Thursday, October 3, 2024

A Life More Synthetic; Ancient Polyglot Androids

 Adapted from Starfinder 2e Playtest, and Android- Archives of Nethys

Paizo has released their playtest for Starfinder 2e. I will use the new setting to convert elements into my derivative setting for a West Marches campaign.

An ancient civilization created your body, and your anatomy is forged from obsolete technology that continues to function through a combination of enduring nanites and your own willpower. 

Ancient Polyglot Android Android Heritage

You were preprogrammed with a multitude of linguistic proficiencies, likely to act as a translator. You learn two new languages, chosen from common languages and any uncommon languages you have access to. These languages take the same form (signed or spoken) as your other languages. If you select the Multilingual feat, you learn three new languages instead of two.


With their impressive linguistic capabilities, Polyglot Androids play a crucial role in bridging communication gaps between diverse cultures and species. They often serve as:

Diplomats and Intermediaries: Facilitating negotiations and fostering understanding between different groups.

Guides and Translators: Helping travelers and explorers navigate unfamiliar territories and cultures.

Scholars and Archivists: Preserving and translating ancient texts and languages.

Their artificial nature allows them to approach social interactions objectively and efficiently, making them valuable assets in various fields. However, due to their non-organic nature, they may also face prejudice and misunderstanding.

Ancient Polyglot Androids in Adventuring

  • The Lost Tongue: The PCs encounter a mysterious artifact or inscription written in an unknown language. They must seek out ancient texts or forgotten scholars to decipher the language and uncover its secrets, which could lead to hidden treasures, lost civilizations, or powerful knowledge.

  • The Diplomatic Mission: The PCs are called upon to act as intermediaries in a delicate negotiation between two warring factions or cultures. They must navigate complex cultural differences and language barriers to broker a peace agreement and prevent further bloodshed.

  • The Cultural Exchange: The PCs are invited to participate in a cultural exchange program with a previously isolated society. They must learn the customs, traditions, and language of this new culture, fostering understanding and building bridges between different worlds.

  • The Ancient Archives: The PCs discover a hidden archive containing ancient texts and records written in a multitude of languages. They must translate and analyze these documents, uncovering forgotten histories, lost technologies, or clues to a long-forgotten mystery.

  • The Misunderstood Message: A crucial message has been mistranslated, leading to a diplomatic crisis or impending conflict. The PCs must identify the error, correct the translation, and prevent a disastrous misunderstanding.

  • The Universal Translator Malfunction: A vital piece of technology, such as a universal translator, malfunctions, leaving the PCs stranded in a foreign culture without the ability to communicate. They must rely on their linguistic skills and cultural knowledge to navigate the situation and find a way to repair the device.

Elite | Normal | Weak

Proficiency without Level


Creature -1

Legacy Content

N Medium Human Humanoid 

Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 240

Perception +4

Languages Common

Skills Academia Lore +14, Diplomacy +7, Intimidation +5, one additional Lore +14

Str +0, Dex +0, Con -1, Int +4, Wis +2, Cha +3

Font of Knowledge The teacher can attempt to Recall Knowledge on any general subject with a +10 modifier.

Inspirational Presence (aura, emotion, mental) 50 feet. Any of the teacher's students in the aura gains a +1 circumstance bonus to Recall Knowledge.

Items cane (functions as staff), textbook, writing set

AC 12; Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +6

HP 5

Speed 25 feet

Melee [one-action] cane +4 [-1/-6] (two-hand d8), Damage 1d4 bludgeoning

Ancient Translator Scholar -1







Android translators are ancient constructs that facilitate communication between different cultures and species. They possess a vast knowledge of languages and can quickly learn new ones. Often, these androids serve as intermediaries, diplomats, or guides, helping to bridge linguistic and cultural divides. Their artificial nature grants them a unique perspective, allowing them to navigate complex social situations objectively and efficiently.

Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 13

Unspecific Lore: DC 11

Specific Lore: DC 8

Perception: +4; Low-Light Vision

Languages Common and Three Other Languages

Skills Academia Lore +14, Diplomacy +7, Intimidation +5, one additional Lore +14

Str +0, Dex +0, Con -1, Int +4, Wis +2, Cha +3

Font of Knowledge: The translator can attempt to Recall Knowledge on any general subject with a +10 modifier.

Items: Smartphone, Baton

AC 12; Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +6

HP 5

Speed 25 feet

Melee [one-action] Baton +4 [-1/-6] (Analog, Finesse, Parry), Damage 1d4 bludgeoning


Ancient Translators in the Alcyon Sector

  • Offering Repairs and Upgrades to gear, especially older or obscure tech

  • Sharing Knowledge and Lore about ancient civilizations, forgotten technologies, or hidden locations

  • Providing Quests and Challenges such as retrieving lost artifacts, repairing ancient machinery, or solving technical puzzles

  • Acting as Guides or Mentors, particularly for characters interested in technology, crafting, or programming

  • Becoming Allies or Companions if they share common goals or interests with the PCs

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

A Chosen People; The Ascendant Conclave

   Adapted from Those Who Become - Starfinder Wiki 

The Ascendant Conclave is one of the two major factions of anacites of the planet Matopouko. They believe the anacites' ultimate destiny is to become like their mythic progenitors, the Matodons, and colonize new worlds through the galaxy. They are opposed in this endeavor by the other major faction of anacites known as The Heritors Conclave, who are content to upgrade themselves and stockpile resources in preparation of the ultimate return of the Matodons. In order to become more like the Matodons, The Ascendant send seedships to new worlds. They wield considerable economic power, as they control numerous mining operations in the Midnight Trenches, and control anacite corporations such as Automatrix Robotics, who build nonsentient starship AIs and servitor bots that are widely sold. They also regularly hire offworlders to explore the ancient cities of the Matodons on Matopouko (that anacites are forbidden to enter) in order to recover clues about the identity of the Matodons and their goals.

Ascendant Conclave

Those Who Become who see themselves as successors to the Matodons are destined to grow and colonize other worlds in the same manner.

Since the advent of the Drift, members of the Acsendant Conclave have deployed dozens of starships into the depths of the uncharted Vast. These ships contained automated forges to build both anacites and foundry crèches to construct androids. While some of these robotic seedships report back to Matopouko and continue to send updates, others have disappeared entirely. Few expeditions were mounted to investigate the disappearances of these fleets,  The Acsendant being more interested in constructing new ships than discovering what

happened to their previous assets. Recently, the Cartographer’s Guild, under direction from its new Prime Surveyor, has entered negotiations with Those Who Become to gain access to a list of missing seedships and transmission logs—a veritable gold mine of exploration sites.


Anacite Common Ancestry




Anacites form the core of the Ascendant Conclave, driving its pursuit of technological advancement and resource accumulation. They hold various roles within the Conclave, including leadership positions, engineers, researchers, miners, and security personnel, and are responsible for maintaining the Conclave's infrastructure, managing its resources, and carrying out its agenda.

Android Common Ancestry




Androids in the Ascendant Conclave are likely to be treated as tools and servants, working alongside Anacites to achieve the Conclave's goals. They might be involved in maintaining infrastructure, conducting research, or serving as security personnel. However, their status and level of autonomy could vary depending on their design and the Conclave's views on artificial intelligence and sentience.  





The Ascendant Conclave's pursuit of technological advancement and colonization has the potential to significantly impact society by driving innovation, expanding knowledge, and potentially creating new societies and cultures. Their focus on becoming like the First Ones suggests a desire for not just technological, but also social and cultural evolution. However, their actions could also lead to conflict with other factions and raise ethical concerns about the potential exploitation of resources and indigenous populations on new worlds. 

Adventuring with the Ascendant Conclave

  • Investigating the disappearances of seedships sent out by the Ascendant Conclave. This could lead players on a thrilling journey into the Vast, encountering unknown dangers and uncovering the fate of these lost vessels.

  • Uncovering the secrets of the Matodon city of Boundless. Players could explore the vast underground vaults, investigate the connection to the plane of Axis, or even awaken the city itself if it is indeed a robotic entity.

  • Protecting the Frozen Nelumbo Ice Well from anacite attacks. Players could join forces with the Ghorans and Xenowardens to defend this unique organic settlement and preserve its biodiversity.

Secrets of the Conclave

  • Secret Matodon Alliance: A faction within the Ascendant Conclave has secretly established communication with the Matodons and is receiving guidance or instructions, possibly even serving as their agents to further their mysterious goals.

  • Illicit Technology Trade: The Conclave is secretly involved in the illegal trade of advanced Matodon technology or artifacts, potentially fueling conflicts or empowering dangerous factions across the galaxy.

  • Forced Assimilation: The Conclave's desire to become like the Matodons has led them to experiment with forced assimilation of organic beings, attempting to merge them with technology or alter their genetic makeup.

  • Hidden Agenda: The Conclave's leadership harbors a hidden agenda that goes beyond colonization and technological advancement, such as achieving godhood, controlling the galaxy, or even destroying all organic life.

  • Internal Power Struggle: A power struggle is brewing within the Conclave, with different factions vying for control and pursuing conflicting goals, potentially leading to a schism or a civil war.

Faction Benefits

Organization benefits are companions, equipment, and feats that become available by building your reputation with the Heritors.

Uncommon Civic Items

These Uncommon Items are available to members and allies of the Heritors Conclave.





Uncommon Civic Spells

The following uncommon spells are available to be taught to members and allies of the Heritors Conclave.









Friends of the conclave may hire on members of the faction. Patrons will commission hirelings via public post; candidates will respond to individuals with a liked reputation. These Companions are expected to be provided a weekly stipend depicted on the table and generally expect a share of the spoils from a successful mission.





Ancient Translator

Android Scholar


80 cr

Legacy Porter

Android Laborer


200 cr

Ancient Programmer

Android Tradesperson


1200 cr


Allies of the conclave may request Expert employees from among the Heritors. These industry captains will commission experts to individuals with an Admired reputation. These Companions are expected to be provided a weekly stipend depicted on the table and generally expect a share of the spoils from a successful mission.




Wage per Week

Boons of Heritor Conclave

These Boons represent feats and equipment characters can spend favor on as they build reputation with the Heritors Conclave







Conclave Hirelings




1 Favor

Uncommon Conclave Items




1 Favor

Uncommon Conclave Blueprints




2 Favor

Uncommon Conclave Spells


Spell Access


2 Favor

Expert Companions




3 Favor

Enemies of the Conclave

The Conclave will expend greater resources to go after enemies based on how much venom those adversaries have earned. Hated characters can expect up to Moderate encounters with conclave bands when they travel in Conclave teritory.  Hunted characters can expect extreme encounters with Conclave-commissioned parties when they travel near Conclave Territory. The Conclave will pursue Hunted foes across the Memory System with up to Severe encounters with soldiers or bounty hunters.

A Life More Synthetic; Ancient Polyglot Androids

  Adapted from Starfinder 2e Playtest , and Android- Archives of Nethys Paizo has released their playtest for Starfinder 2e. I will use the...