Sunday, September 29, 2024

A Chosen People; The Heritor's Conclave

  Adapted from Those Who Wait - Starfinder Wiki 

The Heritors are one of the two major factions of anacites living on the planet Matopouko in the Foundry system. The group persists in enhancing their capabilities while amassing wealth and resources. Their conviction rests on the belief that the Matodons (the mythical creators of the anacites who disappeared long ago) will one day return, and all of Matopouko must be prepared to welcome them upon their arrival. They are opposed by the other major group, Ascendant, and to a lesser extent, the Builders. Those Who Wait wield considerable economic power, as they control numerous mining operations in the Midnight Trenches, and control anacite corporations such as Automatrix Robotics, who build nonsentient starship AIs and servitor bots that are widely sold. They also regularly hire offworlders to explore the ancient cities of the Matodons on Matopouko (that anacites are forbidden to enter) to recover clues about the identity of the Matodons and their goals.

Heritors’ Conclave

Those Who Wait, a group that prepares for the Matodons' return by collecting wealth and constantly upgrading themselves


Anacite Common Ancestry




Anacite members form the core of the Heritors Conclave, as the faction's beliefs and goals are deeply rooted in their identity as the creations of the Matodons. They are the driving force behind the Conclave's pursuit of technological advancement, resource accumulation, and preparation for the Matodons' return.

Within the Conclave, anacites hold various roles, including leadership positions, engineers, researchers, miners, and security personnel. They are responsible for maintaining the Conclave's infrastructure, managing its resources, and carrying out its agenda. Some anacites dedicate themselves to studying Matodon technology and history, hoping to unlock the secrets of their creators and ensure a grand welcome upon their return.

Driven by their unwavering belief in the Matodons' superiority, anacites within the Conclave strive to emulate their creators' technological prowess and efficiency. They view themselves as the rightful inheritors of Matopouko and work tirelessly to prepare the planet for the Matodons' return, firmly believing that their efforts will usher in a new era of prosperity and advancement.

Android Common Ancestry




Android members of the Heritors Conclave are fully integrated into the faction's hierarchy, driven by the same core values of self-improvement and preparation for the Matodons' return. They actively participate in the upgrade culture, constantly seeking to enhance their bodies and minds with cybernetics and augmentations. Androids within the Conclave hold diverse roles, contributing their skills and expertise to the faction's goals. They may serve as engineers, researchers, strategists, or even combatants, working alongside anacites to further the Conclave's agenda. While some androids may initially join the Heritors Conclave seeking acceptance and a sense of belonging, they ultimately embrace the faction's philosophy and contribute to its vision of a technologically advanced future. 




Eternity Landmark

A large camp of Heritors is situated right outside of the Matodon city of Eternity, filled with anacites craving any information about their progenitors from inside the city. Because of this, adventurers and mercenaries from across the galaxy who are looking for work know that they can find a job in Eternity. However, such employment doesn’t grant an easy payday, as the city contains a multitude of deadly traps and powerful constructs ready to fend off intruders.

Infinite Landmark

Pre-Gap records show Infinity, a city of the Matodons, in a slightly different location than it is today. Scholars posit that during the Gap, the city was moved (or perhaps moved itself) in response to some unknown calamity. A perfectly semispherical crater can be found to the east where the city once stood. During the daytime hours, the crater is a bubbling pool of molten lead, but when night falls, the lead cools and solidifies. Researchers interested in the legacy of the Matodons enthusiastically study the region in the hopes of unearthing some information about the city’s relocation, but none have managed to come up with anything beyond theories. Devoted members of Heritors Conclave have turned the crater into a kind of holy site, and some of the more resilient anacites actively bathe in the molten lead, spending the night hours fused into the cooled metal as part of a contemplative ritual before emerging when the lead melts

during the daytime hours.

Midnight Trenches Landmark

Beneath the rocky surface of Matopouko is a treasure trove of precious metals. Normally rare adamantine is plentiful here, while other precious starmetals such as djezet and siccatite are commonplace. Digging robots and enormous excavating

behemoths long ago carved out the primary tunnels of the Midnight Trenches. Today, every worthwhile vein of precious ore is in a branching tunnel, with some secondary and tertiary tunnels no wider than 5 feet. In ages past, the factions of Matopouko worked in relative harmony to secure resources from the plentiful Midnight Trenches, but with the increased need of precious metals, unity has disappeared. Instead, the

Midnight Trenches are now an ongoing war zone, conveniently located just under the planet’s surface. Dozens of factions, including corporations and members of The Ascendent Conclave and The Heritors Conclave, engage in close-quarters hit-and-run battles against one another. These commando operations work to disrupt the mining of opposing forces within the trenches. Because of the ceaseless conflicts, adventurers

and mercenaries alike can find work assaulting or protecting mining operations within the Midnight Trenches. To entice the best of the best, contracts within the Midnight Trenches are confidential, and working for one faction does not preclude an individual or group from working for a new faction once a contract expires.


Communication among Heritors often prioritizes logic, efficiency, and data-driven arguments. Emotional expression may be seen as inefficient or unnecessary, leading to a focus on objective reasoning and problem-solving.

Social standing among the Heritors is influenced by the level of one's upgrades, wealth, and contributions to the Conclave's goals. This can create a stratified society where those with greater resources and technological advancements hold higher positions of authority and influence. Placing a strong emphasis on accumulating wealth and resources, the Heritors believe it is essential to welcome the Matodons properly. This can manifest as a competitive drive for material possessions and a focus on economic power.

Heritors constantly seek to enhance their bodies and minds with cybernetics, augmentations, and software upgrades. This drive for self-improvement is a core value, reflecting their belief in preparing for the Matodons' return. Regular maintenance along with these upgrades are seen as sacred acts, reflecting reverence for the Matodons' craftsmanship. These practices involve communal gatherings, specialized rituals, and a focus on preserving the integrity of their bodies and technology.

Adventuring for the Heritors

  • Navigating the dangers of the Midnight Trenches. Players could become mercenaries, working for various factions in the ongoing conflict over precious metals, or they could seek their own fortune by mining for valuable resources.

  • Unraveling the mystery of the Last One in Endeavor. Players could investigate the enigmatic director of Resonant Technologies, uncovering their true identity and motives, while navigating the dangers of corporate espionage. 

  • Explore the Matodons' City of Eternity: The Heritors Conclave will hire adventurers and mercenaries to explore the Matodons' City of Eternity and bring back any information or artifacts they can find.

  • Protect Mining Operations in the Midnight Trenches: The Heritors Conclave controls numerous mining operations in the Midnight Trenches and they will hire adventurers and mercenaries to protect these operations from rival factions.

  • Recover Ancient Matodon Relics: The Heritors Conclave believes that the Matodons will one day return and that all of Matopouko must be prepared to welcome them upon their arrival. They will hire adventurers and mercenaries to recover ancient Matodon relics that can be used to learn more about the Matodons and their technology.

Secrets of Matopouko

  • The Xeno Pact: The Heritors Conclave and the Xeno Wardens both share a focus on preservation. They share a goal in preseveing elements of the status quo.  While the Xenowardens are typically wary of androids and other constructs, they may see the Heritors' technological prowess and dedication to order as valuable assets in defending against potential invasions or incursions. The Conclave, in turn, could gain access to the Xenowardens' vast resources and intelligence networks.

  • Forbidden research: They might be conducting forbidden experiments or research into Matodon technology, potentially with dangerous consequences.

Faction Benefits

Organization benefits are companions, equipment, and feats that become available by building your reputation with the Heritors.




Friends of the conclave may hire on members of the faction. Patrons will commission hirelings via public post; candidates will respond to individuals with a liked reputation. These Companions are expected to be provided a weekly stipend depicted on the table and generally expect a share of the spoils from a successful mission.





Ancient Translator

Android Scholar


80 cr

Legacy Porter

Android Laborer


200 cr

Ancient Programmer

Android Tradesperson


1200 cr

Boons of Heritor Conclave

These Boons represent feats and equipment characters can spend favor on as they build reputation with the Heritors Conclave







Conclave Hirelings




1 Favor

Uncommon Conclave Items




1 Favor

Uncommon Conclave Blueprints




2 Favor

Uncommon Conclave Spells


Spell Access


2 Favor

Expert Companions




3 Favor

Enemies of the Conclave

The Conclave will expend greater resources to go after enemies based on how much venom those adversaries have earned. Hated characters can expect up to Moderate encounters with conclave bands when they travel in Conclave teritory.  Hunted characters can expect extreme encounters with Conclave-commissioned parties when they travel near Conclave Territory. The Conclave will pursue Hunted foes across the Memory System with up to Severe encounters with soldiers or bounty hunters.

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