendant people of the Celestials. Donar is the son of Wodin, the All-Father and former King of Asgard.  Armed with his enchanted Uru hammer, Mjolnir, which helps him channel godly energies, he strives to prove himself worthy of being the last son of Asgard. 

Donar was saved from the destruction of the realm by ravening Grixic hordes. Jettisoned to the earth in his soul cradle, he carried the data runes of his people with him. Donar’s cradle was set down along the Nova Scotian coast, where he was discovered by a fisherman who adopted Donar into his family.


STR 9(3), AGI 2, FGT 7(3), AWR 3, STA 10(3), DEX 1, INT 2, PRE 4(3)


Dodge 5(3); Fortitude 10; Parry 7;Toughness10 ; Will 6(3)


Acrobatics 2(0); Athletics 9(0); Close Combat (Mjolnir) 9(2); Deception 4(0); Expertise (Asgard) 6(4); Expertise (History) 4(2);Insight 7(4); Intimidation 10(6); Investigation 3(0); Perception 5(2); Persuasion 6(2); Ranged Combat (Mjolnir) ; Slight of Hand 1(0); Stealth 2(0); Technology 2(0) ; Treatment 8(6); Vehicles 1(0)


Accurate Attack,  All-Out Attack, Attractive, Diehard, Fearless, Great Endurance, Improved Critical (Hammer) 2, Improved Smash, Interpose, Last Stand, Power Attack, Startle, Takedown 2, 



Donar possesses a number of superhuman attributes common among the Asgardians. 

Heritage Power Array

Asgardian Constitution

Asgardian muscle and bone structure forms in denser clusters than in humans. Driving them to greater feats of endurance, durability and stamina

Enhanced Stamina 7

Asgardian Durability

Asgardian cellular structure provides their bodies with a measure of self-sufficiency, making their bodies immune to the ravages of time, starvation, and thirst. They are also resilient to suffocation and poison exposure.

Aging, Starvation, Thirst, Heat, Cold, Disease, and Fatigue  Immunity; Drowning, Suffocation, Poison, and Pressure Resistance

Asgardian Strength

Donar's advanced musculature is significantly more efficient than a human's, granting him strength far beyond human limitations. This allows him to perform feats of incredible power, such as lifting literal tons, striking with devastating force, and leaping great distances. 

Enhanced Strength 6

Asgardian Charisma

Donar's Asgardian physiology contributes to an imposing and attractive physique, which, coupled with his divine heritage, can enhance his presence in social situations. This can make him naturally persuasive and influential, drawing the attention and respect of others.

Enhanced Presence 1

Asgardian Restoration

Donar is not invulnerable to all harm, and it is possible to injure him. However, due to Donar’s Asgardian physiology, he can heal from most injuries much faster than a human being could. 

 Regeneration 2

Master Combatant

Trained via data runes in the arts of war, Donar is a highly skilled warrior who is proficient with most Asgardian weaponry.

Enhanced Fighting 4


Mjolnir (literally, "grinder" as in "grindstone", cf. "meal" to "Mjöl") is the enchanted hammer wielded by the Asgardian, Donar, the Lord of Thunder. The Uru hammer grants him many of his powers and abilities. Forged by Eitri and the Dwarves of Nidavellir in the heart of a dying star. Mjolnir is enchanted, so it can only be wielded by those who are deemed "worthy" 

Indestructible Magic Device.

Worthiness Enchantment

This enchantment surrounding Mjolnir prevents it from being wielded by anyone save those who have been found worthy. Mjolnir cannot be lifted from the ground or wrested from Donar’s grip. Only those who are deemed worthy can wield Mjolnir's powers. 

Weather Control

Wielding Mjolnir grants Donar the ability to control the base elements of a storm, i.e., rain, wind, thunder, ice, snow, and more.

Environment Control (Impede Movement, Visibility) 6

Mjolnir Attacks

With Mjolnir, its wielder can project powerful attackcs ranging from mystical beams of energy to Earth-shattering blows. 

Attack power with 5 Alternate Effects


Mjolnir is capable of channeling different amounts of his godly energies. These energies can be channeled into a single cosmic energy beam known as the God-Blast, which can kill even immortals.

 120ft Line Area Cosmic Damage 5

Alternate Effect- Lightning Blast

Mjolnir is capable of directing bolts of lighting down on targets from above.

Improved Critical 2, Penatrating 6 Indirect(from Above) Electricity Blast 4

Alternate Effect- Hammer Strike

Mjolnir augments their wielder’s natural swing by compounding their force into the head of the hammer, striking a target many times more forcefully than the arm alone can project.

STR Based (15) Penetrating Bludgeoning Damage 5

Alternate Effect- Hammer Throw

Mjolnir’s wielder can throw the hammer at foes. The hammer then propels towards the target or targets, then returns to the worthy wielder.

Multiattack, Penetrating, Bludgeoning Blast 6

Alternate Effect- Spin Shield

By spinning Mjolnir at a high rate of speed, Donar can deflect, reflect, and redirect incoming attacks that pass within close range of him.

Close range, Reflecting, Redirecting Deflection effect 10

Alternate Effect- Flight

Donar is capable of hurling Mjolnir with great force and, by holding onto the leather thong, can fly through the air at tremendous speeds. 

Flight 10

Space Travel

Mjolnir can also pull its wielder at stellar speeds. 

Space Travel 1


Motivation (Divine Geas)- As part of Donar’s dream training through Asgardian data runes. Donar was charged to defend Midgard as his father, Woden’s representative.

Motivation (Asgardian Protector)- Donar is particularly weary of extra-planar incursions. He will investigate any emergent planar technologies with suspicion and caution.

Monday, July 22, 2024

What To Do With a Fallen Mastermind: Dabi

Adapted From-Dabi- My Hero Academia Wiki

I recently ran a Mutants and Masterminds game in which I built a character for a player with Plasma Manipulation powers. Supernova is in his late teens or early twenties, a young hero descended from a line of Fire Manipulators. Hearing my player Flesh out their backstory immediately made me think of the Todoroki brothers from My Hero Academia. 

Dabi was a background manipulator and one of the series’ primary antagonists. I made this conversion part of developing Supernova; I think I will make a few derivative characters from the Dabi build. I like the complex motivation behind this character, and the idea of a street-level revolt against the Earth’s mightiest heroes sounds like a fun campaign.

Dabi Character 11





Dabi, real name Toya Todoroki, is the eldest son of the Pro Hero Endeavor. He was driven insane due to his neglectful and selfish actions and became a villain to enact revenge. Dabi is a lieutenant in the Paranormal Liberation Front. His work involves fighting heroes, causing destruction, and furthering the goals of these villainous organizations.


Dabi is generally stoic, aloof, and enjoys taunting his enemies. He is driven by vengeance and a deep-seated hatred for his father and the hero society. He is also pragmatic, sadistic, and willing to cause collateral damage.


Destroy his father's (Endeavor's) reputation and inflict pain on him. This includes revealing Endeavor's abusive past and targeting his family.

Destroy the superhuman society and expose the hypocrisy of heroes, aligning with Stain's ideology.

Dabi is highly invested in his goals, demonstrating a solid commitment to his villainous occupation and beliefs. He is willing to endure pain and even risk his life to achieve his objectives


Dabi is a tall, slim, yet muscular young man with spiky white hair, turquoise eyes, and severe burn scars covering much of his body. These scars, resulting from his fire Quirk, are a patchwork of gnarled, wrinkled purple skin held together by staples and piercings. He has several piercings and lacks earlobes. After the Final War, Dabi's body was severely damaged due to overuse of his Quirk. He is now kept alive in a life support system, with only his restored eyes and jaw visible.


































Slight of Hand








Close Combat (Unarmed)












Expertise (Hero Culture)


Ranged Combat (Blueflame)







All-Out Attack, Benefit (Paranormal Liberation Front 3, Lieutenant), Chokehold, Defensive Roll,2, Improved Critical (Blueflame) 2, Seize Initiative

Equipment 1

Nomex Uniform 
Dabi’s uniform is made of Nomex, a flame-retardant material. This uniform grants Dabi heat resistance, Immunity (Resistance) to Heat Effects 5



Dabi has a practical handle on his powerful yet hazardous Quirk, which not only grants him control over his self-generated blue flames that are stronger than normal flames (which increase in temperature due to his hatred towards his father) but also proficient wide-range capabilities. Dabi primarily fights from a distance, shooting fireballs, generating flamethrower attacks, and releasing bursts of fire at close range. Dabi's Quirk allows him to generate and control highly destructive blue flames from his body. Originally orange and red, his Quirk turned blue after going through a growth sprout. He has very well-developed control of his flames and can project them far from himself and in large amounts. Furthermore, his flames possess greater firepower than his father, Endeavor's, Hellflame Quirk, and they become even stronger when Dabi feels strong emotions. However, Dabi's body has a low tolerance for his flames due to inheriting his mother's resistance to freezing temperatures rather than his father's resistance to high heat, and he will get burned if he uses them for prolonged periods. It can also be very fatal if he increases the temperature to its highest.

 Fire Power Array 1 Base Power with 6 Alternate Effects

Base Effect- Vanishing Fist

Dabi creates a giant fist of fire and then launches it at an opponent. Dabi exploded his right arm to perform this Ultimate Move. STR Based Fire Damage 13 (11)

Alternate Effect- Prominence Burn

This attack allows Dabi to launch a massive, concentrated beam of fire from his entire body that can vaporize his target. Dabi nearly used this move at full power against Endeavor but was intercepted by the sudden arrival of Best Jeanist on the battlefield. With this move, Dabi reaches the peak of speed and temperature. 120ft Cone Fire Damage 7

Alternate Effect- Phosphor

Dabi copies Shoto's Ultimate Move, originally designed to combine his fire and ice into one attack, and instead uses it to reinvigorate himself and his flames after attempting to be cooled down by Shoto Energizing, Restorative Healing with Personal Range 7

Alternate Effect - Hell Spider

Dabi shoots streams of fire from his fingertips, scorching his opponents. Unlike his father, Dabi performs this with less care and precision and on a larger scale. Multiattack Fire Blast 7

Alternate Effect- Flame Flight

Focusing the Bluelame through his hands and feet, Dabi can propel himself through the air with tremendous speed Fire Flight 10

Alternate Effect- Jet Burn

This attack allows Dabi to shoot out a blast of fire at his desired target. This attack is quite powerful, as it was shown to wound Shoto, knocking him unconscious critically. Dabi used the move against his youngest brother during the war against the Paranormal Liberation Front. Unlike his father, Dabi only shoots his fire rather than making direct contact with his opponent.[19] However, during the Final War, Dabi uses it again against Shoto, this time in a punching form, similar to his father. 120 ft Line Fire Damage 7

Alternate Effect- Flashfire

Endeavor's signature technique was later passed down to Dabi himself. Dabi raises his fire's temperature to its highest level, maximizing his power. Doing so, Dabi can unleash devastating flame attacks or increase his speed dramatically. 60ft Burst Fire Damage 7

Cold Resistance

Dabi is resistant to extreme cold or ice-based attacks, a trait he inherited from his mother. This impermeability gave Dabi an advantage during his fights with Geten and Shoto. Immunity (Resistance) to Cold Effects 5

Rigorous Upbringing

Having been trained by his father, Endeavor, at a young age and undergoing rigorous self-training, Dabi has proven to be a powerful villain, one of the most vital members of the League of Villains' Vanguard Action Squad, as well as its de facto leader. After joining the League, Dabi killed over thirty people, garnering a reputation as a dangerous criminal and a mass murderer.

Pain Immunity

Dabi's immolation as a child had caused severe damage to his body and nervous system, to the point where it is now difficult for his body to detect pain. This pain insensitivity is shown when a clone of Dabi barely reacts to breaking one of his arms. This condition allows Dabi to use his Quirk freely and ignore the potentially fatal burns it inflicts on his body, allowing Dabi to persist even when his body begins to burn away. Immune to Pain, Immunity 2

Enhanced Durability

Despite his charred appearance, Dabi is fairly resilient. A noteworthy feat is that he survived being completely incinerated by his flames and spent three years comatose. Kyudai Garaki even found it amazing that Dabi could live into adulthood despite only being given a month to live with his burned and ruined body. Enhanced Stamina 4; Protection 4

Keen Intellect

Dabi is very observant of his surroundings and can quickly deduce others' intentions and weaknesses. He is skilled at psychological manipulation, often questioning the motives and morality of his enemies during combat. Dabi is also a capable strategist, as evidenced by his use of clones as decoys and his ability to exploit the limits of his opponents' Quirks. Enhanced Intellect 4

Eidetic Memory

Dabi possesses a keen eyesight that enables him to copy any moves he sees fit his needs without requiring special training. Having watched Endeavor over the years, Dabi was able to copy and utilize some of Endeavor's most powerful Ultimate Moves. Dabi's eidetic abilities were proficient enough to memorize and copy Shoto's "Phosphor," a technique that took Shoto several months of training to craft. Enhanced Awareness 2; Enhanced Insight 3, Enhanced Perception 3


Motivation (Patricidal)-

Seeing that his father Endeavor was training Toya’s younger brother to become his successor, Toya psychologically broke, taking this action that all he ever was to his father was a failed and discarded attempt at reaching his selfish ambitions. This mental breakdown caused Toya to completely abandon his old self and become Dabi, a murderous and pyromaniacal villain obsessed with ruining his father's reputation and paying him back for all the suffering he went through

Power Loss-

Dabi's powers will not work in a vacuum or under much pressure from water or other fire-retardant substances.

Power Vulnerability—

Dabi's body has a low tolerance for his flames due to inheriting his mother's resistance to freezing temperatures rather than his father's resistance to high heat. He will get burned if he uses them for prolonged periods, and it can also be very fatal if he increases the temperature to its highest.

Plot Hooks

  • Unfinished Family Business: Dabi's vendetta against Endeavor and his family isn't fully resolved. He could resurface to further torment his father or target his siblings.

  • Loose End for the League/Front: Despite the downfall of the Paranormal Liberation Front, Dabi's fate is uncertain. He could be in hiding, plotting a new attack, or seeking to rebuild the organization.

  • Hero Society's Critic: Dabi's broadcast exposed the dark side of hero society. He could become a symbol for anti-hero sentiment, inspiring others to question and challenge the status quo.

  • Exploiting Dabi's Knowledge: Dabi possesses insider knowledge about heroes and villains. This information could be valuable to other parties, leading to attempts to capture or recruit him.

  • Internal Conflict: Dabi's single-minded pursuit of vengeance has taken a toll on him physically and mentally. This could lead to internal conflict, self-destructive behavior, or a reevaluation of his goals.

  • Unlikely Alliance: Dabi could ally with other villains or anti-hero figures who share his goals. This could lead to unexpected team-ups and new threats to hero society.

  • A Flicker of Hope: Despite his destructive actions and deep-seated hatred, Dabi's backstory reveals a vulnerable and damaged individual. Perhaps a spark of his former self—the young boy who wanted to be a hero—still exists within him. This could be triggered by a specific event or encounter, leading him to question his path and consider the possibility of redemption.This could involve:

  • A Change of Heart: Witnessing the genuine heroism of others, especially those who have also suffered, could cause Dabi to reevaluate his nihilistic worldview.

  • Reaching Out: A family member, former friend, or even a perceived enemy could extend an olive branch, offering Dabi a chance to heal and make amends.

  • Inner Turmoil: Dabi's physical and mental state continues to deteriorate. This could force him to confront the consequences of his actions and seek a different path.

  • Atonement: Dabi could actively work to undo some of the damage he has caused, demonstrating a genuine desire to change.

A Life More Synthetic; Ancient Artisan Androids

  Adapted from Gamemastery Guide pg. 245, Starfinder 2e Playtest , and Android- Archives of Nethys Paizo has released their playtest for St...